Honda CRB 250 Road Test Gone Wrong-Looking Glass Magazine June 2011

Jack Corbett's Honda CBR 250 road test in Pattaya turned into a brutal crash, resulting in a completely severed clavicle and titanium-reinforced surgery.  A gripping ride review like no other.


Honda 250 CBR Road Test

Hey boys This CBR 250 is the bomb with it I'm going to make a real impact

I will do anything for a story.  I will even break my clavicle to give you the best CBR road test possible of this new Honda 250.

Jack Corbett

Uncle Bufford Naklua Bar Reviews
by Uncle Bufford

Uncle Bufford Naklua Bar Reviews 

Naklua Bar Reviews

Click on our archives s
if you don't find what you are looking for here (e.g.. Nudes-A-Poppin)The Looking Glass Back Issues

Welcome to the Fun House by Jack Corbett 

Welcome to the Fun House

Until now Jack Corbett's only written one novel, "Death on the Wild Side"  Although "Welcome to the Fun House" is still not quite ready for the printer, here it is, in pdf format, an exclusive available only for our Looking Glass readers.



Big Dick Fitswell Moves to Thailand

by Jack Corbett

Dick Fitswell as he looks today in Thailand

Dick Fitwell is the man on the prowl, searching for the perfect fit.  At last he finds the world's best playground and moves to Pattaya, Thailand,  in his quest to for the Holy Grail--the ultimate satisfaction for his overly developed penis--all 18 e inches of it.

Madame Nook Pattaya and Naklua Restaurant Reviews

The Hot Tub by Scott Waggnoner 

Who better to review Pattaya's wondrous restaurants than Madame Nook?  She's Thai so she knows the difference between what's sold at exorbitant prices and the great culinary deals out there.


 by Chiang Mai Kelly

Uncle Bufford Go Go Bar Reviews
by Uncle Bufford


Uncle Bufford in go go bar 


the Elephant Village
by Jack Corbett

Exotic Thailand has tigers in the wild, monkeys, King Cobras, snake sized centipedes, and every so often a large Python will turn up in the neighborhood.   Here in Pattaya, it's not unusual to have elephants show up unexpectedly, ambling up the street you live on or entering your favorite bar for a free handout.  So if you have ever hankered for a chance to ride elephants Pattaya offers several places to get it done.  I've found the number one place to go elephant trekking is still the Elephant Village just 15 minutes from Pattaya where you can get away from it all in a serene jungle sitting where you can take your time becoming one with your surroundings.


 Jack Corbett 12 Wonders of Pattaya


There's a lot more to Pattaya other than the best looking babes in the world, over 2000 bars and more night life than anywhere else.



Looking Glass Magazine Back Issues


The Jack Corbett Pattaya Advisory


The Jack Corbett  Video Channel



alpha Productions


Jack Corbett's email address

Feel free to e-mail Jack at the address above.  Note this is not a clickable link


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