Men living off women,  The Trail of The Leech, by Jack Corbett

Exploring the satirical side of men living off women.  This piece humorously portrays the 'leech' waiting outside topless clubs.

The bonermobile, cartoon of topless dancer's boyfriend's car

Meanwhile, she has worked hard for her money, lap dancing a bunch of horny guys or worse depending upon the club, its rules and how far the dancer will go.  Most of her money she will end up giving to him.  Much of it might even go to drugs.


This could be you.   Not a dancer?  

 I wouldn't ever dance on stiff penises? 


No matter.   Chances are you either have a leech in your life, had a leech in your life, are thinking about having a leech in your life, or have at least one friend who says she can't get her leech out of her life.  If you can answer yes to any of the above this page is for you.  And if you want to do anything about it, you owe it to yourself and all the millions of women out there with leeches to get at least one Pimp t let your voice be heard.
But for now, indulge yourself in these pages full of rich Leech Lore. Welcome to the Kingdom of Leechdom.

Visit the Boner and Squeeky cartoons


How much does your pimp cost?........Try this fun analysis.  You might be very surprised with the answer


How leeches got Jack kicked out of a strip club


What Encyclopedia Britannica has to say about



How to get your own Pimp t shirt today


See actual dancers being escorted by their leeches

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