The action is as close as the bar next door to
our small guesthouse, #14. But downstairs below the fifteen ball
is the Internet cafe. Here more than a few Thai bar girls e-mail
their Falang boyfriends from Great Britain, Germany, Australia and the
U.S.: "I love you honey and think of you always, but the water
buffalo in village broke down, mama cannot work after falling in well,
so could you please send me $750
There were to be no more dates with the princess,
who had gotten too greedy. Other girls were in the wings, ready
for the taking. There was Ntang who I had met at Sexy A Go Go and Skie
who I was about to take out, and I would soon run into Som again, who
had been my number one girl from the last trip. And there would be
Mott, who was simply the cutest little thing I had ever seen in a massage
parlor. Key word here is SEEN, not found. She was or is,
that cute. And there would be several more, who would amount to
only one night stands, not that they were that bad, but simply because
there was only so much of me to go around.
Ian told me about a new complex of bars
that was a couple of blocks closer to the guest house we were staying in
than Soi 7 and Soi 8, I had walked through the area a few days
before, quickly eyeballing the girls in the first few bars. I then
made a left turn past them where I soon encountered a very large outdoor
room containing over a dozen small beer bars, a stage for the band that
was playing, and a couple pool tables. Once again, no
particular girl stood out that night until I came to the last bar.
Here I found a girl with very long black hair who had a striking face.
So I bought her a drink. Soon she brought out the inevitable game
that employed four rows and four columns with counters resembling a more advanced form of tic tac toe. She was very good
at this game, beating me most of the time, but it surprised her when I
beat her early on. She had been too self-confident believing she
could take the, me, the unwary Falang easily.
Another girl wanted to play me. She
was Skie's roommate. Skie told me she was the best girl at the
game in the bar. "She number one," said Skie. I noticed right off Skie's conspiratorial
nature. She would whisper in my ear what moves she felt I should
make. Later, on other nights, I found that she couldn't control
herself, because she would grab one of the counters and move it herself
even though I was the one--not her--playing the other girl.
I went back to her bar on two or three
occasions to drink with her, but this night I vowed to buy her out of
the bar. Somehow I had convinced Big Daddy and several of his
friends who were staying a couple miles down 2nd Road from me at the
Twin Towers to try the beer bars in my neck of the woods.
Big Daddy had rented a large
air-conditioned van to take him and his pals out on the town and not
just at night, for he had it reserved with a driver for the day also.
He picked me up at the guest house where I was playing a game of pool
against one of the girls who worked for Ian. We started at Soi 2
over at the Classroom II, and wouldn't you know it, a fat Thai girl hit
on me inside the place. We all sat in a booth together where I
wound up buying the girl a drink as I planned my escape. Finally I
told the guys that I thought we should move to a different bar.
We found one across the street where we
all had a drink, then we walked around the corner to another bar, this
one facing Second Road rather than Soi 2. One of the bar girls
wanted to shoot pool against me before I even had the chance to sit
down. After a couple of games, Big Daddy whispered in
my ear: "That girl you are shooting pool against is pretty fine.
Would you mind if I bar fine her?"
I replied: "Go right ahead.
There is a girl I want to bar fine at another bar. I promised
myself I'd go get her tonight."
By this time Big Daddy was talking avidly
to the girl I had played pool against. I walked out to the
sidewalk by the entrance of the bar, which was open to both the sidewalk
and Second Road. Across from us was Big C, which was a fairly
large shopping center with a good bookstore, an assortment of
restaurants, and a number of shops. Out on the sidewalk was a
slender girl who appeared to have a good figure who was aggressively
trying to flag men down as they walked by.
I went up to talk to her, but was
immediately put off by the feeling that I was just a number. She
did not seem to be any more interested in me even while I was talking to
her than those who walked by without saying as much as a word. I
found this a little odd. In fact, the girl seemed just odd.
Period. Definitely not the sort I wanted to have anything to do
Then Bruce came up to the girl.
Bruce was one of Big Daddy's number one pals over at the Twin Palace who
had rolled into town with the Man Tour. And Bruce was really
drunk. As in completely wasted, which seemed to be Bruce's normal
mental state practically every time I seemed to run across him.
Right off Bruce seemed to get on much
better than I had with the girl. There was no doubt she
wanted to go home with him and the sooner the better. Bruce was
about to bar fine her when Big Daddy came up to us and said to Bruce
with the girl just out of earshot: "She's a lady boy, Bruce."
No wonder I had wanted to steer clear of
her, but as I mentioned, Bruce was already so many sheets to the wind
that I am not sure if he really comprehended that she was, like Big
Daddy suggested, really a man.
