Khao Kheow Open Zoo is head of its class.

If you are wondering why I’m calling Siracha Thailand’s Khao Kheow open zoo a world beater compared to other zoos here’s why

picture of Mali and Phang at Khao Kheow Open Zoo
Phang on the left, Mali on the right.

Visually Khao Kheow Open Zoo is very striking. And It’s huge. If one walks the entire extent of this zoo, t can get very tiring. Which is why Khao Khow open zoo provides a large sampling of golf karts.

Click on the picture above to watch the video
picture of Malai and Phang with golf kart at Khao Kheow Open Zoo

This is the way to get around Khao Kheow Open Zoo. By electric powered golf kart. Which not only makes getting around a lot less tiring. It’s also loads of fun.

We were here for more than three hours but we still didn’t have time to find the area devoted to the big cats. Such as lions, white tigers, Indo Chinese tigers, Jaguars, Leopards and small cats such as Ocelots and wild cats. We didn’t have time for the elephants either. Or the deer that I was looking forward to feeding bananas to. We never even saw the deer. That’s how big this place is.

And then there were the monkeys. If you watch the video slide show above you can view them takin’g over the golf kart I rented.

But the really decisive difference between all the U.S. zoos I’ve visited is the animal to human contact that Thailand’s zoos offer. For example, in my video you can watch live footage of Mali feeding the giraffes. And watch her feeding the rhinoceros up close and personal. American zoos won’t get you anywhere close to the animals out of fear of liability suits. Even monkeys are capable of biting you. And oftentimes will if you give them the chance. This factor alone makes any American zoo grossly inferior to the better zoos here in Thailand.

Thailand’s Siracha Khao Kheow Zoo

Khao Khow Open Zoo web site

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