Yamaha's fuel injected  Nouvo SX what will it be like?

As of April 8th 2012 Yamaha's released hardy any news about Yamaha's fuel injected Nouvo SX;

by Jack Corbett


After hearing "We don't know" or so many untruths from Thailand's dealers I decided take my own stab at the new bike's character.  Several weeks ago the Yamaha Nouvo SX was released in Vietnam to the accompaniment of numerous You Tube videos.  But talking to Thailand's dealers has been like trying to talk to a cocker spaniel except for the fact that the cocker spaniel is much more knowledgeable.  It's not  that cocker spaniels are bad or unwanted, it's just that they don't know much about what's lying around the next corner.  I have not found a single specimen of the Nouvo SX  in Thailand, nor have I been able to decipher very much out of what's coming out of Vietnam.  But do keep reading on as I try to make some degree of sense out of Yamaha's new flagship in the 125 c.c. class of  motorbikes with its advanced YMjet-FI fuel injection system to see how well it measures up against the venerable Yamaha Nouvo 135 c.c. Elegance and its stable mates, the Fiore and TTX.

The specifications below are for Yamaha's present model Nouvo, the water cooled 135 c.c. Elegance which has been with us for over four years, the Italian inspired Fiore, the utilitarian TTX and the up and coming Nouvo fuel injected SX.  The specifications given for the first three bikes are from brochures from a Thailand Yamaha dealership that you will find under each motorbike's descriptive web page along with its picture.  As for the new still to be released Nouvo SX, I've gotten its specs from this web page.  Mileage and range figures are only estimates based on what Yamaha claims for the Fiore and TTX that I have adjusted to reflect greater engine size. 


Above all, take all of this with a grain of salt.  I'm doing this for fun so I can later check back to see how close I got to the mark.  This is only a crap shoot. Nevertheless it should be interesting to see how accurately this crap shoot will measure up. 


Here's the four bikes in
 Yamaha's 2012 lineup. 


The 135 c.c. Nouvo Elegance
The 115 c.c Fiore
The 115 c.c. TTX
The 125 c.c. Nouvo SX

  Elegance 135

Fiore TTX Nouvo SX fuel injected
 Weight  111 kg 98 99 111 kg
Fuel capacity 4.8 4.4 4.8 4.3
Fuel economy (metric) 44 51 55.75 48
Range Metric 211.2 224.4 267.6 206.4
Fuel Economy (mpg) 103.5 120 131 113.85
Range (miles per tank) 131 139.47 166.31 128.3
Engine Size 132 113.69 113.69 124
Horsepower 11.2     10.43
Torque 10.6 Nm @ 6500 rpms     10.47 @ 6000 rpms
Under seat storage G or B
for good or bad

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