Oldies but Goodies Lost Angels topless club office
1/19/1997 the Alpha Productions crew had its own internet line at the topless club, and laptop next to the stage Dollies Playhouse provided us with a phone line for our exclusive use where we could get online in the Lost Angels Chat room to put pictures from the topless club online. Jack Corbett (on the right) would get his first two beers free, which was a huge reason for his spending four nights a week here. In this picture Dollies Playhouse Dancer Jade (the author's digital disciple), on the far left with Alex wearing the cowboy hat. CMG from the Assc forum that originated at the Chez Paree topless club in San Francisco wrote about his trip to East St. Louis and his night out with Jack and Jack. In the next issue of "Oldies but Goodies" we will cover the bizarre antics of Crazy Czech who CMG has immortalized in this memoir and how Crazy Czech introduced Dollies Trendy Toilet Sex to the Dollies Playhouse. Stay tuned. We will put a new picture up as often as the spirit moves us just to show off that we really were the first, the leaders of the pack and still never equaled. After all, if all the other adult web sites were still using scanners, and other adult photographers were still in the stone age using film you'd be exercising your bragging rights too. |
Lost Angels Online at the Dollies Playhouse Strip Club
and now over 250 videos on the Jack Corbett VIdeo Channel