The street running alongside the complex
of bars Skie worked in resembled an alley. Which meant the
large white van Big Daddy had rented couldn't park there for very long.
I literally ran past a half dozen bars until I got to the right
one. I was in luck. She was there.
"Skie. I want to bar fine you.
Right now. Can you be out of here in two minutes?"
Within two minutes I had paid the mama-san
and we were walking out to the large white van. "That has to
impress her," I thought. "Shows I mean business and that when I
make up my mind I move quickly."
It worked. And not because that's
the way I had things planned. It's just that's the way
everything happened. With Ntang it was different although not nearly
as bad as with the Princess.
Ntang pretended that she didn't speak or
understand English very well. But right off, Ian had told me that
she was just pretending, and that she moved her head exactly at the
right time, showed the right facial expression to whatever was being
said around her. That is if somebody said something funny she
laughed at the right time for example.
She would spend the whole night at my
guesthouse room,
but would get up and take off without ever having breakfast with me.
With Skie it was as if she had all the time in the world and would have
willingly spent the whole afternoon with me. And this is not to
even mention that Ntang's cell phone would go off relatively early in the
morning which made me think she had a Thai boyfriend or husband calling her to see
when she would come home.
It also cost more than twice as much to
bar fine Ntang as it did Skie and most of the others who I could whisk out
of their beer bars for just five bucks. For Ntang working for
a go-go bar it took $12.50. Most go-go bars charged even more,
around $15.00 for bar fines, and the Classroom managed to charge
There really wasn't much wrong with
Sexy-A-Go-Go. The manager in charge was hilarious. It had
its fair share of attractive girls, and after I had bar fined Ntang a
couple of times the club started putting me upstairs over this balcony
looking over the stage and tables below. Ntang would hang out up
there with me along with two or three other girls.
But the point was that Ntang got a
commission off every drink I bought there although she didn't admit
this. I knew. After all, I had read a number of books on the
games bar girls play and I let Ntang know I had. Nearly every night
I would point to a book and say to her: "It tells me in book that
bar girl do this." So each night I was out
with her she would start asking me to take her to her bar. Never
mind the fact that Pattaya had over 2,000 more bars worth discovering.
And it wasn't just that. There was also the question of:
"It's all up to you." Well, was it really up to me, or was I letting
make the decisions on how we would spend the evenings?
I had read that if a man does not take
charge, most Thai girls will conclude that he's weak and can be more
easily taken advantage of. Immediately they lose all respect for
him. I totally agreed with what I had read and had therefore
resolved to pretty much call the tune with all Thai bar girls.
Once Ntang had taken me to a large go-go bar
where we were immediately set upon by one of her friends who Ntang asked
me to buy a drink for. Now I really don't have much respect for an
American titty bar dancer who asks me for drinks but if I am talking
with her and she is in the mood to keep my company and doesn't ask for
one I'm usually much more willing to get her one simply because she
didn't ask. Well here, it's not just Ntang's friend, but
also the waitress who gets a drink off of me.
It's time for a lesson Ntang will never forget.
When we get outside the club on our way to the next place, I pick
Ntang up bodily turning her over as I walk down Walking Street and start
spanking her little bottom in front of scores of tourists walking by us.
I then exclaim to her:
"This is for having me buy your friend and
the waitress a drink. Don't you do that to me again."
I laugh when I say it so Ntang will know I'm
not really mad and I'm not spanking her that hard but it has to be a bit
embarrassing for her having to have everyone watch her getting her fanny
spanked. I wind up thinking that she's gotten my point.
But a couple of nights later when we pass
the place Ntang motions for me to take her into the place. But I
tell her: "No drinks for waitress or girlfriend. For you.
For me--yes but no drink for other girl friend or waitress."
She decides she doesn't want to go in
after all so it's obvious to me right off that she fully intends for me
to blow all kinds of money on her so called friends.
But she's adorable and so good and giving
in bed. And whether she speaks English or not, she's way cool
All my friends like her. And when I call her to come over to meet
me at the guest house she doesn't wait for me to come downstairs because
if I'm not down there immediately after she calls me on her cell, which I rarely am
because I'm always doing something at the last minute such as brushing
my teeth or shaving, she just comes rushing up.
For some reason Skie always seems
available. It seems no one's bar fining her for no matter what
time of the day or night I get over to her bar she's always there.
But I think part of the reason is the whole complex of bars in which she
works is so new that hardly anyone working there gets bar fined much.
Ntang neither drinks nor smokes whereas Skie
does both. Later on I realize she can be quite a bit of a lush.
