Number one Safes in Pattaya from Ros

Number one safes, security systems and installation you can bank on in Pattaya Thailand

by Jack Corbett


Your safe is no good" Ros told me when he came into my condo this morning which really didn't matter since I had bought my main safe from Ros over five years ago--  a heavy old fashioned type with an antiquated combination lock which I had bolted securely into my condo wall and it was this relic in which I kept my passport, credit cards, money, and critical documents.   I had gotten the much smaller fully digitized safe from one of Pattaya's most respected retail stores, and placed it high up on a cabinet next to my condo door.  Then I had fitted a special lock on my door that could only be opened from the inside with a key, which I would then quickly throw into the safe every time I brought a strange woman into my place.  I did this because a friend of mine who owned an identical condo to mine had a woman drug his beer while he was taking a shower and had then run off with two of his cell phones and camera.  Pattaya's just that kind of place.  It's not whether or not you are going to get robbed but when, how often and by how much.  You might call me nuts for imprisoning some of Pattaya's finest young women in my condo for a night, but hey, if I didn't, it's not going to be whether I get robbed or not but when.  Ros then told me that a thief only had to pour water into the safe to shut down its digital circuitry which would open the door.   If this isn't enough to scare you about that safe you just bought or are about to buy from the retail store down the street, perhaps this video will.That's why you need to deal with a professional like Ros.  If you are a hotel or guesthouse owner it's even more critical that you deal with a solid professional like Ros because it's your reputation that's on the line in case one of your guest's has his in room safe broken into.  All Safe's are not created equal and your average sales clerk doesn't know the difference.  Ros guarantees 24 hour service which is a great thing to have if you have accidentally locked your passport and other valuables in your safe and either forgotten its combination or had its lock fail and you have a plane to catch.  He can supply you with the exact size of safe you need, a safe for your files, for your wine collection or even a gun collection.   He tells me he's been selling and installing safes for over ten years which I completely believe since I bought my first safe from him over five years ago.He does not have a store, which saves him and you from having to pay for all that overhead.  Call him instead to arrange an appointment to choose a safe from his large selection that will suit your needs perfectly.  One that is going to work for you, not for the thief who makes it his business learning how he can easily break what you would have bought from a sales clerk who doesn't know the difference between what works and what doesn't.


Here's just a few samples of Ros's big selection of safes you can choose from


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security systemssecurity systemssecurity systemssecurity systems
security systemssecurity systemssecurity systemssecurity systems
security systemssecurity systemssecurity systemssecurity systems

security systemssecurity systemssecurity systems

Call Ros at 084-1481480 for an appointment now at your home or business. 

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