Nipples threw me in Jail: A True Story by Jack Corbett


 Death on the Wild Side :  Jack Corbett shares the true story of how Nipples, top stripper, led him to jail, revealinga wild nightlife filled with unexpected turns. 


She was only twenty and she couldn't even drink with me at the first topless club we went to after we left Main Street before her shift had ended. It had all started with Nipples who had me thrown in jail a couple weeks before. Nipples boyfriend had beaten her up. Her face had been bruised and one eye blackened. It had been a wild night--one that took us to several clubs and just one more night we had far too many.


She had lost all sense of time and what was happening around her, first getting jealous at C-Mowes where she ripped three buttons off my shirt in the parking lot, then losing it completely at the Main Street Strip Club.


Nipples ended up sitting with a hopeless looking guy as I spied a pretty blonde over at the jukebox. Going over to the blonde I immediately asked for a private dance, then sat in the chair they did their privates at as I took my shirt off. I did this in full view of Nipples who was sitting with the guy only twenty feet away. The blonde, whose name was Jan, and I introduced ourselves, did the private, then disappeared to a table across the bar where Nipples couldn't see us. I still had my shirt off. Before Nipples started sitting with the guy, she hit me in the face, after which I told her..."If it makes you feel good, do it again", which she did. No reason for it--------she had just gone into another world and I just happened to be there. I was pissed and not about to leave the pretty blonde when I heard Nipples calling out to me--"Jack...get your bony ass over here." After which I told the blonde--"Don't pay attention to her." For a moment I thought about just taking the blonde out of the place when her shift ended at six AM. But I didn't ask...first, I was about out of money and second, she had never met me before and wouldn't trust me. Continuing to talk to the blonde and still shirtless as I sat with her at the table an hour must have passed. Finally I went to the table where Nipples was still sitting with the loser, and announced: "I"m drunk and since you two seem to be getting along so well, why don't you just take her home?" as I looked the man squarely in the eye. That did it. Without giving the man another glance Nipples jumped up yelling to me--"We are leaving Jack." Moments later we were walking out the door as I looked back at the blonde and waved. We argued as we drove away from the club and at the light close to highway 64. Nipples then jumped out of the truck as I pulled over alongside the road. We argued outside the pickup truck as the cops came up to us. We looked as if we had been fighting since I still had congealed blood that had come out of my nose after Nipples had slugged me in the club and a shirt that had three buttons torn off it. Nipples had a swollen face and a black eye from her boyfriend. The cops put me in cuffs and threw me in the back seat of a squad car. From there I watched two officers go through my pickup truck where I had a loaded Seecamp 32 automatic in my pajamas.


A few minutes later I was being thrown in a jail cell. At first I thought it was for a second dui, then I thought for a moment about the concealed Seecamp ,32 automatic. I asked the officer what I was being charged with. He looked at me and said...."For beating up Patricia Pagett." Suddenly it dawned on me. Nipples or Lori Mellon had lied to the police, telling them she was Patricia Pagett, and that I had beaten her up. And I hadn't touched her...unless you count my hugging her along the road side as she taunted-----"Give me your best punch, Jack" and I replied, "How can I hit someone I love. I don't beat women but I sure as hell can beat up a lot of guys."


A lot of things went through my mind that night I spent in jail. I had beaten the possibility of a second dui charge by coming up with a great story to the cops even though I was drunk. And they hadn't found the 32 automatic since it was very small and rolled up in my pajamas. But I had known Lori for over two years and had been going out with her. Her scumbag boyfriend had beaten her up and here I was in jail in his place. It crossed my mind more than once that she would die for the ass hole or not hesitate to put me in a situation where I would be killed to save his skin if it came between him and me. In that cell I imagined myself the noblest of men--one who would ride as a hero to a woman's rescue against the bad guy, in the face of death and I saw the boyfriend as the lowest life form imaginable. Still.........the girl I had been going out with threw me in that cell instead of that pond scum idiot who deserved to be there. I decided right then and there that I would revenge myself against the boyfriend who probably had a good laugh with Lori over my going to jail.


A few days later I went back to Main Street where I found the blonde and several other girls I knew. Can't even remember what I had to say about Nipples other than it was scathing and unsparing. Several days later I came in again. This time Nipples was there, working day shift. Going over to her I said....."We have a little talking to do." A few moments later, the bouncer asked me to leave.


It must have been the next night I came to the club that Jan, who was the blonde, and I finally got together. She told me the club had decided to try her out as a bartender which no longer made her a dancer, so she could leave the club early. "I'm bored and ready to party, " she said to me over a drink. So we left.


I had met Nipples at C-Mowes and knew a lot of people there so that was our first stop. Right off Jan was carded. It was then that I realized she was only twenty. The doorman let her come in as he admonished her--"You can't drink alcohol here but you can have a coke or soft drink." We didn't stay long since Jan wanted to drink and said she had worked with the bartender over at Cheeks which was only a block down the street.


We soon found ourselves at a small table at Cheeks after Jan talked animatedly to the bartender who appeared to be a girl in her early twenties. "Good to be drinking again," said Jan as she smiled into my eyes. It was her next comment that got me. "To a long business relationship," she toasted. Looking right back at her, I answered-"I like your honesty. I'll drink to that."


I don't even remember what motel we went to. I just remember how I felt. "Up yours Lori Mellon. You are being replaced. This girl's a looker and I don't think she's nearly the bitch you are." Another thing I remember and that is, we didn't stay there long. Only an hour or so. Jan had other things on her mind. Drugs.


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