(Sept 23-Oct 22)
2002 is shaping up to be a wishy washy year for
you Sign of the Balances! The plaent Veunus sees you weighing the
pros and condos of two different paramours. Unfortunately with the
Halebo comet making a quick passage thru your sin in the 3rd week and you
lose both loves. Why ou ask? Because you took too long to make
a decision and the aliens that live on the comet came and stole your
brain! Use my column wisely Libra and save yourself by using your
scales wisely and make the choice between being a Smart Ass or a Dumb Ass.
(Oct 23-Nov 21)
wouldn't goff off thinking Iwas king stinger thismonth Scorpio. The planet
Venus traverses your 7th house of luck and money the second week of the
month. It signals there're bigger bugs out there than you and they are
looking to make a meal of one of the little guys. And I can't forget that
quick passage of the International Space Station through your house of
love and sex. Keep your stinger in your pants boys and girls of the Scorpion
persuasion. Trying to do all the United Nations in one week can lead to
some very poor international relationships!
(Nov 22-Dec 21)
the arrow of love finally hits the archer right in the Ass! And it's
about time! Once again Halley's comet makes a peripheral pass by of
the 6th house of Sagitarius and puts the Archer in a rather delicate
situation. On the 7th of this month you meet the person of your
Unfortunately that means you have to get rid of all the
other Mr/Miss Perfects you have strung along. Decisions, decisions.
Take heart Sag baby, if you just make it a point to be honest with
yourself and see yourself as the player other see you as, you'll be
able to come to a conclusion to your dilemma.
(Dec 22-Jan 19)
can I say. The New Year has said that you must stay in the United States
forever because they love their goats. But never fear, a shift in
the alignment of Saturn shows that you may have a chance to travel
before the month is through. The moon shifts into your 9th house of
travel at the full cycle saying head south. Mexico it is!!! Just
remember Virgo, don't drink the water and if you decide to play with
the local indigenous species double bag it. A slight passage
of Uranus through you 3rd house of love and sex says Be
careful of your back door
(Jan 20-Feb 19)
Sign of the water bearer!!! UUUUUhhhhh yeah right! Are you sure you're
not retaining it?? The beginning of the New Year sees you all bloated
and puffy from too much booze. Did you do a Coyote Ugly on New
Year's day? Now you don't wish you'd made that resolution not to
drink so much? You'd have an arm left if you'd listened to me in the
first place!!! Before the end of the month the full moon sees you
sober and noticing the wierdos. They look familiar &; of course
they do! They're you're drinkin' buddies
P isces
(Feb 20-Mar 20)
not even spawning season yet and you're already swimming upstream
looking for some one to mate with. In this day in age don't you know the
water is pretty polluted? The moon in your sign on the 15th says you
should be going to your local bait and tackle and stocking up on little
fishy protection. You never know what's out there these days! Around the
fool…oops..full moon you might want to stay below the falls as you
might end up. Up the creek!! And there's lot's of big fishies in the big
house who'd love to make a little fishie like you their next catch.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries has been the smart sign, you will have heeded my advice and made
the resolution not to be so hard headed. The planet Mars moving through
your sign in the second week of this month sees you battling the urge
to be physical. Take it to the gym, not out on some living being. Use
your brain, not just your head. And I ain't talkin' the lower one!
Once again the full moon shoves a surprise in front of you but take a
good look at it. Is it a good surprise or a bad surprise? What kind of
bad surprise do I mean? You know
the one where the doctor takes you
into his office and says
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
the sign of the bull. This new year sees you taking the Shit out of your
sign. You get your shit together, you don't take no more shit, and you
certainly won't be shittin' on anyone. You've been a good barnyard critter
and cleaned up your act. Just be careful around that nasty old full moon.
You might get caught letting off too much methane and someone might think
you are full of shit. So be careful of what you say around the time of
full moon as you don't really know what end your shit is going to come
out of!
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
plays a prominent role in your sign this month Gemini. You finally meet
that special someone. Only problem is you don't know which side of yourself
to present. The nice you that you the person will like, or your evil twin
which you think attracts the person who's looking for the wild child.
Hold on to that darkside Gemini. Take stock of what you yourself would
want to meet. And if you decide to go with the Evil Twin
Well then
you are more schizophrenic than we thought were! Seek help as soon as
you can!!
(June 21-July 22)
the new year find you a little crabby on New Year's Day? Mercury in your
sign in the first week of the month speeds you up on a path of action.
Just make sure you make take the right path. Is the easy road looking
good cause there's someone waiting at the end of it for you? Does the
harder road look kinda tuff and maybe there ain't noone there for you?
Well do some heavy thinking, is that person at the end of the easy road
definitely the right person for you? Or is it someone you'll settle for
cause your too buried in the sand to get off yer ass and look. Think
carefully. Some times the easy road ain't the best one!
(July 23-August 22)
golden child of the Zodiac gets a kick in the ass on New Year's Day. You
wake up to find your partner's arm chewed off at the elbow!! OH NO!!!
You are the Coyote Ugly!! Now with your deflated ego the new year is not
starting out as you'd thought. The planet Pluto passing through your 4th
house for the whole month makes you take stock of all the egotistical
things you done and said in the prior year. Maybe you'll realize that
"you ain't all that and a bag of chips". It sucks being on the other end
of chewed off arm don't it? Pluto makes you see yourself as the dog you
Virgo (July 23-August 22)
you trying to kid Virgo? The first month of the new year finds you getting
caught in your own trap. You played up that person over the holidays,
telling them you were sweet and innocent so you could get into their pants!
Now with Saturn sitting comfy cosy in your 11th house you find out you
been played! You now have to make the decision wether to come clean that
you ain't as virginistic and squeaky clean as you made yourself out to
be; or take the lumps with pride and enjoy the dirty fun with your scummy
new partner.