It’s expo time again and Exotic Dancer is hosting its
11th annual adult industry convention at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, which I’ve heralded in past
years as a “Do not miss, put this one on your calendar early” event
for all adult industry professionals from feature entertainers and
ambitious house dancers to top night club managers and owners,
professional photographers, and adult magazine owners.
Last year I had
a fabulous time, but this year although I’ve taken an ad out in Exotic
Dancer’s Bulletin inviting adult web sites to link with mine (you are
an idiot if you don’t) and have a trade show booth with S.P.E.W.
Wrestling and the Mantour, I already have some very serious negative
feelings about this year’s Expo.
Now, don’t get me wrong, if you are a
club owner and you haven’t been to at least one of these conventions,
you are a chump and a dinosaur, who should be a prime candidate for
the glue factory, so I’m going to give you the bottom line first–go to
the next Exotic Dancer Expo at least once before either the Mothers
for a More Boring Nation close your club down or your competitors put
you out to pasture. Obviously I am a firm supporter of Exotic
Dancer–of its basic program, of its conventions, its publications, but
most of all its attempts to organize the entire adult industry. After
all, if there wasn’t an Exotic Dancer, who would there be? But this
year, the expo is at Mandalay Bay, for the third year out of four and
it’s once again at Lost Wages–so what else is new besides this thing
getting to be another walk down Boring Avenue? Serious flaws are
developing out of what is a very good thing, flaws serious enough that
can transform what can be a rock bed of support for the entire adult
industry into a termite ridden remnant of what it had once been. And
now, I’m going to really go off, and tell both the good points and the
bad. Thankfully the bad can be easily remedied. It can be a lot of fun
eliminating them, for both Exotic Dancer and the rest of us. Exotic
Dancer—are you listening? I am no longer a little voice on the
telephone. And two more things, for a more in depth review of Exotic
Dancer’s annual expos check out my article in the Looking Glass back
Issues for
September 03 and
October 2002.
and at
Second, please e-mail me your comments about what you are about to
read at
because I really do want to know if
I’m spot on or just one voice crying out into the wilderness.
I didn’t see any other magazine writers that Wednesday morning at the
club owner seminars at Mandalay Bay so I’m going to be selfish,
keeping what I have learned only
between myself and the readers of the
“Looking Glass”. Other adult magazines were either too cheap to send
its writers out to cover the seminars, its writers were out too late
getting drunk and partying, or they simply didn’t give a shit about
offering good quality content. With several hundred club owners and
top adult night club managers in attendance along with a number of
other adult professionals, we all got into high gear during the first
legal seminar, “The Big Cases, the Big Decisions”. For the first time
I saw Indiana Club owner, Sam Stimmel arrive late for one of the
seminars. Now Sam’s a very meticulous, very hard working, and very
professional club owner. Each year he takes in all the club owner
seminars, listening attentively to what the panelists have to say,
often taking down notes. There is a crying need for more club owners
like him.
Two club owners are on the panel with the attorneys, John Gray, owner
of Spearmint Rhino and Eric Langan of Rick’s Cabaret. The owners are
here to make sure the first amendment attorneys keep the discussion
relevant and easily understandable to the club owners in the audience.
First amendment Michael Murray from Ohio cut right to the core of what
all club owners need to be thinking about when he stated eloquently and
forcibly: "the forces of censorship have been relentlessly seeking
the annihilation of the entire adult industry by silencing all voices
of sexual expression. Freedom hangs by a thread,” he concluded.
“There will be four critical judicial appointments coming up during
the next presidential term,” Mr. Murray warned the club owners. “And
while this convention is going on celebrating freedom, the other
convention (Republican convention) is celebrating the Patriot Act.”
You can read about how the entire nation is about to step out onto a
watershed that that will end in unrelenting persecution of all those who
hold freedom dear, but nothing can quite prepare you for the impact
when it’s delivered in such clear and ominous tones. For a club owner,
hearing these attorneys speak out about the huge threats arrayed
against them by the Mothers for a More Boring Nation, has to have an
unforgettable effect upon him.
