Devin, Stimmelators dancer, Devin, was 2002 Miss Nude Galaxy
Meet Devin, the statuesque blonde and 2002 Nudes-A-Poppin Miss Nude Galaxy discovered by Jack Corbett at Stimmelators. Her striking appearance is as captivating as her title.
I met her on the telephone. Had shot pictures of two St Louis Metro East entertainers for an article for Xtreme Magazine and interviewed both girls so I turned to my old friend Sam Stimmel, owner of Stimmelators in North Webster Indiana for the third.
This had to be a very special girl, a dancer who was doing well in the club and who was using her dancing career as a springboard to a future beyond dancing, for the third girl in the article, a woman who was well along the way toward her college degree.
It was Angel who kept asking me to turn to Sam Stimmel and the Stimmelators girls. Only problem is I was not planning on getting up to northern Indiana so I couldn't shoot the pictures. "No problem," said Angel, Km's an excellent photographer and he's your friend. Neither man let me down. Km was willing to do the pictures on a moment's notice. Next call was to Sam who agreed to help me find the right girl and to let Km shoot the pictures in his club. That night an excited Sam Stimmel called me up. A few minutes later I was interviewing Devin on the phone.
"She was nothing short of terrific in the photo shoot," Km told me on the phone. "She wanted to do everything just right and did her dead level best to give us what we wanted. There were a lot of customers downstairs and she could have cut the photo shoot to a minimum so she could go down there and make her money but she didn't." When Xtreme Magazine saw her pictures the feedback wasn't positive. I was ecstatic. Jeremy, the editor, asked me on the phone: "Where did you find her? She's really hot." Only trouble was, I hadn't shot the pictures. Hadn't even met her.
Until my next visit to Michigan where I did several more photo shoots of Delilah and to northern Indiana. The shots of Delilah were fabulous and she was the girl on the alphapro front end. I kept asking myself: "How does one follow up on an act like that? Delilah's taken her best pictures for me yet and I've been doing it for five years. I don't want to take her off the front end of the web site. Still, she had been up longer than most but you just don't put just anyone up after our woman of the year.
And then I met Devin. Km met me at Stimmelators. By this time the magazine was out and I had a copy with me. I saw a statuesque blonde walking through the room. Introducing myself I handed her the magazine and invited her to look up the article on page twenty. Standing around six feet in her heels, she was by far the tallest dancer in the place. Now there were a lot of pretty girls around, but saying Devin was just the tallest girl in the place does her a disservice. Comparing her figure to a Goddess would be more like it. And I liked her from the get go.
Suddenly I was no longer interested in drowning myself in beer. I had to do a photo shoot. This wasn't beer business. So I asked Sam if I could take Devin upstairs to get pictures of her. "Why can't you use Km's pictures for your web site?" asked Sam. "Km's one helluva photographer," I replied right in front of Km. He ought to be the officer photographer of your club. There's none better and no one's more honest and it's going to be hard to find someone with better intentions. But Alpha Pro represents my photography and this is for Alpha Pro." Sam readily agreed. Then I asked Devin.
Upstairs it was Devin, Km and me. We didn't have much time to take the pictures since they would soon be opening the upstairs and its stages to the dancers. Devin and I went from one stage to the pool table and then to another stage. Afterwards Km, Devin and I went through the pictures we had just taken on the laptop. The place was crowded, especially downstairs. She could have politely excused herself, saying like many girls do: "I've got to go downstairs and make some money", but she didn't. I don't know how long we all sat there sipping on our drinks and going through those pictures. Forty-five minutes? An hour?
Don't know her very well yet but one thing's for sure. The camera sure loves her. And both Km and I are planning on staying in touch with her. Stimmelators has come through with one very attractive girl after another. Do they grow them differently up there? I'll never admit that to Km since he lives there and I don't. We have some knockouts here too. But Devin---she's exceptional and in more ways than one. Somehow I just have this feeling, that Devin's going places. Click here for the article appearing in Xtreme and other published articles (bottom of page