Alex--the new American commissioner
Alex's credentials for being the new impartial American commissioner are impressive. She is the first to critique my novel "Death on the Wild Side" before it was published and in its infancy as a 200 page first draft.
I figured that if I wanted to write a book about strippers the most qualified person to critique it would be a very smart stripper.
by Jack Corbett |
And the best part of it is she's at Dollies Playhouse over in Washington Park where she can drink beer and Tequila with Howard and me. Of course don't think for one minute that she's going to be partial to us when it comes to judging the fairness of how we run this Studmuffin Contest. And don't think that Alex and my knowing each other for seven years will influence her voting in any way. So what do the commissioners do? We might cheat...or the Canadians might cheat. They already have but when it comes to this election if there is any cheating that leads to a controversial outcome, the two commissioners can declare the election null and void and rule for a new election. So what happens if the commissioners cheat? That's where the other women members of the group come in. At any point in time they can start impeach proceedings against the commissioners. You can be sure that Jade and Angel just to name two will keep a watchful eye on the commissioners.
Alex's email address [email protected]