The Studmuffin Times April 1999 Fifth Edition |
Canadians kidnap Dollies Playhouse Dancer
![]() Canadian pair kidnap American super entertainer Tori and leave her working her butt to the bone at Private Eyes in Toronto for unscrupulous Canadian masters. Most unprecedented scene of diabolical brainwashing ever committed in the Metro East Clubs. "I thought I could trust them," Jack Corbett says to a special investigation team of ex CIA, FBI, KGB and Roman Catholic agents appointed by the Pope during his visit to St Louis. Five days and nights of straight partying here set the whole thing up. Suddenly scant days after Beater and El Chid return to Canada Tori informs everyone--"I'm flying out to Detroit tomorrow." Next thing we know she's at the Detroit airport waiting for the Canadians to pick her up. A mysterious black car arrives at the aiport, ushers Tori off, and the Canadian miscreants smuggle her across the border.
It is expected that she will be wined and dined and subjected to some of the most fun partying ever experienced. Next....she will turn on Jack and Howard in the next Studmuffin contest-----a creature with no free will of her own, a mere pawn of the Canadian Menace.
The New York Dimes reports Jack vowing: "I don't want to lower myself to offering bribes and I never will but if she comes back I"m putting her on the Dollies web site."
Meanwhile it is expected that the Beater, El Chid, Chris Wellington, Angel, Sickboi, the Dirty Dawg, and Angel will subject Tori to so much unrelenting propaganda and Tequila and that she will no longer be loyal to Howard and Jack.
Stay tuned for the latest updates on the kidnaping of the Century.
Dollies Manager, Howard, puts bounty on Beater and Chid's heads.
"I don't want them alive", Howard demands. "I want both their heads on a plate so I can eat them for breakfast".
They stole one of our best girls, but we've already gotten revenge for that one. "They think they can steal our dancers? Bullshit. We've already been to Toronto and stole two of their best girls and I've got them working for me now. And the best part of it is, we have done these two Canadian girls a big favor by rescuing them from that Cesspool of a club they have the balls to call, Private Eyes."
"They cannot win this one because I always get the best girls," boasts Howard in an exclusive interview by Whitey Limpdick of the St Louis Postoarma, Dego Hill's answer to the St Louis Post Dispatch after watching Howard down over 32 shots of Tequila in the Dollies backroom. "But what really pisses me off," Howard is reported saying, "Is when El Chid slipped me that Micky and they cut my hair, then poisoned me."
Exclusive interview of Howard
Beater caught trying to bribe Howard
Jack learns he has a Canadian son
Everyone astonished. Dancers and staff at Dollies and two other clubs are stunned and paralyzed over the prospect of two Jacks. But------incredibly the most surprised and perplexed is Jack.
This is the stuff great movies are made of reports the Lost Angeles Sun. Boy born out of wedlock in another country. Mother cannot find the father. Twenty-five years later the boy has become a man, learns the truth and searches the web for his real father.
Howard steals two Canadian feature entertainers
At first depressed when the Beater and Chid kidnap Tori from under his nose, perennial Studmuffin champ and manager at Dollies strikes back by stealing two Canadian dancers from Toronto club.
See who they are, why the two Canadian features are so highly acclaimed, and how Howard pulled off one of the boldest counter attacks ever conceived.
Exclusive from the Studmuffin Times, the only newspaper that promises and delivers the truth, what Harold Muddle of the Chicago Times has called Twentieth Century Mankind's only Window to sanity in a world where the news from all other publications has become a quicksand of unreality. Read the true story of the two Canadian features and how Howard got them to work for him
It is Canada versus the U.S.
Howard the popular club manager at Dollies has won the coveted title of Studmuffin twice in a row beating as many as eleven challengers when the voting took place on the Alphapro web site at
Since then Corbett's web site became truly international. The Canadians started to arrive en mass.
It all started when Jack met the self proclaimed number one strip club junkie of Canada, the infamous Inferno, and the two of them started cyber drinking together. Then the Interno started bringing his Canadian buddies onto the Web Site and they all became Cuervo cyber buddies.
Which led to the Inferno visiting Jack here in East St. Louis. Which is taking Jack up to Toronto this November 7th for Jackfest.Drunk one night at Dollies the two planned the First International Stud Muffin contest ever to be run and Beater somehow came up with Dawg as the challenger to Howard-the same Dirty Dog who has tried to kidnap several Dollies dancers to do porno movies for him in Canada.
(To be continued on page 3)
The Dirty Dog
Dawg we meant. That was just a typo. What do you expect here anyway? This newspaper is free.
He's into porn big time. And the women he has doing it are covered with creepy crawlers. Even Jack wouldn't date them and that's saying a lot.
expect the
time in this election. Otherwise a
Dog like this Dawg could not
possibly mount a threat to Howard's
Stufmuffin title.
Studmuffin Contest Rules
We are trying to keep this contest honest but that should prove to be practically impossible. Already the Canadians are showing us that they are cheating. We might have no recourse than to cheat as well. After all, as the late Vince Lombardi said, "Winning is not the most important thing, it is the only thing."