But usually she matches me drink for drink, and she's always up for
whatever I want to do, placing no demands on me whatsoever. But
once or twice she asks me to buy her roommate a drink. It
really doesn't cost all that much and her roommate is very friendly.
She isn't very good looking so I doubt if she has many men buying
her drinks or bar fining her.
I take both girls to the Foxy Lady.
Not at the same time since that would mean instant castration for me.
Ntang had just pulled her usual, "let's go down to my bar routine" and I had
found it necessary to take her elsewhere. So I had taken her to an
area several blocks from Walking Street where there are a number of Go
Go bars such as "The Class Room" and "The Kitten Club". I told
Ntang, "Let's go to a couple of places neither of us have been to".
Of course she might have been to the places I was about to take her to
with other Falang, but she wouldn't let on that she had since this would
be admitting to me that she wasn't a virgin after all.
The first was what appeared to be a
promising go go bar but which turned out to be not particularly exciting
(probably because I had a date and the girls inside stayed away from
me). After having a beer here we headed to the Kitten Club.
Big Daddy had talked this club up a lot telling me that one could stay
in a hotel upstairs while viewing the action below before calling the
club for room service with a "Send two more up." The Kitten Club
was--uhhhhh--very different being unusual in its decor and the mode of
dress of its kittens who were dressed in Kitteny fashion. But the
gals here were a bit on the large side for my tastes which was unusual
for Thailand. Perhaps it was just the shift we had hit.
Next stop was Foxy Lady. No sooner
than Ntang and I had gotten comfortably seated in this beer bar than I
heard a brassy voice to my left saying: "Hey Frank.
That was me the other night screaming at you."
Other night? What other night and
what screaming? Then it hit me. I had been walking back to
the guest house after a night drinking on the town when I heard a
woman's voice calling out from a baht bus passing me: "Hey
I had wondered who it was and why I was so suddenly well known in this place.
The brassy voice belonged to Som.
Although on my first night here I had asked where I could find Som, no
one seemed to know her at Foxy Lady. And I had walked by a number
of times hoping to see her out of the corner of my eye. And now
she was here and her timing couldn't have been worse. Suddenly
became very quiet, looking a little lost. For one thing, Som's
command of English for a Thai bar girl was better than most. And
she seemed so sure of herself with a tone of voice that seemed to
dismiss Ntang as being completely irrelevant. Tonight, more than
ever, Som was a little pistol.
After that I took Ntang to her go go bar
where I had a couple more beers before we went home in the baht bus to
the guest house.
Ntang might have always been as cool as a
cucumber, but the night I took Skie to Foxy Lady, she fit right in with
the best of them. She liked to drink and Thai beer bars were made
for drinking. One of the girls at the Foxy Lady stood up on the
bar dancing. Had it not been for Skie's being with me I would have
bar fined her on the spot. Other girls were very friendly and they
got even friendlier by the time one of our bartenders plugged my laptop
behind the bar and I started cutting loose on all the girls around me
with my Nikon D-1 X.
Trust me, just get a camera like the D-1
X, bring laptop to beer bar, and then start sharing the wealth with the
bar girls there and you are destined to be the life of the party.
Girls love seeing themselves in pictures and if they are good looking
they love you even more for giving them the opportunity to show themselves off to
those around them. My slide shows of the Foxy Lady bar girls
cavorting around made me the most popular person at the bar.
Closing time was 1:00 am. That night
the Foxy Lady did not close until well after five. At 1:00 the
club simply turned its music way down while dimming its lights and the
cops just looked the other way. You just gotta love such open
flaunting of the law especially when the law is a piece of stupidity
created by the Mothers for a More Boring Nation Thailand chapter that is
dedicated to preserving some form of mistaken illusion that Pattaya
really is a proper place to bring the kids to.

As for Skie--she was a great drinking
companion who got along with other girls well wherever we went together.
One of the things I liked best about her is she didn't seem to be as
manipulative as many of the other girls.
I went out with Som, then several other
gals I found hanging around various bars. I took Som to a bar just
a couple blocks down Second Road from the Guest House but only after I
took her to dinner at Greg's International Restaurant a few doors down.
