a mere 2 mile by 1/4 mile stretch of real estate has
over 2,000 bars and thousands of young beautiful willing Thai ladies |
Are you fed up with women who go for the “bad
boy”, “gangster type” male, the abusive man, or those wimps we often called
leaches because they live off women? Are you disgusted because you know you are
a decent man with a good job and that if you get married, then divorced you are
looking at losing half your assets or income in the grand toilet flushing
provided by the American judicial system? Face it, in the United States, women
have the upper hand at every corner from the dating game, through marriage, and
to the plundering of your hard earned assets by the divorce courts, and it isn’t
any better throughout the rest of the Western World in countries such as Great
Britain, Germany, Australia, and Canada. And if all of this isn’t bad enough,
thanks to fast foods and lack of exercise, 80 % of all Americans are overweight.
This means that any American male whose yardstick for sexual attractiveness has
slender as a requirement has a small dating pool to choose from. Fortunately
relief from all this hopelessness from the female quarter is available to you
just 6,000 miles away in Pattaya, Thailand which shrinks all those legends
about Bangkok making a grown man tremble into insignificance when you consider
that a mere 2 mile by 1/4 mile stretch of real estate has spawned over 2,000
bars and many thousands of young beautiful Thai ladies who are willing to do
practically anything just to meet you.
There are a number of ways to meet women in Pattaya. Just keep in mind that they
are everywhere and whereas 80 percent of all American women are overweight less
than a third of Thai women are fat. So if you prefer a slender woman, you are
going to be lucky to find just twenty out of a hundred in the U.S. and at least
67 in Thailand so if trim and slender are a requirement to you just as much as
they are to me, Thailand’s got more than 3 ½ times to choose from.
One of the best places to meet women in Pattaya are the go-go bars. One of my
favorites is Living Dolls Showcase. There’s thirty girls working the
club with around fifteen girls dancing the stage at a time. Each girl wears a
number so if a man wants to buy one of the dancers a drink all he has to do is
to tell his waitress the girl’s number. In moments the girl is seated beside
him. Even faster is to establish eye contact with one of the girls who will look
boldly back into your eyes and immediately come over to your table, which is the
way men and women should communicate, which has sadly become a lost art in this
sexually repressed nation of ours.
It takes 500-600 baht to buy a girl out of a go-go bar $($12.50-$15.00). After
the bar fine is paid you are free to stay in the club to have a couple of drinks
or leave whenever you want. From this point on the night is yours whether it’s
dinner, drinking in other clubs and bars, watching a movie, or taking your girl
straight to your hotel room.
But it really is “Up to You”, which is the popular saying in Thailand. And this
is where Thailand differs so dramatically from the Western World where men are
expected to fawn over women by asking, “Honey, where do you want to go tonight?”
Here you are the man and the decision is entirely up to you. And if you as a
Western man who has just paid a lady’s bar fine ask her: “What do you want to do
tonight?”, you are going to lose her respect forever.
I only bar fined one girl from Living Dolls Showcase. But I often took
my dates here. For one thing, there was the cute spunky little waitress who kept
giving me a great back rub as I sat next to my date while drinking a beer, an
occurrence that would often be repeated by other women in other bars. Just try
that here in the U.S. In Pattaya my dates didn’t mind. Of course I’d wind up
buying the waitress a drink but she was well worth it unlike so many American
women who think they are entitled to your buying them a drink just because they
are women.
Most of the girls one meets in the bars do not speak English very well. But it
still amazes me to have a girl I have just bar fined to follow me out of the
place and simply go with me wherever I choose to go with few questions asked.
Which now brings us to the second major type of bar—the beer bar.
Foxy Lady over on Soi Eight is typical of many beer bars. It is at Foxy Lady
where I met Som
months ago and where I would run into her again, this time while I was on a date
with Lee. Soi Eight along with the other Sois (Soi 6, Soi 7 and so on) are short
streets connecting two of the main streets that run parallel to each other in
this part of Pattaya–Beach Road and Second Road. Beach Road follows the ocean.
On one side of it is a narrow strip lined with tall palm trees. The other side
is lined with department stores, small shops, restaurants, and still more beer
bars, all of which can be found along Second Road as well. Foxy Lady is just one
of perhaps a dozen bars sharing the same roof with the side facing the street
left open. Each bar has a half dozen girls working as bartenders or as
greeters–girls who will actually come out into the street to convince male
passers by to come into their bar. Seventy-two girls seems like a lot, but not
when you consider that there’s a complex just like the one I described across
the street. Altogether I’d say there must be around five hundred girls working
in all the bars in that two block stretch called Soi 8.
