Dick Fitswell's  Quest for Paradise in Bangkok's Brothels


Dick Fitswell explores the endless variety of women and experiences in Bangkok's vibrant nightlife by Jack Corbett.


dual book covers

"No more churches for me," Dick Fitswell vowed to the shapely Thai girl sitting next to him at the Bangkok bar.


"That’s quite a story, the young  prostitute said. "What did the authorities do to Gloria after she burned the church and killed those women?"


"Nothing," Dick Fitswell said. "She disappeared right after she burned the church down. When they searched her house, they found six dead bodies of men she had seduced. On the six o’clock news they were saying that she believed everyone of them had jilted her. They also found pictures of all her victims on her bathroom wall. My picture was on it with the others. She had rubbed shit all over each picture and I would probably have been her next victim. She’s now on the nation’s most wanted list, which is one of the reasons I’m here, Susie Chai."


"What’s the other reasons you’ve come to Thailand?"


"Because I love fucking whorehouses."


Bangkok had over eight million inhabitants and this international Mecca for sex addicts was widely regarded to have a quarter million whores. The Japanese  were renowned for targeting prominent Japanese business men for week long sex tours of the better known sex shows and brothels in Thailand.  At these sex shows a man could watch a woman having sex with a horse or a man sticking his prod into a chicken ------to be continued in the book which you can buy in paperback or two e reader formats from Amazon and lulu.com


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