Dick Fitswell's Dream Come True: The Brothel in Bangkok |
Discover Dick Fitswell's satirical journey as he finds his destiny managing a brothel in Bangkok. |
Dick Fitswell Introduces Fuckee Cubicles to Spermutations Whore House Bangkok
Spermutations was a dream come true for Dick Fitswell. "A Whorehouse in Bangkok" is my destiny. It’s me. It’s what I’m all about," Dick Fitswell chuckled to himself as he sat in his manager’s office with his feet stretched out on his desk watching "his girls" slowly filter in to work their shifts on the twenty-seven inch monitoring screen he had installed. On it he could watch every room in the place. Horizontal and vertical lines on this screen subdivided its surface into twenty-four zones which he could watch simultaneously. Nine little rooms where the girls and their did the Thai baths, the Spermutations bar, the dressing room, and even the parking lot were under Dick Fitswell’s scrutiny along with the five "Fuckee Fuckee cubicles. Most customers started with the Thai bath as they enjoyed the one and a half hour massages but invariably ended up paying more to copulate with the girls. Some preferred getting on with their business in the Fuckee Fuckee cubicles as soon as the bouncer asked them what service they wanted. In the long run such experienced customers paid less for the penetration they longed for while others simply didn’t have the time to go through the hour and a half long Thai bath. The display was on a timer which showed each zone for two seconds, before going back to the overview screen which showed all twenty-four zones at once. Then it would go to the second zone, go back to the overview screen, before continuing onto the third zone, and so on. Dick Fitswell also had a mouse which he could use to click on the individual sectors on his display which would temporarily interrupt the automatic processing of the images by bringing up whatever room he wanted to view full size------to be continued in the book which you can buy in paperback or for your Kindle or Smart Phone from Amazon