There will be two "Impartial Commissioners", one Canadian, the other American. Both women are women representing the dancing profession.
Kwinn, a Niagra Falls dancer who holds a Masters Degree in Agricultural Science has volunteered to be the Canadian commissioner.
Jack took Kwinn at her word
believing her to be a woman of
integrity. But already some of the
American girls in the Lost Angels
group have raised serious questions
about Kwinn's impartiality.
Already she has turned a blind eye into Beater's compilation of a mailing list that is email based. Ex Dollies and C_mowes entertainer Jade said it best--------"This method of voting is elitist and would eliminate most qualified voters as the venue for voting has been put together by the Beater and his nefarious colleagues." Then Alex who once performed at Dollies, Chameleon and C_Mowes brought up Inferno's and Dawg's visiting her in club where they proceeded to tip her heavily.
Heaven, who represented the Alphapro booth at the 1998 Gentlemens Club Owners Convention was even more skeptical predicting that Kwinn would end up dating the Inferno or Dawg or both.
An American Savior Needed
To save Howard's ass, that's what we need. To reestablish good photography in the topless-bottomless industry. To promote Budweiser Beer over that inferior slop produced by Canadian breweries.
unquestioned .
And whose virtues reach the absolute pinnacle of sanctimonious righteousness.
Because of the world threat
that Canada presents if it
should win the coming
Studmuffin election we are
undergoing serious
negotiations with Alabama
who played the wayward Nun,
Sister Margarita in the Dollies
Trendy Toilet Sex Series as
presented on the Alpha
Productions Internet Theater
known as the Lost Angels.
We hope she accepts this
position of being the
American Impartial
Commissioner. It is merely a
question of price now.
"Howard in Danger of" (continued from page 1)
First the Dirty Dog tried to get Brandy to leave Dollies to do porno movies for him in Toronto. Calling her at her home he said: "It only hurts for a little bit honey. The Chinese will love your pictures however." She refused.
Dirty Dawg then called Alabama at Dollies. Now just imagine what gall that took, asking a nun to do a porno flick? Worse....He is reported as promising her--"Honey, once you let me get into the habit you will always want me."
The Inferno and Dirty Dawg are a serious threat to Howard's world championship as reigning Studmuffin. They are well financed by leading pornographic concerns both in Canada and in Amsterdam and they are rumored to be buying a Bangkok bordello.
We are not sure of our facts on this don't sue us or we might just have you drowned in the Mississippi River but our sources tell us that the duo plan on kidnaping American entertainers and shipping them off to the bordello in Thailand where they will be forced to compete with 12 year old Thais.
Another important source for their funds is the "Never Last" Rubber company a leading firm in the prophylactic industry.
The Dirty Dawg and his campaign manager, The Inferno are going to need all of this money because they sure as hell can't take pictures.
Still-----this threat is so real and so terrifying that Jack Corbett will be on his way to Toronto, Canada to do his own private investigation of their highly illicit activities putting his life on the line by drinking with The Inferno and his minions. To stop Corbett, Beater has commissioned Angel, a young college coed to take care of him, whatever that means.
The Canucks are calling us names
That's right and we are not going to put up with that.
First, they don't call us Americans. They call us Merikans which makes us out to be bloodthirsty savages.
(Continued on page 4)
The Canucks are calling us names (continued from page 3)
The Canadians headed by Big Mike, Sickboi, the Inferno, Dirty Dawg, and Kwinn are casting us as a bunch of Budweiser swigging gun toting barbarians who live on dirt floors.
They claim we keep goats in our rooms and that they won't let us bring our goats with us when we visit them.
What we are calling the Canadians
Communists and socialists. It is getting to be country against country. Their beer is slop. They don't have the common sense to carry guns. And the men prefer sheep over goats.
Passions are riding high on this one
Dirty Dawg (continued from page 2)
So there we have it. Dawg is after the St. Louis Metro East girls on the pretense of paying them well to do pornography.
His real intentions are diabolical. Using the vast sums of cash he has available to him he wants to get them to Canada then ship them off to
Bangkok where they will be made into prostitutes with no escape in sight.
Howard represents a basic goodness that stems from his being an ex over the road truck driver. He is so good hearted that women cannot stay away from him.
The question is, can he survive this well financed Canadian onslaught?
Howard is going to need the votes of every woman who can either get online or come to Dollies to vote on either the computer or the club's web tv.
Stay tuned and become unglued
This one's going to be a battle to the finish. Think the Cold War was something? Well, this one's a hot war. Just remember, you get it first in the Studmuffin Times.
The future of your children is on the line here as the upstart Storm trooper types try to march on every value system you treasured. Just remember that the little girl you are raising might be the next to be shipped to a Bangkok bordello. Unless you join forces against the Menace from the North before it is too late.
We have our secretive operatives in Canada doing the best they can. But they have their clandestine under covers in the U.S. Beater and the Canadian Dawg are too well financed not to.
So what can you do? When the time calls do your civic duty and vote for Howard, the true Studmuffin above all pretenders to his well deserved thrown. After all.....The future of the United States and the freedom of all Americans is at stake on this one.