2005 Miss Nude World and Xtreme Weapons |
The Xtreme Weapons 2004 calendar showcased Jack Corbett
It's now 2011, but it's Deja Vu time. What follows is what I wrote in 2004 before Xtreme Magazine, Vic Meyer and I produced our 2004 Xtreme Weapons calendar. Enigma, will live up to the stage name she used in the Pure Talent Feature Showcase at Big Als that took all of us to Peoria, Illinois. As she appears on these pages, she will later appear on the calendar, small chested, but one year later with enhanced breasts our Enigma will become co-title holder of the coveted Miss Nude World Pageant with Denise whose full name and pictures I'm going to keep out of here. It will be Denise who will be the first to tell me, in an e-mail: "Hi Jack, There would never be anything ordinary about that calendar. Almost all the women, everyone of them a topless dancer or feature entertainer, several like Enigma destined for top stardom, would become good friends of mine--all of them special and each one so different from the others. I wrote--seven years ago Tommy Gun is the reason we had such a successful shootout outside of Peoria a week ago during the last Pure Talent Feature Showcase at Big Al's. Oh God, sounds like this is all about Al Capone. Back to square one. We will be doing a Guns and Babes calendar for the year 2004 which will be based on my Gun articles in "Xtreme Magazine". And at Big Al's there are 19 feature entertainers performing each night. That's my chance to pick off several models at once. There I go again. I meant shoot them with my camera while the girls are fondling guns. |
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Kelly Taylor
Carrie Bare
Meanwhile Jim, who owns Pure Talent with his wife Anne Marie, and I have been discussing going shooting for months. But Jim lives in Florida and I live in Illinois. Vic's coming over from Missouri with various assault rifles which will be in future gun articles. The editor of Xtreme wants great backgrounds for the pictures of the feature entertainers posing with guns. To accomplish all that means shooting outdoors. And Tommy Gun, who Jim met during the last feature showcase at Big Al's, has got the place. "Forty acres," Tommy Gun tells us in the club on Wednesday night. "Can we shoot high powered rifles without killing all your neighbors off?" I asked Tommy Gun. "Why hell yes. You shoot back into my trees and there won't be a neighbor within miles of where you are shooting. So off to Tommy Gun's ranch we head. Only he doesn't have cattle. Just four wheelers. Darien Ross is shooting pictures with my Springfield M-1 A rifle in Texas in a week so she's along for her expert assistance in helping to pose the other features. It's Carrie Bare, Enigma, and Kelly Divine who are to be the models. Jim does most of the shooting, shooting the Russian Dragunov, my M-1 and Springfield M-1 A and finally my .454 Casull. Wanting to give him the powerhouse's full effect, I get the heaviest loads I can get, loads more powerful than the buffalo rifles used during the last half of the 19th century, and these are coming out of a handgun. Jim shoots five rounds then hands me my .454 Ruger, commenting, "That's enough for me. Take the last shot."
Without even thinking I torch one of the blasters off, not caring where I've laid my thumb. Feeling a sharp pain, I watch the blood spout out of my thumb and go back to the feature entertainers, and Mike, the other photographer sucking on it. I outsmarted myself, thinking I'd terrify Jim with the gun's awesome recoil, but I underestimated the revolver or overestimated myself. "I'm bleeding." The pictures speak for themselves. And we all owe it to Tommy Gun who provided us with the idyllic spot for both kinds of shooting.
The Calendar girls Enigma--To later become Miss Nude World, she will come to my Collinsville apartment to pick up her calendars on her way from Chicago to a featured event she was scheduled for. Her weapon--The FAL battle rifle. Leah Layne--Former Big Als Miss Nude Illinois, I think she was there when Enigma stopped by. Leah's weapon, the Tec 9 Darien Ross--Like Enigma, from Chicago, Darien would sometimes room with me during Pure Talent Feature showcases--Darien's weapon---the M-14 Mirage---When she was 20 she was my waitress when I shot my first M.S. Texas Pageant for Club Maximus. Later she would pull off a stunning upset by beating out a crowd of feature entertainers at Miss Texas West in Abilene for M.S. Texas West. Her weapon--the AK 47 Carmen--Bubbly, very cute house dancer working at Big Daddy's Cabaret, Carmen and Harley would later join Big Daddy and me at the Las Vegas Exotic Dancer Expo Carmen's gun--the Browning 50 caliber machine gun. Selena--While working with Harley and Carmen at Big Daddy's, Selena would often line up hotel rooms for me near the club. Selena' s weapon---the Springfield 03. Damian Davidson---From Vicksburg, Mississippi I was able to convince her to join all of us at the Las Vegas Exotic Dancer Expo and while she was there she convinced me to shoot her wedding pictures. Later', we'd tour the Vicksburg Civil War battlefield together while I stayed with Damien and her husband. Damien's weapon---the M-1 Garand Carrie Bare---I must have stayed down the hall from Carrie a dozen times shooting feature talent events all across the U.S. from Providence Rhode Island all the way to Kansas. Carrie's weapon--the M-16 Lolly Topps--One of the best stage dancers I ever saw, Lolly once would call me every week to share what was happening next in the adult entertainment industry. Once she called me to ask me to shoot pictures in a club in Debuque, Iowa, got me hotel room next to her and together we convinced the club to become an advertiser in a Midwest adult magazine. Her weapon--the SKS Machine Gun Heather--Heather would bring Krazy Ted down from Iowa when she did photos shoots for me for Dirty Heather with the Colt Python and as Machine Gun Heather with the Browning 30 cal machine gun. Ted would later wind up writing articles for the Looking Glass. Her weapon--the Bowning 30 caliber machne gun Kelly Taylor---I first met Kelly at an East Coast Pure Talent Feature Showcase. A perfectionist, Kelly was then doing her own web site. She was always on time no matter how early the hour. Kelly's weapon...the Russian Dragunov sniper's rifle Brittany Love--Often the M.C. for Pure Talent Feature Showcases, Brittany had already developed a reputation as one of the leading stars in the industry by the time I met her in Las Vegas. Brittany's weapon---my modified Ruger Mini-14.
What made Xtreme Weapons Guns and Babes the best of
the best? An overview of