Stimmelators Page Puts Stimmelation back on the Topless Stage

by Jack Corbett


semi naked Page on stage

Another newcomer on the Stimmelators Gentlemen's Club scene Page not only took great pictures, but was also gracious enough to come by our table to wish us all goodbye as the club was getting ready to close.   That third night emerged into sharp contrast from our first evening there.  Philip and I didn't recognize a single girl.   Yet Page had been quick to get on the ground floor of our photo shoots and she soon clearly emerged as a winner.


But the third night old friends were with us.   Angie was working and she had spent three days with us representing Alphapro at the Gentlemens Club Expo in Las Vegas two years ago.  Renee, one of the first of the Stimmelators girls to pose before my camera nearly three years ago had come down to join us.   And after losing sight of her for nearly three years Jazzy was with us at our table as we took pictures,  did a short video, and drank together. 


We liked Page and hope to see more of her on future visits.  So did the camera.


To see the thumbnails full size simply click on them.

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