False Fox News Why you should not listen to Fox

If you watch propaganda for the Republican Party such as False Fox News do you become a propaganda tool yourself? 


 I think this is a no brainer. 

by Jack Corbett


So what makes you so different from the Nazi followers of Adolf Hitler who followed the propanda preachings of the Nazi Party's minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels?  Aha--I know what you are thinking.  You have already concluded that Fox News is Fair and Balanced and that it doesn't matter what I am writing here.  At best you believe that whether Fox News is fair and balanced or not is an arguable point and that your reasons for claiming Fox News is objective is equal to my claims that it's not. 


There's two reasons why you are wrong.  They are Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch.  Ailes is the President of Fox News while Rupert Murdoch is its owner.  Let's take a look at Roger Ailes first.


Wikipedia writes:  "Roger Eugene Ailes (born May 15, 1940) is president of Fox News Channel, chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group. Ailes was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s first mayoral campaign in 1989." If you believe for one second that a man who has served as media consultant for four Republican campaigns is fair and balanced, then you believe in Peter Pan, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. 


As for Rupert Murdoch, the 2011 DVD version of Encyclopedia Britannica states: 

"By the time that Murdoch acquired his first British newspaper in 1969—the News of the World of London—he had put together a proven formula for boosting circulation, which entailed an emphasis on crime, sex, scandal, and human-interest stories with boldface headlines, prolific sports reporting, and outspokenly conservative editorializing. This formula was successful with both the News of the World and The Sun, a London daily that he acquired the following year."


It must be said about the above "thank you and goodbye" link to "News of the World" that Murdoch recently shut down his London based tabloid that had been circulating a million copies because of all the allegations against the paper for hacking into the mobile phones of crime victims, celebrities and politicians.  


One certainly cannot dispute what Wikipedia writes about Ailes.  It is certainly a fact that Roger Ailes served as media consultant for four Republican candidates--therefore the man cannot be viewed as fair and balanced by any stretch of the imagination.  As far as Britannica's encapsulation of Rupert Murdoch's formula for success on might dispute this as the opinion of whoever wrote the article for Britannica.  Nevertheless, Fox News reliance on sensationalism and showmanship proves the correctness of Britannica's assentation.


For a much more in depth analysis of the anatomy of Fox News I urge all of you to read what Fair (described by Wikipedia as a progressive media criticism organization based in New York City, founded in 1986) wrote in July/August 2001 in "The most biased name in News--Fox News Extraordinary right wing tilt" by Seth


very little  bearing on the most influential events of today.  So when CNN tunes into the typical day of a bead maker in Bolivia I simply turn the channel.  So I really can't blame people for prefering the much more interesting format of Fox News.  When I want my news, I want it now, so most of the time I rarely watch it on t.v. prefering instead to look up whatever interests me online at the Washington Post and New York Times web sites.  Sometimes I'll visit the Wall Street Journal site or other publications.   I do receive my Newsweek once a week at my Thailand condo.  I find all three to be "fair and balanced" and I can get to what I want in seconds without having to choose from the downright lying of Fox News or the "let's talk about everything else other than the really important issues affecting most Americans today" of CNN.


I think viewing Fox News should be viewed in its proper context.  It's like watching a train wreck.  Or like watching those old Three Stooges comedies.  But truthful it isn't so one must view anything one sees there as a possible lie and any political commentary as the same kind of Nazi propaganda most Germans got taken in by during the 1930's and 40's in their headlong plunge into the abyss.   What is dangerous is that Rupert Murdoch has recently purchased both the Wall Street Journal and the Dow Jones.  One thing is for sure, however, both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal are going to try to steer you into voting Republican.  Just make sure you don't follow such advice and make the same plunge down the cliff of the buffalo.   

The Looking Glass June 2011



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