Adult Entertainment
Convention in Las Vegas: Exotic Dancer Expo
For 9 out of the past 10
years, Exotic Dancer Magazine has hosted its annual Adult Entertainment
Convention in Las Vegas.
year's was at Mandalay Bay. To all adult entertainment industry professionals,
whether you are a club owner or top manager, feature entertainer or aspiring
house dancer, talent agency, adult magazine owner, professional photographer
servicing the adult industry, or other vendor providing products or services
to the adult industry, I urge you to mark September 1, 2003 on your calendar
and to plan on attending for two reasons: 1. What you can give to the huge multi
billion dollar adult industry and 2. What you can get out of the convention
as an industry professional. Why should you give? Simply because you are part
of this business and your livelihood depends on its survival. The Mothers for
a More Boring Nation of the Far Right are organized and getting stronger each
year, and they want to shut you
down along with every club, magazine, picture, or thought that even smacks of
the word adult entertainment. Exotic Dancer's annual convention offers you the
chance to offer your input and financial contribution (through paying for a
three day pass) that can help all industry professionals effectively organize
against the powerful forces arrayed against them. I will group all adult industry
professionals into three categories-1. Club owners, 2. Entertainers, and 3.
All others-- to give a better sense of what this convention can offer you.
there are the seminars, which emphasize what you as a club owner are facing
from those employing the legal system to shut you down and what you can be doing
better to effectively manage and market your club. For instance, there was the
"Club Owner on Trial Session" which was handled by a panel of legal
experts who discussed what you can do about charges of money laundering, racketeering
and obscenity which was immediately followed by "The Key issues Legal Session
where club owners were given the opportunity to ask the panel's advice about
issues effecting them. The next day started with the "Big Legal Picture"
Session during which the outcome of four significant U.S. Supreme Court cases
heard recently and cases the court is likely to hear can affect your club. "Fighting
Big Brother" immediately followed, during which Michael Oscello, National
Director for the PT's chain and current ACE (Association of Club Executives)
President talked about how he had eavesdropped on the common enemy. In this
seminar club owners got the opportunity to learn how municipalities share information
that can close your club down. The seminar concluded with descriptions of Mothers
for a More Boring Nation-Far Right leaders dedicated to destroying your way
of life. After lunch there was a marketing panel which was followed by still
another panel which discussed how you can improve the look and feel of your
seminars alone are worth the $320 entry fee to this convention for the club
owner wanting to put his club over the top. But there's a lot more. There's
the trade show with over 250 booths representing a whole multitude of vendors
servicing the adult entertainment industry. For instance, there was the Martin
Lighting booth which held the Pure Talent Feature Showcase where some of the
latest state of the art dazzling lighting effects could be experienced along
with top feature performances from entertainers from one of the top agencies
in the country. Tasty beverages I had never heard of could be sampled at several
booths. The Pure Talent Agency, Continental and Universal Talent all had booths
here along with a number of feature entertainers having their own booths. For
a club owner wanting to book the best feature entertainers at an affordable
cost, there is simply no better way to get the information he needs, up close
and personal, eyeball to eyeball, both with the agencies he wants to deal with
and the feature entertainers themselves. There is also the opportunity to see
leading entertainers perform on stage-in this particular expo through the Annual
Awards Show, the Exotic Dancer Finals for Miss Exotic Dancer of the Year, and
feature showcases by the Pure Talent Agency and Universal Entertainment. Lastly,
there is the opportunity to meet with feature entertainers, other club owners,
and leading adult industry professionals at the Meet and Greet, held this year
on opening night at the House of Blues as well as other informal parties held
throughout the convention.