I thought about some of the club owners back home who are too arrogant
to show their sorry faces at this convention. And I thought about how
pig headed some of them are as they aid and abet government officials
who try to close their competition down.
During the legal seminar it immediately becomes clear that the
formidable forces dedicating themselves to trampling our 1st amendment
rights while closing clubs down has “divide and conquer” as their
chief strategy towards achieving its “control freak” goals. And yet,
so many club owners are falling right into their hands.
And Exotic Dancer is certainly on the right track, in its attempts to
get all these club owners together, at hosting its annual conventions,
at getting all these lawyers together for this seminar in the first
place while gathering so many club owners at one place at one time so
that they can all learn from each other and hopefully unify towards
the common good, which is to preserve at least those elements of the
adult industry that are professionally run.
Mr. Club owner, who is too conceited or too cheap to ever set foot at
one of these conventions, I despise you. You are probably one of these
guys who’s giving this industry a bad name, who’s fueling the fires of
those who want to destroy both you and the club owners who are
dedicating themselves to doing a responsible and professional job.
This seminar alone is probably worth the price of admission to the
convention, now at $319.00. Attorney Roger Diamond of California gets
down more to the real specifics of what might or might not constitute
a legal lap dance, instead being construed by a judge as an act of
prostitution. Which is food for thought for all those trying to make a
living by selling lap dances.
The next seminar’s speaker is Bob Johnson, executive director of the
Beverage Management Institute. Just a few days before the convention I
had been talking to a club owner about how so many bartenders he had
known in the business had stolen from the bar, and about what a huge
problem this posed for owners of all bars and night clubs, not just
adult club owners. Now I’m a writer and photographer, not a night club
or bar owner, but it seemed to me that Mr. Johnson made some priceless
points about how to hire the most honest bartenders and on how to best
keep bartenders honest whether or not they had a tendency to rip off
the bar. I am never going to own a bar, have never had a desire to own
a bar, and therefore have no use for Mr. Johnson’s nuggets of wisdom.
Nevertheless I found his points to be intensely interesting. Once
again I felt that those club owners who were missing this seminar were
losing out, but I suppose they know everything there is about running
a successful club, never mind the fact that most successful
businessmen in I don’t care what industry they are operating in,
belong to professional organizations, do lots of outside reading, etc
in order to improve on what they are already doing.
Our booth is strategically placed just behind most of the
Pure Talent
Agency booths, each one of which is occupied by two feature
entertainers. Our next door neighbor is Kelly Taylor and a couple of
booths down from hers is Aspen Reign’s. I’ve already written published
magazine articles on Kelly, Aspen and many of the Pure talent girls
whose booths are in the first row just inside the convention hall
doors, including K.C. Cannons, Carrie Bare, and Darien Ross. There’s
several new features among those I already know, and there are several
others I’ve shot on numerous occasions but who I’ve not put in any
hard copy adult magazines for one reason or another.
In the opposite direction in the third row of booths is the
Talent booth. There’s a couple features there as well as Eleanor, the
agency’s owner. I had already shot pictures of Dolly Mae Madison and
Summer Haze. Summer Haze is busy selling “Summer Haze glass dildos”
and other sex toys. I nearly bought one of her gleaming dildos which
I’d probably have wound up using as a drink stirrer and conversation
piece. Since our booth is within fifty feet of the Universal booth, I
often find myself stopping over there on my way back from whatever
other exhibits I’m visiting.
Since I write a lot of articles about feature entertainers and also
shoot thousands of pictures of them, being close to the Pure Talent
girls and close to the Universal Talent congregation is for me, the
premiere place to be in the entire trade show. Sure–I keep making runs
to the Red Bull booth, and once or twice hit the Anheiser Busch
watering corner, and that large spot with the stage and dancing pole
inhabited by the Spearmint Rhino dancers all have their place in the
sun, but it’s the feature entertainers who I have the biggest dealings
with. Truth is, they can help me by providing an endless supply of
good models and articles while I can return the favor by giving them
all the publicity I can, which most of them seem to really appreciate.