During my last two weeks in Pattaya I was
spending an hour in the afternoon and an hour in the evening shooting
pictures of Greg's food. He was about to compile a new menu of all
his dishes, which amounted to over sixty of them not counting the Thai
food he also served in his restaurant. Now don't get me wrong, I
didn't shoot pictures for two hours a day. I would just come in
and hang out, usually eating lunch or dinner there. Whenever a new
dish was prepared by his chefs that I had not shot yet, Greg would come
get me. I'd rush into the kitchen as one of more dishes was placed
on a blue napkin on a low table beneath me and I'd shoot two pictures of
the dish. It would just take a minute or two and then I'd be back
drinking my coffee, eating, or attacking my beer if it was in the
I took Som there the second night I went
out with her on this trip. The night before she had fallen and
ripped apart one of her shoes in the beer bar I had taken her to.
She had spent the night with me at the guesthouse and the next day I
took her shopping for new shoes. She had opted for a white pair
over a pair of black shoes that I felt would be more versatile for her.
At Greg's that night, she had worn the white shoes with a very short
skirt. Afterwards Greg had told me that some of his customers had
told him that they had found Som to be terribly attractive as in hard on
In the room I talked with Som about the
video I had showed her in the guest house's internet cafe. I
had shot the video in bits and pieces during my last trip to Thailand
and Cambodia and Som was in it. But so was Marty who had sold off
his construction company in New Jersey before moving to Pattaya and
settling down with Um, his pretty Thai wife.
"Marty looks like Mafia," Som laughed.
"He big gangster.'
Somehow I didn't think so because to me
down deep Marty seemed to be such a gentle man. But he had
that hard New Jersey accent, and although short, there was a certain
hardness to his body and look. I busted out laughing. Just
leave it to Som who seems to get a kick out of just about anything.
I had put Ntang on hold, not going out with
her for four or five nights. It was time for me to freelance.
Besides, I had Skie to take up the slack. It was Ntang's getting those
early morning phone calls that did it. And her not having
breakfast with me although I suppose if I had pushed on her hard enough
she would have done it. But that was not the point. The
point is, that it had become obvious to me that she was going home to a
boyfriend or husband. Not that I asked myself whether or not other
girls had them or not--it's just that Ntang hadn't taken any pains to hide
it from me. And if there's one thing I hate doing, it's supporting
a Ntangch whether the guy living off the gal is American or Thai.
The point is, the girl has lowered herself by keeping the useless worm
For some inexplicable reason Som did not
spend the night with me the second time I took her out. She had to
be somewhere or another around 10:30 in the evening.
Well--by this time I sure hated sNtangping alone. Every night but
one I had my girl of that evening stay with me the whole night.
Som's leaving so early would leave me alone. So it was time for
the Skie bar. She went home with me.
I really hadn't thought much of it but I
really had left the room in pretty much of a mess. I had been in
such a hurry to leave to make sure my night would not be a lonely one.
So when Skie followed me into my room I was surprised to see the bed
covers and sheets sprewed out over the bed. But it was the
empty single package that had contained a condom less than just two
hours ago that I had left lying on the headboard that really got to me.
I'm really not that heathenish that I'd
leave empty condom wraps lying around and mess up the bed so much before
bringing a date home with me. But this time I surprised myself.
Nevertheless, Skie didn't seem to mind, taking the whole thing in
stride. In fact, she was just the opposite being far more passionate
than any of the other girls had been recently and even outdoing herself.
Not that the other girls couldn't be passionate because some of them
were. It's just that Skie was simply off the charts in that
department. It all just goes to show how so many women like having
a guy's womanizing thrust in their faces. Sure, they will protest
and say how they hate it. And American girls will tell you how
much they despise the men who do, whereas Thai girls will usually keep
it to themselves. But talk is cheap. Watch what they do when
you stick it to them like that, not what they say.
There was that tall girl just two blocks
down 2nd Road from the Guest House. I had already had one of the
girls from the bar next door up in my room on different two nights. I met
the tall girl one late afternoon when she came onto me nearly
intercepting me on my path from Big C Shopping Center back to the Guest House.
I told her I'd come back for her later into the evening, then wondered
if she'd still be there by the time I came back. Meanwhile I had
gone next door for a couple of beers to start the evening off right.
The girl I had been with before was my drinking companion. She
kept fixing me with these incredibly cute eyes while joking around with
me with a voice that was had by no other. Her voice was the
essence of cute although she was probably in her early thirties.
She had this unique way of just making you feel like a man the way she
But a promise is a promise and I had plans
for the girl up the street. Problem was, how to sneak her back into the
guest house without having the girl next door see us. I couldn't
take her through the lobby since it was all lit up and in full view of
the bar next door. Even if the girl I had slept with didn't see us
coming in, one of the other girls would who would be sure to tell her.