urge many club owners to seriously consider getting a booth for Expo 2003. Sure,
you as a club owner, would be getting far more than your money's worth just
by attending. But now we are talking about your doing more to successfully market
your club and when it comes to having a booth at this convention, it's all about
image. Let me give you several examples. Both this year and last, Spearmint
Rhino had a booth that had its own stage, was represented by a number of pretty
dancers, and which offered free drinks to the convention's participants. My
buddy and I had agreed to visit one Las Vegas Club and it came down to the wire
between Cheetahs and Spearmint Rhino. In the past I had good experiences at
Cheetahs, but the huge presence Spearmint Rhino had made at the convention was
too much to ignore. "These Spearmint Rhino people really have it on the
ball, we thought. So we went to Spearmint Rhino. I have an indelible image in
my head of "Scores" and its booth filled with prettydancers at this
year's convention. And these people came all the way from New York. Now it doesn't
matter if I'm right or wrong. What matters is that I am convinced that Scores
clearly understands good marketing and image recognition. I've never been to
Scores. It's far away from where I live but as far as Scores is concerned I'll
always have it in mind as a well managed, forward thinking operation that is
very possibly far ahead of its time.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's going to feel this way. Take a feature entertainer,
for instance. If she sees a well run booth run by a club, she's gotta be thinking,
"I want to feature there," all other things being equal. Image. That's
a good part about what marketing is about and many clubs can gain a national
presence and successful, progressive image, at minimal expenditure by having
a booth here.
Can be classified as Features and House
Dancers. For the feature entertainer there is the opportunity to
participate in Exotic Dancer's Feature Entertainer of the Year Contests.
Throughout the country clubs and states are invited to participate. Only
one club per state can represent Exotic Dancer. The winners go onto the
Las Vegas Expo to compete in the semi finals and finals. There is a
separate category for the house dancers or "amateurs". But whether one
is a feature or "amateur" doing well in Exotic Dancer's contests can
mean a significant boost in an entertainer's career. Feature
entertainers attending the convention will often have the chance to
represent their agencies in booths where they have the opportunity to
meet club owners interested in booking them, magazine owners and
photographers wanting to publish them, as well as other significant contacts who can advance the feature's
Just one example, Pure
Talent's Samantha Starr
iinformed me half way through the convention that she
had already gotten three bookings.
The house dancer aspiring to further her career has an unexcelled opportunity to
meet with the owners of top talent agencies such as Pure Talent, Continental
and Universal, and to meet club owners interested in hiring new entertainers
on either a short termed or long term arrangement. For instance, a house dancer
I know from Mississippi not only got to meet with the owners of Pure Talent
but also a Connecticut club owner friend of mine who expressed an interest in
hiring her. To the house dancer interested in featuring, the chance to direct
questions to features and to get answers in a comfortable relaxed setting is
unparalleled. The dancing competitions and demonstrations throughout offer the
house dancer who's serious about improving her career a chance to watch a lot
of feature entertainers in action in short order. And for both features and
aspiring house dancers, there's the "Dancer's Only Panel", which covered
how entertainers can put the worldwide web to work getting their careers off
into high gear.
All other Industry Professionals
this one covers a lot of ground. For talent agencies, this convention's a mecca.
Not only does it provide a chance for them to meet prospective club owner clients,
it also gives them a chance to meet with feature entertainers from other agencies
as well as enterprising amateurs interested in featuring. To anyone selling
goods or services to adult clubs, Exotic Dancer's Expo offers a chance to show
off his product to a variety of club owners across the U.S. For a photographer-writer
such as myself, this convention is a non-lose proposition as it offers me the
chance to meet with feature entertainers I've never dealt with before as well
as to stay current with entertainers I've met and taken pictures of before.
There's club owners from across the entire country to discuss photo shoots and
possible magazine articles with involving their clubs and dancers. A whole gamut
of possible subjects for magazine articles keep popping up in my head in the
rarified atmosphere of Exotic Dancer's Expo. There's simply so much here, one
cannot possibly experience it all.
on this year's Expo the whole thing keeps coming back to me like a kaleidoscope
bouncing colored lights into so many directions at once. To tell you the truth
I missed out on a lot of it, and I'm almost embarrassed to write about key events
I skipped. But I did shoot a lot of pictures of the Pure Talent Feature showcase,
shot a pretty house dancer from Montana around the pool at the Luxor which is
across the street from Mandalay Bay, made a few parties, hung around at my office
(The Orchid Room Bar at Mandalay Bay) where I cut up with a bunch of fun loving
feature entertainers and other free spirits, and then there was that great photo
shoot I did of Leah Layne over in the hot tub suite where I was staying over
at the Luxor. I had the chance to become better acquainted with club owners
and top managers I've already met and to meet some new ones. After awhile it
gets to be more than just making the right contacts to get ahead in this business.
It actually starts to feel like being part of a huge fraternity of fun loving
yet ambitious hard working men and women who are surrounded by the control freak
slow witted, yet relentless Mothers for a More Boring Nation types who are dead
set on destroying this very fraternity.