there is to be an "adult" Mecca, a place or state of mind where the
entire adult entertainment world can both reflect on and look forward to with
reverence, that place of worship should be the Ponderosa Sun Club which hosts the Nudes-A-Poppin
outdoor beauty contest, an event that occurs twice during the summer on the
third weekend of July and August. Last weekend, Ponderosa celebrated Nudes-A-Poppin's
30th year in what has become the largest nude beauty pageant in the world. This
is the event you might have seen on the Playboy Channel, HBO or one of several
other documentaries covering the dancing competitions and other festivities
just outside Roselawn, Indiana, which is fifty miles south of Chicago and seventy
miles north of Indianapolis. Ninety men and women will compete for trophies
and the titles they represent on Ponderosa's large outdoor dancing platform
before a panel of judges chosen randomly from the audience while four to seven
thousand spectators cheer the contestants on. At Nudes-A-Poppin, the titles
won can have a significant impact on an entertainer's career. For those who
have never attended, Nudes-A-Poppin's all nude epic might seem shrouded in mystery.
My mission is to cut through the fog while urging all of you readers out there
to reward yourselves for all the hard work you will be doing over the next year
by putting next year's event on your itinerary.

now I've probably got everyone confused by mentioning "Ponderosa Sun Club"
and "Nudes-A-Poppin in the same sentence. The Ponderosa Sun Club got its
start around thirty-five years ago as a family orientated nudist resort on an
idyllic wooded eighty-eight acre tract of rolling ground. Five years later,
the members of the club started holding dance competitions among themselves.
The whole thing started small, gradually picking up steam through the years
once the club started to recruit exotic dancers from topless clubs across the
U.S. to compete for a growing array of titles.
finally emerged was a fusion of two forces that are in many ways as diametrically
opposed to each other as salt is to pepper. Nudists are typically a free spirited
bunch who have a deep seated respect for the privacy of the individual that
seemingly contradicts the desire of the entertainer for publicity and for being
the center of attention. Because of the publicity cameras represent cameras
are not allowed in the public areas of the club. The exception to this rule
is during the Nudes-A-Poppin pageant.

arrive at the Ponderosa Sun Club at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning just in time
to get started on my magazine releases. At a large gate next to a small building,
several men wearing yellow security t-shirts approach my pickup. Once we tell
the men our names and who we are representing, one of the men goes inside to
check us out and to get our armbands that will identify us as either having
paid the entry fee or being special guests of the club. A hundred yards past
the gate is another building where we will be spending the next several hours.
To our immediate right upon entering the building is a line of tables. Here
each contestant must produce two ids which are thoroughly checked out and photo
copied. The next step is for each contestant to sign all media releases and
have her picture taken holding the appropriate signed release. Working next
to us are two photographers from "Cheri Magazine" and photographers
representing Gent, Score, and Easy Rider. There's also two Swedes, shooting
video for Swedish National television who are doing documentaries that will
run in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland, one on ex porn star, Ron Jeremy,
one of Sunday's MC's, the other on the Nudes-A-Poppin festival itself.
are allowed to keep our cameras out for only the next couple of hours, and only
in certain designated areas out of respect for the privacy of the nudists. We
start off getting group shots of all the contestants who have taken advantage
of the early Saturday sign up. More than half the contestants will wait
to show up and register for the competition. But waiting for Sunday can put
an entertainer at a huge disadvantage. There are two categories for most of
the events. Some are for house dancers only. The second is what one might call
"open events" in which both house dancers and feature entertainers
compete for some of the most coveted prizes. Since there's room for only a limited
number of contestants for these events, it can be imperative for an entertainer
to sign up as early as possible on Saturday.

the group shots there are opportunities to shoot the entertainers in a variety
of scenarios on Saturday. Ponderosa's provided a number of great props. Not
far from the registration building is a Harley, and within fifty yards of the
motorcycle is a pond with a small island and wooden bridge leading to it. There
are golf carts galore which the entertainers are urged to use. The entertainers
are asked to climb up into a gazebo like structure on short wooden stilts from
which protrudes a sliding board the girls take turns sliding down for the photographers.