Two of them will become my salvation later on that night in my time of
Tonight is the Pure Talent feature showcase at Club Sapphires. I am to
shoot sixteen
feature entertainers although
Carrie Bare, one of my all
time favorites will not perform due to temporary injury. But I do
manage to get a series of shots of Carrie on one of the two large
three wheeler motorcycles in front of the Pure Talent arena. Another
girl I shoot on one of the motorcycles, this one a new feature with
Pure Talent I’ve never met before, is Bailey Rae, who for some reason
I take an instant liking to. As for Carrie Bare, what more is there to
say about her other than she’s getting better looking each time I see
her while progressing into an even better feature performer.
Not having Carrie perform at the feature showcase borders on tragedy.
At Club Sapphires Pure Talent’s given me a written order of appearance
for the sixteen features scheduled to perform. My second piece of bad
news is Bailey, who’s on this schedule but has become too sick to
The club is huge. Nevertheless, the room in which the showcase is
being held is overstuffed with people, with all the feature
entertainers from our crowd being there, most of whom are not doing
the showcase along with all the club owners and miscellaneous other
adult professionals who swell the room’s audience to more than several
hundred. I manage to get great position right on top of the stage over
towards the left side. At first glance this is a bad location to take
pictures from since it’s off center, thus not offering a direct
centerline front side shooting angle. Most photographers are kneeling
or sitting here, in the center where they will be getting in each
other’s way or directly in front of a good portion of the audience.
They will be self conscious of standing or sitting high in front of
people, which is not conducive to good shooting I decide.
My choice of a shooting position turn out to be a great decision since
much of the time the features will be turning in my direction. I have
lots of room to spare, and can even rest my elbows on the stage to
steady my camera. It doesn’t get any better than this. But it’s Tori
Blake, a feature now living in Las Vegas, who is the first to molest
me. As I stand in front of her concentrating on taking pictures, she,
uh, well, you know, she molests me as she would a customer sitting at
her stage. Later on in the showcase, Lovette will also try me out as a
human prop.
With Bailey Rae not performing there’s still fifteen feature
entertainers to shoot, with each feature doing three different sets.
It’s nearly 2 a.m. before the showcase is over, and I haven’t had a
single beer all night. I’ll have to give credit where it’s due. I
didn’t see Club Sapphires shut a single photographer down or ask for
his credentials whereas last year Club Jaguars only let several of us
shoot pictures. Jaguars had told one of my best friends, even though
he was shooting with an expensive state of the art digital SLR and
paid over $300 to attend the convention, to park his camera. And here
at Club Sapphires, most of the audience had a clear unrestricted view
of the feature performances on stage, unlike what they had to put up
with last year at Jaguar’s which had a huge staircase going up to the
club’s second floor, which although way cool, obscured the stage from
most of the audience, a stupid and expensive architectural
miscalculation. Moreover, the dressing room for the features was
spacious and comfortable which would have meant lots of room for my
laptop and extension cords had I decided to set up my digital darkroom
here in this club. Whether or not Club Sapphires can make good on its
boast of being the largest club in Las Vegas remains to be proven, but
I will give it high commendation for making us feel welcome and
providing comfortable surroundings.
So far I had been a Saint, so now that is was 2 a.m. and I had taken
my last picture, it was time to drink. Which meant–let’s all go back
to the Orchid Bar at Mandalay Bay. This was our unofficial meeting
area since sooner or later practically everyone was bound to show up
there if only for a few minutes.
