Dick Fitswell takes a Break: A Canadian Adventure by Jack Corbett Dick Fitswell heads to Canada on a month-long hiatus from sex, following his doctor's orders to give his equipment a rest.
But Doc, I’m Dick Fitswell, the man after the perfect fit. You are asking too much out of me."
"Dick.....You are thirty-five now and no longer in your prime. It might mean more than life and death. It just could be your sanity."
"So when can I return to some serious fucking?"
"Thats up to you but I suggest you take at least a month off." ****** "Those damn bitches have been doing this to me. They just dont understand that Ive been trying to do them a favor. I give them my best shots, right up their pussies of the best elixir in the world, and what do they do to show their appreciation? They act like bitches. Caused my blood pressure to get out of line and now that Doctor says he cant just give me an antibiotic----he tells me Ive gotta take it easy and quit fucking them for awhile. But I cant. So Im going somewhere where Im not going to be tempted. Where theres either no women or where the women are too damn ugly. Im heading to Canada."------to be continued in the book which you can buy in paperback or for your Kindle or smart phone from Amazon
Copyrighted by Jack Corbett. Image by Scott Waggoner, NUGRAFIX