Platinum Club's Sal is the best of todays breed of bartenders

by Jack Corbett


Sal Platinum Club bartender

Ever meet one of those bartenders who exudes competence, friendliness, and style?  That's Sal.  Quick on his feet, alert and showing his friendliest face to the world, you just don't get any better than this.   Which is the way things should be.   

Great bartenders, especially bartenders who work for clubs just don't get their praises sung loudly enough.   They are the people you trust above all others to look after your stuff.   They are the ones who give you good service, time after time.  

And if you drink too much, they are the ones who will let you know, quietly in a manner that will leave you unembarrassed, and  call you a cab when necessary.  Often, it's the bartender who's left managing the club when the owner or general manager is away. 

The bartender is the one you often confide in the most.   And the best of them, like Sal, are going to leave it between the two of you.   More often than not, your favorite bartender has seen a lot and is usually full of good advice.   He's seen people at their best and their worse.  And although a club's dancers may come and go and even managers depart for other pastures, it's usually the bartender who remains. 

Platinum Club's Sal is the best of todays breed of bartenders.  Rely on him.


Sal on the job    Sal with unknown babe

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