There were some bushes by the front entrance off Second Road. In
fact, there were two entrances, one going into Ian's small massage
parlor, the other going just to its right directly into the guest
house. The one going into the massage parlor was farther and more
out of view of the bar next door. It was this entrance I was
planning on taking the girl from down the street.
I was in luck. She was still there.
Her Mamasan was a Thai who had died her hair blonde. I sat close
to the girl I would soon bar fine and ordered a drink for her and a
Heineken for me that cost just a buck fifty. The Mamasan then told
me I was about to have a new and unusual experience and I began to
think: LADY BOY. Could the girl I was about to take back to
my room be a lady boy? She looked attractive enough yet
there was something a little odd about her. Somewhere along the
line I did something I rarely do around women. I copped a cheap
feel. But I didn't feel her breasts. Instead I briefly stroked her
between her legs dreading I'd feel something long and hard there.
But I didn't. Which still didn't leave out the possibility of a
sex change operation but at least she didn't sport long appendages in
the wrong places.
It really felt funny sneaking close to the
entrance to the massage parlor through those bushes. I'm sure the
girl with me was wondering: "What's this idiot doing that for?"
But she didn't dare show it. I'm
after all the one with the money and she wasn't. I just couldn't
see hurting the feelings of the girl next door if I could at all avoid
It was a good night and the next morning I
took the girl downstairs and walked her to the sidewalk on Second Road
after giving her forty baht for a motorcycle taxi.
Then there was Mott. I had met Mott
standing outside a massage parlor across the street from Sabailand one
morning while taking a walk. My friend and I both had been
having trouble sleeping late, usually getting up at 6:30 am.
Whether this was because of the jet lag that might have still been
afflicting us or for other reasons, it's hard to say. The Sunset
Cafe didn't open for breakfast until 10:00 am and Greg's a few doors
down on the other side of the guest house opened earlier at 9 am.
So I walked two blocks down to Beach Road, strolled along the beach for
a mile or so, then came up Soi 2 where I'd take a right along 2nd Road
and walk back to the guest house.
Sabailand is a place of
incomparable sensual delights, starting with the famous Soapy Massage. Here one selects from more than
forty exquisite Thai girls who are sitting in rows behind a huge glass
window. Each girl wears a number. Men from all over the
world come here to walk back and forth ogling the girls behind the
window which really should be described not as a window but a glass
wall. And the girls--well, most are trying their best
at catching the falang's eye. Once a man has selected his girl he
tells the Thai in charge who then motions for the girl to come out of
the viewing room. The falang greets the girl, then follows her
into a small room where there is a Jacuzzi. The girl fills up the
tub as the falang sits on his buttocks awaiting her ministrations.
Having such a beautiful naked body so
close in combination with jets of warm water caressing one's body is
enough to get a man hard by itself. But then the girl starts
to massage the falang, using different portions of her anatomy, often
starting with her breasts to rub up against the man. Most
men come in the first half hour. Some come several times.
The whole thing costs around fifty bucks.
I didn't go to Sabailand one time during
this visit to Pattaya. What I was interested in was either a fully
naked oil massage or a foot massage without the sex. I had been
going to a chiropractor back home. With thirty days in
Pattaya staring me in the face without chiropractic treatment I had
decided to get a massage at least once a week.
Both in Bangkok and Pattaya there were all
these little massage parlors everywhere. The female attendants
sometimes waited inside. Other times they stood outside the
doorways of the establishments wearing orange colored uniforms. I
had several foot massages during my previous visit after my back started
aching. Afterwards I felt fine for a few days, feeling so good
after paying the attendant who had just massaged me that I could easily
walk several miles without feeling any fatigue or backache whatsoever.
Six months before, during our first visit
to Pattaya, Big Daddy had gotten a group of us guys together to visit a
massage parlor on the outskirts of town. The girl I was paired off
with was small and slender but ordinary looking in the face. Most
of the other guys had also drawn women who were just average in the
looks department, if that. My masseuse started with my toes
rubbing the toes on my left foot for a few minutes before starting in on
my toes on my right foot. She then stiffened her fingers and
started jabbing the soles of my bare feet using them as if they were
knives. I felt short moments of pain in the bottom of my foot
every time she jabbed. She then worked up my leg all the way up to
my thighs, with the whole thing lasting more than an hour.
When she got to my thighs she kneeled across each one in turn as she
compressed her body into them thus exerting all the physical force she
could muster. There was no sex involved. None was expected
and I don't think there was as far as the other guys either.
Over next to the Twin Towers where Big
Daddy and most of the guys were staying there was a massage parlor.