Carrie Bare was one of the first conventioneers I saw as soon as we
got to the bar. Carrie is a woman for all seasons and all reasons for
not only is she a great entertainer and a terrific model and got the
cutest little figure, she’s also so likeable you’d want her for a
drinking companion even if she was a guy. Outspoken and honest,
Carrie’s the supreme cutup who will remind you of the practical joker
back in High School. For a few minutes some of the guys are here in
the bar from “Xtreme Magazine” in which I averaged two articles a
month for something like four years. Our crowd is soon joined by Tori
Blake and, Vivian West, a new Pure Talent feature who will remind you
of the girl next door.
With us is a guy from the St Louis area who lives not far from me who
I had never met before this convention. I am like a man dying of
thirst out on the Sahara Desert being offered water for the first time
in days. The beer goes down fast and smoothly. Like a bad dream our
bar closes down, but like nearly everything in Las Vegas, there’s
another one to replace it. Our new drinking establishment is within a
couple hundred yards of the Orchid Bar. What time we left the Orchid
Bar and what time we arrived at the new place is anyone’s guess, but
by this time everyone’s deserted us except for Vivian and Tori.
I suppose we could have gone club crawling after the showcase. Instead
we wound up cutting up and drinking with a couple feature entertainers
until 6:30 a.m. Tori and I had a lot to talk about since she had been
at a number of Pure Talent showcases I had shot all over the United
States. Down in Mobile, Alabama my roommate and I had driven Tori and
her sister to the owner of the Candy Store’s place where I took
pictures of three features including Tori for the Xtreme Weapons
calendar. But I didn’t care for Tori’s outfit she wore for that shoot,
and we had decided together that we’d re-shoot the pictures, and nearly
did months later at Big Al’s in Peoria.
Tori had been one of several new Pure Talent girls the year even
before that at Big Als. Big Al had wound up having two Pure Talent
feature showcases. Both Tori and the other girl were then from Reno,
and both of them showed a lot of dancing potential, especially for
newcomers. They had been equally friendly and each of them had a
certain wholesomeness about her that is very rare for a profession in
which women typically take off their clothes.
For almost a year after meeting Tori and the other new girl I never
saw the other girl again, whereas I did see a fair amount of Tori, who
had became one of my favorite features on the circuit. And then, last
year, at the Exotic Dancer Expo over at Caesar’s I ran into the other
new girl.
She was first and foremost an avid snow-boarder, who was now living in
Lake Tahoe. I suppose you might call her a ski bum since she
practically lived to enjoy the snow clad slopes. She stripped to pay
her bills and had decided to try her hand at feature entertaining for
which she seemed to be well qualified for being as good a dancer and
as great looking as she was. But the mountains won out in the end. Her
snow-boarding commitments won out over the feature showcases Pure
Talent was having and the various pageants and contests in which
features keep winning the all important titles that help them advance
their careers.
She had come to Las Vegas to see her friend Tori, who got caught up
with all her talent agency commitments with her booth, feature
showcase over at Jaguars, and the necessity to network among the
movers and shakers at the convention. Dressed in blue jeans and
wearing a Greek fisherman’s hat, Adina Winters looked part waif and
part hippy. Certainly not a feature entertainer or even a house
dancer. We wound up having dinner together that night and then Adina
went out drinking with me. Which meant her sitting patiently next to
me as I drank round after round with the others sitting around us.
Adina didn’t drink. In fact, she didn’t even eat meat. She’s a health
fanatic who keeps herself in magnificent shape, who eats Veggie
sandwiches, oatmeal and other things that are good for you while
sipping green herbal tea.
Two months later she would fly out to the St. Louis Metro East to do
photo shoots with me. We wound up rooming together at the next feature
showcase at Big Als. She’s the most unlikely stripper you’d ever meet,
a complete maverick, who’s managed to keep the same phone number for
over four years now, and who hasn’t changed her e-mail address in
years. But all of this is meant for another story at another time.
But tonight, I’d wind up turning an eager ear to Tori Blake, Adina’s
friend while Tori would prove to be a rapt listener. Tori would wind
up taking me back to the Luxor at 6:30 a.m. After all, she lives in
Vegas unlike the other features, and being as nice as she is, she was
eager to save me the walk.
