Skull Hill Not Crucifixion Site Fitswell told the minister's wife
Dick Fitswell tells the minister's wife, "Skull Hill Not Crucifixion site. Jesus died at what is now an Arab bus station."
Teaching Sunday school to a group of college aged kids was the hardest thing Dick Fitswell had ever done. "Ive gotta keep my dick in my pants awhile longer," he said to himself, feeling the cute blondes eyes on him as he explained the next weeks program.
At first the ministers wife came into his class with her husband who wanted to be sure that the new Sunday school teacher followed both his moral guidelines and his ideas of how and what to cover during class. Lately she had been coming in alone. "And I really cant blame her," Dick Fitswell thought. "I am a lot more exciting than her nitwit of a husband." Although he found that several of the young girls made him get an erection, it was the ministers wife he really wanted. Tall and slender, Linda had a models legs and long blonde hair that flowed past her shoulders. Dick had a hunch that shed make the perfect fit and even if she wasnt, he had decided that she was a far greater challenge and rewarding prize in the end than the tight butted college girls in his class.------to be continued in the book which you can buy in paperback or for your Kindle and Smart Phone from