Inside a Pure Talent
Feature Showcase
at Regina's, Springfield, Missouri.
The owners of the Pure Talent Agency flew into Missouri from
Florida to run a Feature Showcase at Regina's in Springfield featuring
top show girls and aspiring entertainers by Jack Corbett.
" Pure Talent" which won Exotic Dancer
Publication's coveted best agency
of the year award along with Continental is owned and operated by Anne
Marie and Jim Hayek, who I had become good friends with at Exotic
Dancer's Expo six years ago. Arriving at the Lamplighter Inn at six p.m.
I found that Regina's, which is part of a chain of 12 Regina's clubs was
just sixty feet from the motel, sharing the same parking lot. Tonight
would be "The Meet and Greet" at the club. Jim Hayek had advised me that
although the features wouldn't begin showcasing their talent until the
next night, I should be at the Meet and Greet" to get acquainted with
On my way to the Meet and Greet at the club, I encountered a slender
attractive brunette carrying her luggage to a room four doors down from
mine. "You must be one of the feature entertainers?" I asked her.
"I'm Heather Monroe," the woman replied.
She was all smiles and told me where she was
from and a few other things
as I introduced myself as Pure Talent's photographer for the outing. I
liked her self confident yet completely unpretentious attitude from the
At Regina's I spent an hour introducing myself to the managers,
bartenders and waitresses as I munched on chicken wings while watching
the house dancers perform. Two caught my eye, a cute blonde and a tall
brunette who seemed to float on the pole. "They know how to dance in
this place," I thought as I waited for the owners of Pure Talent and the
features to arrive.
One of my responsibilities as the Pure Talent Agency's photographer is to take
pictures in the topless club's dressing room. My work begins at a meeting the next day
at 3 p.m. in the features' dressing room which is a large room on the
first floor of the motel close to a side entrance that is only a few
yards from the club's front entrance. Anne Marie and Jim are seated at a
large round table in the center of the room going through paperwork with
the features. When most of it is finished, Anne Marie tells the features
where to be and when. Most of the features have radio station
appearances, some in the afternoon. Other features have special shows at
the club in the afternoon. Everyone of the twelve features is to perform
at the club for ten to fifteen minutes each night, Thursday through
Saturday. Then Jim Hayak takes over. "All of you who have afternoon
radio station appearances, just remember that the stations might want
you to stay late. Don't let them make you late. You will need to be in
the club at 7:45and you should be in the dressing room around 6:15 to
6:30. You will need to have your makeup all done by the time you get to
the club." Jim has a resonant voice that's meant for radio. No wonder he
used to be Exotic Dancer's M.C. for its seminars at its Las Vegas
conventions. Anne Marie and Jim complement each other perfectly, both
very professional, as one picks up where the other leaves off.
My turn now. I address the features as I pass out the Xtreme releases:
"You will definitely be in Exotic Dancer's Bulletin. Pure Talent and
Exotic Dancer have already worked that out but I'd love to get all of
you in Xtreme in front of 200,000 additional readers." Everyone of the
features signs the release. Then I notice that they are from all over
the U.S: K.C. Cannons–Texas, Raven Rains–North Carolina, Heather
Monroe–California, Chrissy Lynn Peaks–Illinois , Alexxx Love-- New
Jersey, Aspen Reign–Illinois, April Lane–Florida, Natasha Stone–Indiana,
Nikki Diamond–New Orleans, Mandi Melons–Indiana,, and Kristina
Each feature has to pay her own travel expenses, meals, and motel bill.
Each girl shakes the dice, parting with hundreds of dollars, hoping to
line up profitable gigs with the club owners they will be meeting and
performing for. There's also the publicity from radio station
appearances and everyone they will be meeting not to mention the credits
which they can use on their promos, web sites, etc. Here at Regina's,
there will be at least fifteen club owners and general managers. Since
most of the clubs are chains, it is possible for a girl to line up
several weeks work with the same organization.
Thursday night I watch the features perform for the first time. Some of
them use eye catching props and special effects. Although
she wears some
nice outfits, Heather Monroe electrifies the audience by raw dancing
ability alone. Much of the time she's down on the platform, on her back,
then switching to a belly down position, as she twists and turns to the
music. She winds it up doing pushups for the crowd. She doesn't do much
on the pole but there's no doubt in my mind that she's damn good on it.