A long piece of blue plastic is placed over the grass along which runs a perforated
hose that sprinkles water along its surface and over the naked bodies of the
entertainers gliding across it. Along with the group photo activities there
are plenty of opportunities to get one or more of the girls off to the side
for private photo shoots.
to previous years there's fewer photographers here this Saturday. Those who
are shooting have had their credentials thoroughly checked out and have been
qualified as professional
adult photographers shooting
for the media or for possible promo. Around 1 p.m. we are asked to put our cameras
away. We can continue to hang out here, head out for lunch, or go back to our
motels. Until Sunday the place reverts to being a private nudist resort. One
might see someone mowing the lawn in the buff and will certainly see nudists
in the club's 120 by 65 foot swimming pool.
everyone's staying in a motel. Club members pay a monthly fee to take advantage
of the club's facilities which include swimming, tennis, volleyball, shuffleboard,
basketball, and horse shoes. Or one can be a nudist for a day by paying twenty-five
bucks. Another five dollars purchases a camping spot where one can pitch a tent.
Spots with electrical hookups are available or for RV's and a few trailers and
cabins can be rented although these are typically rented out well in advance
of the Nudes-A-Poppin Pageant.
Saturday night there's a dance, which normally caters to the club's members.
On Ponderosa's web site a Q & A section asks "What can I expect at
a nudist camp"? "What if I accidentally get physically excited?
Its reply is: you happen to be in that 1%, we suggest that you cover up with
a towel or take a discreet cold shower until it subsides."
tonight's dance is special. Porn stars Ron Jeremy, Sunset Thomas, and Amber
Lynn are in attendance. Does this mean that getting physically excited while
being around Amber Lynn or Sunset Thomas is "unacceptable?" Probably
not which is why I mentioned earlier that having a bunch of naked entertainers
competing for titles at a nudist club is in some ways like mixing salt with
starts too early for us. If you are a photographer you'd better be getting up
by 5 a.m. at the latest. We have to be at the registration building by seven
to handle the releases where an even larger number of entertainers have gathered
than the day before.
would study my filled out releases later out of simple curiosity over where
all the contestants came from. Eighteen out of the 72 female contestants would
come from Indiana, the home state, thirteen from next door Illinois, and eighteen
from Iowa thanks largely to the heroics of the Lumberyard over in Des Moines,
Iowa which had sent out a busload of fourteen entertainers. Ohio would contribute
half a dozen contestants, with Missouri providing three, California three, and
Michigan ten. Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania would each be represented by
at least one contestant.
all heard about how those corn fed Iowa gals resemble heifers. Over the past
two years an interesting statistic has emerged at Ponderosa, which would seem
to prove that Iowa girls are definitely not corn fed and that women resembling
heifers must come from a neighboring state. If any state represented here should
get an award for having the trimmest, most gorgeous women, that state could
very well be Iowa, but it's a close call, with many states being true contenders
for this distinction.
are given out for too many categories to enumerate such as for Miss Nude Galaxy,
Rising Star, Best go- go, Best Buns, Showstopper of the Year, House Dancer showstopper
of the year, Best Breasts, Best legs, over twenty-five of them in all. And although
it might be true that many awards will be won by feature entertainers, there's
still an enormous amount of booty to go around. And I haven't even mentioned
the 18 male dancers yet. That accounts for 90 contestants in all, two more than
for August of 2002's grand total of 88, which is a far more notable increase
than the raw numbers alone should indicate considering that a major talent agency
which had made a strong showing in previous years was conspicuously absent.
whether the girls are feature entertainers or house dancers this quarter acre
comprising the immediate pool area during Sunday's Nudes-A-Poppin contests no
doubt represents the most outstanding quarter acre's concentration of gorgeous
women in the world. This is just one measure of the worth of a title won here.
But I'm going to give out just one more statistic and then leave you alone.
I questioned many participants in this month's Nudes-A-Poppin's competition
about why they were here. Two out of three entertainers did not even mention
the credits or how much winning the right trophies might mean to their careers.
The primary reasons given for attending were because the event was so much fun,
how much of a blast they had heard others had here, how they themselves had
never failed to have a good time, and how much Ponderosa's staff had done to
guarantee that everyone would feel right at home.