And that’s just it, you wind up meeting so many nice people at these
conventions, although some of them dance without clothing on whereas
others such as myself are beadee eyed photographers who in the public
eye are no doubt having orgies all the time. Then there’s those devil
incarnate club owners out spreading the perversion it’s my job to
write about.
Let’s see....if it wasn’t for Exotic Dancer’s annual expos, Jim Hayak
would probably never have met his wife, Anne Marie, and Pure Talent
wouldn’t be what it is today. And I would never have become friends
with the owners of this agency, and because of that I probably
wouldn’t be shooting pictures of and writing articles about top stars
such as Aspen Reign and K.C. Cannons. I wouldn’t have met Vic Robinson
then G.M. over at Maximus who hired me to shoot three of its pageants
or Big Daddy, owner of Big Daddys
Cabaret who first hired me to shoot
his club at this convention a couple of years ago. I wouldn’t have met
the people who run “Xtreme Magazine” for which I wrote over fifty
magazine articles. And I never would have met Sam Stimmel, owner of
Stimmelators up in Indiana, whose guest I’ve been on numerous
occasions. And it was just outside the seminar room doors that I
introduced Big Daddy to Big Mike, the general manager of the
Lumberyard up in Des Moines. And just several weeks later Big Daddy
and Big Mike were running their first S.P.E.W. wrestling match pitting
a group of Iowa dancers against Big Daddy’s Missouri girls. Until then
the Big Daddy’s girls had been wrestling servicemen from the nearby
base at Fort Leonard Wood each weekend. Now S.P.E.W. boasts having its
own video for sale along with two other clubs in the S.P.E.W. network
with surely others to follow.
Let us never forget about all those we have met at these expos and how
much our opinions have been formulated by the things we have learned
there. Nevertheless....I see sprouting what could very well be the
seeds of the destruction of everything that Exotic Dancer has so
carefully built up.
Take the price of the rooms themselves. To stay at Mandalay Bay at
this convention costs something like 128 bucks. Yet at the exact same
time the convention was going on, I received a special price offer
from Orbitz Travel of $121.00. Which is still way too much since a
number of us stayed next door for $79.00 at the Luxor, a luxury hotel
and casino, which although Mandalay Bay Corporation claims is not as
high end as Mandalay Bay, which I feel offers accommodations equal to
or superior to what we would have had at Mandalay Bay.
Now there’s three kinds of club owners who are being offered that
$128.00 price. The first is the kind for whom cost is no object. The
second is the kind who can easily afford it, but who hates getting
ripped off, and who appreciates a good bargain when he gets one. The
third is the kind who either feels he cannot afford it or who feels he
has a lot of better things to spend his money on.
Consider also that a club owner is often paying for several rooms each
night since he might easily have his entourage along, starting with
his wife or girlfriend, then a manager or two, possibly one or more of
his club dancers and so on. It was just a handful of years back that I
was footing the bill for two dancers representing my booth in addition
to my web site designer and a club manager friend of mine all of which
left me liable to paying for three rooms. And what about the feature
entertainers? Does one really think they relish paying $128.00 a night
for their hotel rooms?
And as if isn’t bad enough, what about the Awards ceremony. Last year
it cost $89 to attend but at least you were fed at the ceremony even
though one feature entertainer friend of mine commented: “It wasn’t
even worth one dollar, let alone $89.00 for that terrible food.” And
this year when I called to tell her that food wasn’t even included but
that everyone was still being charged $89.00 she was really horrified.
I didn’t go. Instead, my roommate and I had the buffet at Mandalay Bay
for something like 23 bucks where we ate all the crab we could eat
along with our choice from among over 100 other selections.