Since I'm practically living with the features at the motel I already
know that Heather doesn't smoke and is a physical fitness fanatic.
I'm constantly running into Heather at the motel. When I'm online at one
of the two computers near the front desk, she's often on the other one
replying to e-mails from her fans, typing at what must be close to 600
miles an hour. As exciting as Heather is on the stage some of the others
are just as
spectacular. Sabrina Scott should be teaching acrobatics in
the sky to the 101st Airborne. A national gymnastics competitor, Sabrina
was a ballroom dancing instructor, became a house dancer for three
years, and started featuring only a few months ago. She does somersault
after somersault and walks from one end of the stage to the other upside
down with her feet and hands touching the platform simultaneously.
I find something to rib each feature about by
the end of the five days.
Problem is, Heather Monroe and Nikki Diamond keep dishing it back. April
Lane is one of the few exceptions. I am very impressed by the ladylike
qualities of this group of features, but April's the epitome of the
consummate lady–and incredibly photogenic. Her face a myriad of
expressions, she keeps pouring out one good performance after the other.
I like everyone of them. Each offers something a little different. Raven
Raines keeps buying packs of cigarettes from me in the dressing room or
over a 3 a.m. group dinner in the motel's restaurant
Mandy Melons is the quietest of the features. When a whole group of us
winds up sharing a large table I notice her off at the other end of the
restaurant eating alone and ask Sabrina Scott to invite her to our
table. When Mandy leaves the group someone swipes my check when I stand
up from the table to wish her goodnight. The culprit is Alexxx Love who
insists on paying for my dinner.
One of the prettiest features is Natasha
Stone. There's two
photographers in the club besides me. Michael Dunn shoots a lot for
"Score" and other magazines. The second is Trace Grundstrom, the
official photographer for Deja Vu's "Showgirls" Magazine and Exotic
Dancer's photographer of the year. One night Mike does a special photo
shoot of the features. The girls are talking and cutting up as they wait
their turns on the stage. But not Natasha, who spends a half hour
peering into a mirror getting her makeup just right. When her turn
comes, Mike has Natasha climb the pole where she seems to hang forever
by one foot (no, that's impossible). But I've got her where I want her
now and wind up kidding her for the rest of the week about how much she
enjoys making love to the mirror. In the middle of the photo shoot Nikki
Diamond's boyfriend and I take turns shooting each other's pictures
doing the pole.
I can take 450 pictures with my Canon digital camera without having to
download a single picture to my laptop. But I prefer shooting 100 to 150
pictures at a time and
downloading them to my laptop so I can show them
off to everyone. The first night my table is close to the stage where a
couple of features have joined me. The second night Jim Hayek asks me to
move to a tall bar table so four or five club owners can sit together
close to the stage. Anne Marie brings a man over to my new table who she
introduces as Scott Lindsay, General Manager at Godfather's II in
Louisville, Kentucky. The next several hours are spent working
feverishly between taking hundreds of pictures and downloading them on
the laptop as Scott and I study the latest images together. Scott
invites me to visit his Louisville club so it looks like a Kentucky
adventure's in store for me and my camera.
The last two nights the club is packed. It is hard keeping the customers
out of the pictures. Two features perform one after the other. Then it's
the house dancers' turn. I'm taking pictures of the features like crazy
with the other two photographers shooting close by. From most positions
the club's mirrors play havoc with the flashes on our cameras.
Waitresses are constantly moving around bringing drinks to the
customers. And at the wrong times customers are jumping up to cheer
their favorite performers. So everyone's getting in each other's way but
everyone is polite about it. New club owners come in and either Anne
Marie or Jim ask me to take their pictures. By this time a few house
dancers are asking for pictures and one
of the customers offers to pay
me well if I take pictures of him with his friends. I'm like a
machine...shooting two features, one after the other, then working on
their pictures with the laptop as the house dancers perform, barely
finishing in time for the next two features.
I have never been around a finer group of women than the twelve Pure Talent
women who performed at Regina's. Every club visiting the showcase winds
up booking at least one feature. And you couldn't ask for better hosts
than the Regina's crew. Particularly Paul Eubanks, the general manager
of all twelve Regina's clubs, who stayed at our motel. The man was
everywhere-- in the dressing room explaining the club rules, in a room
talking quietly with several features, or performing as the club's DJ.
Pure Talent? There's none better. You can bank on them.