I had gone there several times before when I stayed at the Twin Towers
on my last visit. An hour long foot massage cost just 200 baht
which was just five dollars. Or one could opt for the fully nude
body massage instead. Believe it or not I think the foot massage
helped my back more than the nude oil massage. But even though I
had wound up lying face down on a narrow bed like they have in doctor's
offices as well as sunny side up as my masseuse massaged my naked body,
there had been no sex.
But now I was staying on the North side of
Pattaya two miles from the Twin Towers. Two weeks later Big Daddy
would treat me to a foot massage at the same place i used to go to next
to the Twin Towers and we would lie there side by side in special
reclined chairs as our two masseuses worked on us.
Mott was far and away the best looking
girl I had ever seen outside one of these places which could be
found all over Pattaya. When I asked her how much it would
cost me to get a massage intending to walk away to look her up on
another day (My stomach was already rumbling from the lack of food),
Mott started to walk inside the establishment while giving me one of
those "follow me" tosses of the head. The price was the same as
before which was 200 baht. I opted for the fully nude oil massage.
Mott led me to a small private room where
we closed the door behind us. When I had taken off my clothes she handed
me a towel which I wrapped around myself before following her to another
small room down the hall in which there was a shower. Mott
watched me dispassionately as I showered. Then she led me back to
the room where she had me lie face down on the narrow padded shelf that
looked just like those used in doctor's offices back home.
ok only a few minutes to realize that
not only was I enjoying the massage immensely, I was also enjoying
Mott's company. Somehow the subject came up over whether she had a
boyfriend or husband.
"I'm too ugly for boyfriend. No man
want to marry me. I much too ugly for falang or Thai."
And later on: "I want good man.
Not man who lie. And I want him long time."
I would wind up visiting Mott nearly a
half dozen times. Sometimes she would put her head up close to
mine and sing to me while rubbing my back. The last time I saw her
I told her that my real name was not Frank Corbett. I showed her my
driver's license. I had been out taking pictures with my Nikon D-1
X along the beach and just happened to run into Mott outside the massage
parlor on the way back to the guest house. I had no intention of
going in. Her being outside was just by chance just as it had been
on our first meeting so although I didn't have massage on the day's
agenda I once again followed her inside. Not knowing what to do
with my very expensive camera I left it with the cashier, who had never
seemed to be very friendly with me.
When Mott saw that my driver's license was
different from my Frank Corbett business cards she suddenly became
unglued. Her smile dried up as her previously magic fingers
started to move across my body mechanically.
"You lied to me!" she exclaimed.
So, I was like all the others. She
really didn't like men who told her lies after all and wasn't trying to
con me. Cleary Mott was very upset with me. At that point I
started to have serious reservations about my getting my camera back.
This continued for a few minutes.
Whereas before I had always felt I was in a light hearted never never
land with her, now the bubble had finally broken. Mott became so
cold and her face so stern and devoid of expression that it was as if we
had been going out together for a year and I had just told her I loved
somebody else.
But somehow I managed to finally convince
her that I actually had two identities and that I had not deceived her.
Her face finally brightened as her hands became more caring, her
enthusiasm once again rekindled.
I had wanted to take her out since the
first time I had met her. Although I had paid her 200 baht for an
hour's massage that first day, I asked her after the first fifteen
minutes if I could extend the massage to two hours for 400 baht.
Still, that's just ten bucks. Mott took another 200 baht from me
and took it downstairs to the cashier, then came up to continue my
massage. But although I wanted to take her out and asked her what
she was doing in the evenings she told me she was always busy.
Nevertheless, she gave me unexpected extras while giving me those full
body massages.
Had I been more aggressive about asking
her out and if I had gone to see her more often I'm confident she would
have gone out with me. In a way I wish I had, but things were
heating up for me on the women front. There was still Ntang, who
although I was not going to see her again for five days, still loomed as
one of my favorites. And I was starting to see Skie every other
night. Som had suddenly reappeared into my life and there were one
or two others I wanted to go out with.
With only three nights left in Pattaya
before going home I asked myself, "What happens if I never go out with
Ntang again and something happens to Skie? And I can't get hold of
Som who never carries a cell phone with her anymore? Although the
solution was all too obvious to me I decided to do an experiment.
The whole city was my playground.
And any girl who didn't treat me the way I felt I deserved to be treated
would lose out more than I would lose out if we stopped seeing each
other, I reasoned. This wasn't the U.S. were fun loving beautiful
girls were in a small minority and much sought after. Here
everything played out in reverse. Great looking women were a dime
a dozen whereas fun loving personable falangs who could afford them were
in huge demand. I had seen this and knew that in theory I could
replace anyone in a hurry. But it was time to test this out again.