I believe that Exotic Dancer is currently sending out signals that it
is no longer on the
side of the club owner, or of the feature
entertainer, or of most other adult industry professionals for that
matter. It is essential that Exotic Dancer be viewed as by most club
owners and other industry professionals including feature entertainers
as being on their side and going to bat for them. Certainly endorsing
a hotel that charges $128 a night for a room will not be construed by
most as acting in their best interests. Admittedly the Luxor at $79 a
room does not offer convention facilities. But the Luxor and Mandalay
Bay are both Mandalay Bay properties and lie next door to each other.
I would think an accommodation could be made in which the
conventioneers are offered rooms at the Luxor while still being able
to enjoy the convention facilities over at its sister hotel, Mandalay
And if Mandalay Bay Corporation is not willing to make this type of
arrangement with Exotic Dancer, so what? There’s plenty of other
places to go besides here. For instance, rooms go for around 75 bucks
at the Flamingo across the street from Caesar’s Palace. Etc.

Every night I went to dinner with a club owner friend of mine. We
discussed the high price of Mandalay Bay’s rooms. The club owner
suggested: “Why doesn’t Exotic Dancer host its convention again at
Palace Station? Everything is perfectly adequate there.”
“I’m bored,” I told my club owner friend. Every year it’s the same old
thing. They always have this thing in Vegas. I don’t gamble. You don’t
gamble and most club owners I know don’t gamble. And the past three
out of four years they’ve had this thing at Mandalay Bay. I don’t care
how good a thing is, if you do it often enough it gets boring. People
are going to lose interest in these conventions. Why not go back to
Reno? Have the convention there for a year, then somewhere else, say
San Francisco?”
“I agree with you, Jack, my club owner friend said. “Or why not have
it at Lake Tahoe?”
“Bingo. Lake Tahoe. Some people think it’s the ski paradise of the
world. Others say it’s Sun Valley, or Vail, or Aspen, but it’s right
up there. And there’s that awfully blue lake and Casinos. Beautiful
natural surroundings.”
“They need to bring back the excitement,” I continued. And make you
club owners think they are getting the best deals for you. Make you
think they are operating in your best interest.”
So I called Adina Winters the other night. She lives in Tahoe. “I work
in Reno,” she told me. “And they have some incredible hotel deals
there. I once stayed in a suite for something really dirt cheap like
18 dollars a night. And Tahoe would be a great place to host a
convention. There’s all kinds of great natural scenery where you can
shoot totally nude in my area.”
I checked room rates for the Palace Station Hotel in Las Vegas. On
Wednesday, September 15th, I was quoted $39.95 and $59.95 depending on
if one wanted to stay in the Tower or the Courtyard. I also checked
the web site for Harrah’s in Lake Tahoe which offers 20,000 square
feet of convention facilities with rooms going for $81.75. I would
think Exotic Dancer could better this price by getting blocks of 200
or more rooms.
So here’s my panaceas for revitalizing Exotic Dancer’s series of
annual expos. 1. Restore the confidence of club owners and other adult
industry professionals that Exotic Dancer is operating in their best
interests and that they are being listened to. This means stop booking
its conventions at the highest priced hotels. And put the awards show
into an all inclusive package at $319 or whatever so that all key
events are offered to everyone paying the entry fee to the convention.
Failure to do so sends a clear message–“We are raping you.” 2. Put a
spirit of adventure back into your Expos by offering it in different
hotels in as many different exciting cities as possible so that each
year people are going to wonder: “Where are we going next year?”
Failure to do this is like offering canned tuna for lunch 365 days out
of the year. 3. Make every effort to gain and to continue to maintain
the respect of the industry by listening to your constituents as
possible. Lastly.....and most important...DO NOT THINK I’m not a
friend of Exotic Dancer, what it has been trying to achieve, and what
it has already done to bring this industry together. Without it, there
would be a huge vacuum and really not nearly as much to look forward
to each year. For it to cease to exist or even to go into a long
downward spiral would be an event of great sadness for us all. What I
am urging is a reestablishment of what can be accomplished and the
inner dynamics of something that is fundamentally good, that is
constantly striving for new methods to improve itself.