Dick Fitswell's  Revelation: The Garden Tomb Truth by Jack Corbett


Dick Fitswell presents compelling evidence to the congregation, establishing the Garden Tomb as the true site of Christ's crucifixion, solidifying his status as a leading theologian.


"The Search for the Tomb of Jesus" by William McBirnieNo...Dick Fitswell did not write the book that proves his points beyond a shadow of a doubt.  But what he did was to cut through the bull by telling it like it really is which is that Christians have been taken for close to 1700 years.   Just to solidify first the Roman Emperors' then the churches' hold on their people who are all too willing to part with their money, their minds, and their spirit in exchange for giving their blind faith much the way that sheep do.

Through an exhausting journey on foot through Jerusalem Fitswell goes it alone searching for the truth.  At last he finds the real Golgotha and the Garden Tomb maintained faithfully by the Anglican Church (Church of England).   Meanwhile millions of Christians continue to make their pilgrimages to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where they happily donate their money to the priests and ministers within.   As for the book---forget about buying it now since apparently it's out of print.   We looked for it at Amazon.com.   And found three other books by William Steuart McBirnie, but not this one.   Apparently it didn't attract the following it so richly deserved.  


But Fitswell, a pioneer and a legend got his copy, which had been printed in Israel and for a slight fee is willing to make reproductions.  Fitswell also found through his scholarly studies that there is no other place in or around Jerusalem that resembles a human skull.  

One of Fitswell's conclusions is that Christians were willing to kill countless Muslims during the Crusades starting around 1100 AD simply because they had occupied and controlled the Holy Land with the Holy sites  but are now complacently content

Picture of the Biblical Golgothaat having an Arab bus station on the site of the Holy Cross because of stupidity, inertial and slavish devotion to the dollars that continue to flow into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  

Picture perfect.  Only a moron would fail to see that Romans liked crucifying their victims along a major road which in this time was the Road to Damascus.  This major artery existed in front of the old city's gates and wound to one side of the Old Execution grounds where popular sports were held such as "Let's go get somebody else stoned" and "Let's nail the other guy".  

In the New Millennium there can be no question that a new era has arrived.  In  a field that has lost much of its original luster and justifiably so Dick Fitswell's future is as bright as any comet that has ever lit up the sky.

Probable execution ground in Jerusalem at time of Christ

Link to the official web site for the Garden Tomb


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