I took pictures over at Greg's restaurant
after which I ate dinner and hung around there over a couple beers
talking to Greg and several English patrons until 10:30 pm. Then I
briefly stopped at my room before heading out on the town. I
decided to check out the places over at Soi 2. Big Daddy and the
other guys and I had gone to a couple places there but had not gone
further down the street to see what women worked there. By
the time I got over to Soi 2, which was a good three quarters of a mile
from the guest house, it was close to 11 pm. But I never made it
quite that far.
To my left I spotted a complex of bars
which I could get to only by mounting a short flight of concrete steps.
I started to go up the stairs to give the bars there a look when
suddenly I had a slender bar girl homing in on me. I was careful
not to invite her to sit with me at the bar simply because I wanted to
more thoroughly check out the female scenery before getting stuck with
someone who might not be nearly as attractive as someone else I might
meet later on.
But I found myself sitting alone drinking
by myself. Several girls behind the bar were up dancing. One
looked very appealing but she also looked as if she knew it and was too
stuck on herself. If I had wanted to bar fine her I could have,
but I decided I still had plenty of time to make my selection.
After all, it was still only eleven and the bars would not close until 1
But I had gotten used to getting all the
attention and in a hurry and this sitting by myself, not even sitting
across from a male drinking companion, was starting to get to me.
It was then that the girl who had first played up to me at the entrance
reappeared and wound up sitting next to me.
She was slender, the way I liked them.
But she looked a bit crazy. Immediately she started playing with
my leg as she snuggled up next to me. And that was all she wrote.
From that point on my little head started doing all the thinking for me.
Nevertheless, there was something about
her that made me not trust her. This one would be for short time
only I resolved. After having sex I'd ask her to leave, but then
I'd end up sNtangping alone.
By this time I was never sNtangping alone.
I always had somebody lying next to me for the night. I bought the
girl out of the bar and took her up the street with me. But by the
time we got to within two blocks of the guest house I spied the tall
girl I had once suspected of possibly being a lady boy. She had
spotted me too because she stood out practically on the street pointing
and jeering at me. I had seen her there late that afternoon, sat
down with her to have a drink and told her I'd probably come back for
her that evening. Which I didn't. Not that there was
anything really wrong with her. She had not turned out to be a
lady boy after all. Her figure was very nice and she had been
eminently satisfying in bed. It's just that her personality didn't
stack up against the likes of Ntang's, Skie's, Som's or Mott, each of whom
in her separate unique way was simply outstanding.
When I got the girl up to the room the
first thing she did was to call up a guy on her cell phone. I
nearly broke out laughing aloud when she stood next to the door calling
the guy who I took to be an American. Then I listened to her
telling him how much she loved him and how she couldn't wait until she
saw him again. Five minutes later we were in the shower together
washing each other's tenderest parts.
And was I ever right. Because she
sure turned out to be crazy.
With just two more nights ahead of me, I
made dates with both Skie and Ntang, Skie for my second to my last night,
and Ntang for my last night in Pattaya before returning home. With
Skie I was pretty straight forward since we were by then seeing each
other every other night, but Ntang I hadn't seen for something like five
nights in a row. On the phone I handled her just the way I usually
did, which was short and sweet. It went something like this:
"Hello Ntang. I leave to go home to
America on Sunday. I want to see you on my last night here.
I call you on Saturday. Then you meet me at hotel. Okay?"
On my last night with Skie I told her I
need to pack on my last night. I wound up giving her my little
yellow teddy bear I had brought over from the U.S. When I brought
it over I knew I'd give it to somebody. I just wasn't sure who.
I had thought about giving it to Pukki who I met on my last trip but who
I would never connect with on this visit. And not that I wanted to
all that much. I had met Pukki at Sabailand. She was gorgeous as
one would expect from a selection of over thirty girls at a place like
this. But when David and I had walked into Sabailand on our second
day in Pattaya and I had inquired about Pukki I was informed that she
had left for good with a falang who was going to take care of her.
I had a picture of her that I had left at the guest house and had meant
to bring it with me to be sure of the people at Sabailand knowing who I
was talking about. But I never bothered about coming back in or
with bringing the picture with me although I walked by the place many
times. In my gut I felt like Pukki had taken me when I saw her
last, and I knew there were plenty more girls to choose from where she
came from.
To some extent Ntang reminded me of Pukki.
However, Ian did not agree with me that Ntang had a husband or a
boyfriend. If you read books about Thai bar girls and believe what
you read, 80 % of them have boyfriends or husbands who are Thai.
