Heather Monroe the Feature entertainer Who captivated Regina's Cabaret by Jack Corbett


Introducing Heather Monroe, a dynamic feature entertainer who electrified Regina's cabaret with her captivating presence and constant motion during her performance.  

Heather Monroe feature entertainer at Regina's Cabaret


If one were to discuss new prospective feature entertainers with a club owner a couldn't miss recommendation would be Heather Monroe. On the stage she's in perpetual motion--moving so fast that the photographer can hardly track her without getting his shots blurry. She's always changing positions--one moment she's down on the platform on her stomach, then she's up on her knees, then down again, constantly turning and twisting to the music. She's very exciting to watch and when you see her perform you can't help feeling that this is the way things should be with never a dull moment.


Off the stage, she's incredibly outgoing. There's nothing fake about it either yet there's a certain coolness about her. She's sharp witted and one to crack jokes. Just look out or she might just make you the butt of them. Now don't get the wrong idea--she's not one of these sarcastic women who enjoys whittling everyone about her to shreds. It's obvious she enjoys life and would just as soon have nearby share her zest for life.


I met her at a Pure Talent Feature Showcase at Regina's in Springfield, Missouri and kept running into her at the club and in the motel close by where we were all staying. The motel had two computers next to each other with fast DSL connections and several times she'd sit next to me e-mailing her many fans, typing at around six hundred miles an hour. She was with the other features at a special photo shoot I attended and one could not help laughing at her antics. And since I was the photographer for Pure Talent for the Feature Showcase, I would often shoot pictures in the Feature dressing room as well as in the club. Heather was never boring, never distant--always at the top of her game. Pure Talent? I'd recommend them too. Before you could blink your eye..


Am I alone thinking she's that magnificent? There were over ten club owners at the Feature Talent Showcase. Heather wound up booking a whole tour. And that's before the event was even over.


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