Cartoon strips by Dirt dramatizing 'Death on the Wild Side'
Explore the 'Death on the Wild Side' series starting with Mason Oeller's work, followed by Dirt's 119 installlments with scripts by Jack Corbett
Who is an artist from Harvel, Illinois, only a few miles from Jack's farm. In cartoon strips by Dirt, do not expect to find the leech in every cartoon. The main characters are Frank Harring and Lori Mellon. In this cartoon strip Boner, as conceived and drawn by Scott Waggoner, becomes the creature of the young artist Dirt, who started doing the artwork for Jack at only 19. By this time Scotty had landed a full time position in Texas and had to step down as Jack's web master recommending young Dirt as his replacement. Having been Jack's artist for a number of months Dirt became the web master for Alpha Productions.
Meanwhile the cartoon strip came out each week, with Jack providing the script while Dirt did the art work.
But not always. Occasionally Dirt provided both the script and the artwork. For several weeks, Baron, a writer from the Pacific Northwest and a good friend of Jack's did the script and Marriah, a topless dancer friend of Jack's did two or three scripts.
In this series which ultimately encompassed over 120 strips you will see the young artist, Dirt evolve, improving with each week. But in the initial few strips Dirt didn't have a scanner. Some of the work was done by an artist employed by the server hosting the Alpha Pro web site. In the first strips Lori Mellon appears old and to be honest, ugly. Not for long as Dirt gets the tools he needs. Lori becomes what she is destined to be in the strip.
And now...for the first time everyone can experience the cartoon strip in its entirety. Now that I am web master I will get all 120 episodes up as fast as I can. As for the leech, although he is not always present he will make an appearance often. After all....the leech always leaves his trail. |