Dollies Playhouse dancer Alabama Kidnapped by the Canadian Studmuffin Team


Dirty Dawg sexually assaulting topless dancer Alabama


Those e-mails Alabama sent out to some of the girls in the group? Those containing those promises of new identity, apartments, new cars, not to mention other lavish perks for playing ball with the Canadian Studmuffin team?

They were never written by a Sister Margarita in an independent state of mind but forced from her hand by the would be Studmuffin champion of the world.

Corbett and Howard did not want to lose the services of Sister Margarita but their hands were tied. After finding her trying to shake off her ordeal of terror over a cup of coffee at Waffle House they immediately took her to the nearest convent where she could be restored to her previous state of mind by Mother Superior, then they took her back to a topless club that could operate as a half-way house.

Secret meetings were held after that. A vote was taken and the American Studmuffin team voted Alex in and immediately instated her in Dollies as a topless dancer where she could keep a watchful eye on the proceedings. Visibly shaken by how ruthless the Canadian team had treated Sister Margarita, the American team to elect Howard appointed a backup committee to make sure all voting proceedings would be kept fair and honest.

It took a lot of doing to come up with this picture which displays the truth as only we, here at the Studmuffin Times can publish it.

Just remember, when it comes to objective journalism you know who you can trust. The Studmuffin Times. We are the only publication of its kind that takes the high road, refusing to take sides simply because someone is paying us big bucks to advertise his products or services.


This page paid for by the Corbett and Howard electoral fund raiser to elect Howard. Campaign donations can be sent to Jack Corbett, 101 Victory Lane, Collinsville, IL 62034.


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