We would have completed more than these two videos of Pattaya Sweet Spot Bars had the external microphone not come unwired.

Pattaya Sweet Spot Bars would have gotten us more videos had we stayed at the Spot longer. But we visited the Spot twice. And by our second visit I was too snockered to be interested in shooting more video. While I did manage to shoot a couple more videos at Sweet Bar. Unfortunately, these turned out to be silent films. One of the reasons was I had turned off the external microphone transmitter in order to save the battery. And had forgotten to turn it back on.
Hopefully this will never happen again at either of the Pattaya Sweet Spot Bars
I would stick it out with the two internal Nikon microphones which are always ready to go. But Mali loves to sing. WHile her singing adds a new dimension to my videos.
As I mentioned earlier, Ninja’s the driving force behind Sweet Bar. Every time I come into his bar, he plays “Another One Bites the Dust, my favorite song by Queen. Then he will often ask me to change the bar’s music to whatever song I want. Ninja also encourages Mali to play whatever song she wants to dance to. And although Ninja’s Chinese, he is well versed in popular Western music from both the present and the past.
Thankfully he doesn’t play much of that awful electronic music so many bar girls want to play. And I am not the only one Ninja encourages to play a customer’s favorite music. Surprisingly there are several Soi Six bars I can mention that do not allow either me or my girlfriends to change the bar’s music. I avoid these bars like the plague.
Listing of all 8 videos from 11/16/2034
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