Leech Cartoons by Jack Corbett and Scott Waggoner


Used to be that beauty and thebeast was a fairy tale. Now, it is commonplace in leech cartoons.

Cartoon of Boner and his brother the rat


Cartoon of naked stripper in hot tub

This cartoon series started not long after I finished my novel, "Death on the Wild Side". Lori Mellon, the beautiful irrepressible stripper that every man would want is the main female character in "Death on the Wild Side". while Travis is the abusive male she lives with who has saddled her with three of her five children. Scott Waggoner became my web site designer and it was Scot who came up with the character Boner, who is the abusive male in Lori's life. Later on, when we were doing our weekly cartoon series at Alphapro, Dirt took Scott Waggoner's woman abusing cartoon character, Boner, and transformed him into Bubba on the alphapro web site.  But Scott Waggoner's Boner was the first comical Travis on the Alphapro web site.


Ever notice how millions of the most beautiful women on the planet end up with men who are ugly, stupid, tyrannical, wimpy, weak---------who actually embody most of these traits? Like us you have probably wondered why. After years of study, Jack Corbett came up with the answer....an answer that refutes classic Darwin theory which you can access right here at Alpha Pro in his stunning thesis, "Goodbye Darwin"

Now take a close look at that man who's leeching off you. Do you see a resemblance between him and the Neanderthal over to the left who has a rat for his sidekick? Probably not or at least you don't see it that way.


But we do. After all we are men and we are not for one moment deluded by the "cuteness" a woman might see in a leech.   As the back of the t shirt we are selling says...."A pimp is the pond scum that lives off his woman".   Although leeches come in many sizes and colors in general we can characterize them as being primitive and ugly.     Scotty's cartoons originally characterized the leech represented by Boner as stupid, crude and oafish.   But on Sept 9, 1999 I got this image of Boner from Scot after Scot told me---"This is the real Boner.  He's pond scum.  There's nothing cute or cuddly about him.



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The Death on the Wild Side Boner Cartoons done by Dirt


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