And these guys are quite content to live off their girlfriends.
Many of them have been known to allow their girlfriends or wives to run
off with rich falangs for a month or two at a time.
Of course the classic case is the one
about the Englishman who brought his Thai girlfriend back to England
where he married her. For three years the happy couple sent money
back to the girl's parents who were living in near abject poverty in the
village out in the provinces. But after three years the woman's
Thai husband contacted her. "The house is ready he told her, and
our new business is ready. It is time for you to come home."
The Englishman not only paid for the house
the Thai husband was getting ready for her. He also unknowingly
had set the Thai husband up in business. The Thai husband's dutiful wife had done
her part and now the happy couple could now get on with their lives
Ntang ran up to me with a huge grin on her
face: "You butterfly me," she said with a laugh. Well
hell yes, I had. But most of the time I tried to be discrete, not
bringing my dates past Sexy Go-Go's doorman who would recognize me had I
passed within his line of sight with another girl in tow. But once
I had let my guard down and did take my date past this doorman.
Ntang had also seen Som make her play for me over at Foxy Lady. Then
there was also the unexplained five days I did not see her or call.
Before the night was over she would laughingly accuse me of bar fining
her at least a dozen times.
I took her to a restaurant that served
Thai food along Beach Road--the same one I had taken her once before.
But when she accused me of going out with other women I shot back:
"Damn right I did. You no have breakfast with me. You have
Thai husband or boyfriend who call you early in morning. If you do
not have Thai husband or boyfriend I do not butterfly you."
I figured I had been as loyal to her as
she would have been to me. But in the restaurant I saw the
unmistakable sight of tears welling up in her eyes. "I must be one
helluva stud," I thought to myself, "to have this girl crying because
she's already thinking that she won't see me in four months." I
felt her cheeks, then felt up under her eyes with my fingertips.
"Yep. Those are tears alright," I
said to myself.
That night we ended up at her go-go bar
before I took her back to the guest house. Once again we sat
upstairs. There was a big bald guy sitting up there having the
time of his life. At first I took him for a jovial German but he
was a Pollock. And not one of those American Pollocks we've all
seen plenty of. This guy was the real thing having come all the
way over from Poland. He kept standing up in full view from
everyone below him like a towering benefactor about to hurl munificence
down to everyone on the first level of the club. I wound up
sitting next to him. He had moved to Australia where he had a
successful construction company. He was obviously a big drinker
and just as obviously had his favorite girl from the club close by.
"I take her to Australia with me.
You should take your pretty girl with you back to America. Plane
fare. It is so cheap. You should do it," he told me.
Ntang just beamed, obviously enjoying his
remarks which is not bad for a girl who didn't speak or understand
English. I was getting to like her bar. A lot of the other
girls were already starting to warm up to me. The music was good here
and the seating arrangements couldn't be more perfect. But I had
to be up before six, and I hadn't even finished packing.
That night Ntang watched me finish packing
after we returned to the Guest House from Sexy A Go Go. The next
day she got up with me early. Ian had lent me an electric hot
water maker which I had started using for instant coffee nearly every
morning. I had a cup or two and then she helped me carry all my
stuff downstairs. The cab was already outside waiting. Ian
was going with me to Bangkok where he would catch a bus out to the
provinces to catch up on a girl he was thinking about marrying. As
Ian and I left in the cabI was going to the airport, Ntang watched from
the sidewalk. She would be with another guy that night, no doubt.
She's e-mailed me twice since I've gotten
home. Which must have been pretty difficult for her since she
would have had to go to an Internet cafe and have someone translate what
she wanted to write to an e-mail form. I haven't heard from Skie
yet who listened attentively when I told her I would return on March
10th as if she was planning on it. So far I have to give Ntang more
credit for being on the ball even if all that means is she knows what
side her bread is buttered on.
But I just recently heard from Ian that
she's quit Sexy-A-Go-Gp and taken up with a falang who's paying her way
long time---whatever that means whether it's for a month, two months or
whatever. I heard this right after receiving an e-mail from her in
which she wrote she could not wait to be in my hold again and that she
was anxiously awaiting the return of me, her sweet.
Meanwhile I have a little Chinese
adventure hitting me and I have no idea where that one's going.
It's just 37 days now before I'm heading back to Thailand, this time for
two months. In a way it's like walking through an orchard where
all this succulent fruit is growing ripe not just for the plucking
because it's also coming down onto your head. The women situation
is really just that good there as long as one keeps his head and keeps
playing a numbers game. I say that's good while others simply call
me the Butterfly and that this is bad.