On Sunday the restriction on cameras is lifted and it's fair game on everybody
including the nudists. The gates are open to anyone willing to pay the fifty
dollar entry fee to the competition. Hundreds of spectators who have brought
their cameras are allowed to take pictures of the entertainers inside the fenced
in pool area as long as they stay outside the fence. Just inside the fence are
small dancing platforms while every effort is made to encourage the entertainers
to pose for and chat with their fans just outside this perimeter. With porn
stars Ron Jeremy, Amber Lynn, Sunset Thomas and L.A. LaMann mcing this event,
Ponderosa's got some of the biggest names of the adult industry on the microphone.
Close to nightfall it's over, and only then does the Ponderosa staff begin to
relax. After the spectators leave we head to the registration building. Inside
we are treated to all the sandwiches, fried chicken, veggies and salad we can
eat and all the soft drinks and beer we can drink. Outside there are picnic
tables where we can relax and watch the late afternoon turn to night. To come
here is like getting on a train for a long ride into the next dimension of the
adult entertainment world to destinations unknown, a ride during which you will
reacquaint yourself with old friends while meeting lots of new people, a train
that once experienced you will never want to leave.
who in the pictures (not part of the article)
first entertainer appearing in a solitary image is Faith who works at Club Eclipse
at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. Faith and her two friends stayed a couple
rooms down from us at the motel. At the contest Faith felt she had not been
on the stage long enough to have been noticed by the judges. I told her I sure
had paid attention and she replied...."You did only because we've all been
hanging out together the last couple of days." "But that didn't have
a thing to do with it," I told her. Faith wound up winning 1st place as
Showstopper House Dancer category.
our little spoof we played up with Ponderosa's security, it's Darien Ross and
Jamie Sweet. Jamie's from the Philadelphia area. Considering she's obviously
very attractive I felt Xtreme would be xtremely interested in her since Xtreme
is an East Coast Magazine and Jamie's an East Coast girl. Jamie wound up winning
three firsts and another award besides, her firsts are "Cheri Magazine's
Miss Natural Beauty" and Ponderosa's "Miss Hot Buns" and Miss
Petit Nude North America. This was a spectacular performance. Jamie dances at
Daydreams in Philadelphia.
Jamie's solitary image at the waterfall at Ponderosa is Jessica who works at
the Lumberyard in Des Moines, IA. Early on I'd kid Jessica by calling her Little
Darien or Darien Junior...as in Little Darien Ross, mainly because of the pink
hat she wore when we first met her and Darien likes wearing pink colors. I felt
Jessica was simply one of the most stunning models there.
the bottom picture it's one of my roommates, Tornado, who often rooms with me
at such events....past Nudes A Poppin events, Las Vegas Expos, Pure Talent Feature
Showcases, etc. The three entertainers are with Heart Throbs, an Iowa based
outfit which specializes in bachelor's parties and other types of private parties.
The brunette closest to Tornado is Amy, who lives not too far from me in the
St Louis Metro East. I'll vouch for Amy's being one of the most fun, flamboyant,
off the wall gals at the entire Nudes-A-Poppin Pageant. I
never got acquainted with the other brunette from Heart Throbs. The blonde was
for a very short time my dance partner the night before.
did not mention this in my article for "Wood Magazine" but feel it
should be here. The Lumberyard, in Des Moines brought a bus with fourteen of
its dancers to Nudes-A-Poppin winning an award for the club having the most
contestants. The Lumberyard also recently hosted a Pure Talent Feature Showcase.
This club should be commended for its outstanding showing not only at Nudes-A-Poppin
but also for publicizing itself in general. Two years ago, Club Eclipse in Missouri
won Ponderosa's award for being the club providing the most entertainers. I
remember its manager going around the festival handing out his Club Eclipse
business cards and how friendly the girl was who won the top house dancer award
was for Club Eclipse. Although I still haven't been to this club (I will be
going soon, however), I got the impression that Eclipse is top notch.
such as the Lumberyard in Des Moines and Eclipse in Missouri because they put
out that special effort to put themselves on the map, usually are top clubs.
I certainly can say this about the Lumberyard after having taken pictures there
for four nights straight and getting to know the club's general manager. For
the club that wants to get known and to be recognized for excellence putting
on a strong show at Ponderosa's Nudes-A-Poppin represents an affordable and
fun way to do it.