Next to it is Soi 7 and a few blocks away is Soi 6 with another 500 girls. And
I’m not even counting Soi 2, 12 and 13, etc. or all the girls working the beer
bars along Second and Beach roads.
One can purchase local Thai beers at Foxy Lady and the other beer bars for just
$1.50. Often there’s a pool table close by. The beer bar girls love to shoot
pool whether against each other or the male patrons. There are games kept at
each beer bar, one of the most popular being a small frame in which two
contestants place small colored tokens until one of them wins by getting four of
his tokens in a row much like tic tac toe. The girls are quick to bring these
and other games out in order to break the ice between them and their customers.
Here in the beer bars the bar fines are just five bucks.
It was here at Foxy Lady where I spent my last night in Pattaya six months ago
with Som drinking next to me—Som, forever petite and slender, cheerful, and cool
as a cucumber. On still another night when I took Skie here after buying her out
from another beer bar, Foxy Lady was supposed to close at 1 a.m. to comply with
an unpopular city ordinance when the place simply turned down its lights, turned
off its loud music and kept going until well past 5 a.m.
Just several of the beautiful girls of Thailand
The prospect for a Thai girl of hooking up with a farang (foreigner) is
tantalizing since most of the girls working as bar girls come from impoverished
(by American standards) families. Loyalty to the family for Thais is number one.
For the Thai girl who can send home even three hundred dollars a month, this can
make all the difference to a family that makes just two hundred. This economic
necessity of life coupled with an abundance of young slender attractive women
make Pattaya the Paradise for men it is renowned for.
Like American girls, each Thai girl is different, but in general these girls are
going to pamper you. It often starts at dinner when the waitress brings you a
cold white wash cloth to wipe your face, then your hands. Your date will
typically wipe your face for you, then when her food arrives start feeding you
from her plate, often giving you two thirds of her food. And that’s just the
start, for unlike American girls who’s primary need is to be the center of
attention, Thai girls make you the center of their attention. And when you tip
your waitress or merely enter the restaurant for the first time, don’t be
surprised if she bows politely before you, which is an overt act of courtesy and
respect your Thai dates will often show you as well.
In Pattaya the sense of good natured fun the Thais call Sanuck, good bands that
play far better music than their American counterparts play, and other excellent
entertainment now overshadows the sex shows. Nevertheless over at Hooties, a
popular go-go bar on Walking Street there are entertainers who wear huge strap
on dildos which they take turns plunging remorselessly into the tender regions
of their dancing partner’s anatomy. In the next show still another girl pulls a
long string of razor blades out of her privates.
Out of all the girls I dated here, perhaps my favorite is
Lee who I bar fined
from her go-go bar at five in the afternoon. On our third date she asked me to
take her back to her bar by eleven since she had to do a special show that would
last for just five minutes. For the first time I saw her put on her dancing
clothes, then she joined a line of other dancers on the stage. Several minutes
later she was on the stage inserting a small plastic tube up her privates which
she used to propel steel pointed darts from her vaginally powered blowgun into
balloons held by male customers which she burst out of the air. And when she got
tired of playing Annie Oakley, she sat back down on the stage and calmly
proceeded to smoke a cigarette held firmly between her “other lips”.
I just got an e-mail from her several days ago telling me how she is anxiously
waiting for my return to Pattaya on March 12th. She’s a cute little thing with
the trim firm body of a world class athlete. She doesn’t smoke or drink and she
eats only about a third of her plate of food placed in front of her. She speaks
little English, less than most other bar girls I went out with, but she’s
intuitive, smart, and outgoing and behaves like a little lady when she’s not
busting balloons.
By now I’m sure I’ve aroused the anger from the American liberated
“independently minded woman” reading this, who is going to accuse Thai ladies of
being submissive. But first consider that Thailand’s hospitals are renowned for
their prowess in reinstalling men's severed sexual organs because more than a
few Thai women upon finding that their boyfriends or husbands have cheated on
them waited until their lovers fell asleep after which they cut their penises
off, then fed the severed appendages to the dog to void all chances of the
unfaithful lover regaining his sexual prowess in the emergency room. To get just
a sense of what Thai bar girls are like just
watch my video at
They are on the
whole cheerful, often terribly attractive ladies who pride themselves on being
able to empower a man’s manhood–something Western women forgot about the moment
they decided they wanted to be like men. And if empowering one’s manhood becomes
a new religion then the Mecca for this religion surely has to be Pattaya,
Toyland, the place the babes live who revel in being women.