Category Archives: Contestants and calendar girls

You will find all the videos of our Pattaya Dancing Queen contestants and calendar girls here so that you can find each girls videos in one place.

Pattaya Crocodile Farm with two cute Thai ladies.

Who are Phang and Mali, and here at the Pattaya Crocodile Farm, you will find some terrific tiger pictures and watch crocodiles go berserk

At the Pattaya Crocodile Farm a very beautiful Mali close and Personal with a tiger
In my opinion this Bengal Tiger was most definitely not on drugs.

As Jack Corbett teases them mercilessly as he dangles a chicken above their heads. We chose to go to the Pattaya Crocodile Farm because Mali had her heart set on having pictures taken of her with a Tiger. But first, I took Phang and Mali to Khao Kheow Zoo in Siracha because I felt it was the best zoo in Thailand. And in the world.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to find the big cats at Khao Kheow zoo. And even if we did, I don’t think we could have taken close and personal pictures of Mali with tigers there.

I will put Thailand’s zoos way ahead of any in the United States for one simple reason. You can get up real close to the animals at Thailand’s zoos. Whereas in the U.S.A. Americans are so litigation conscious that the zoos won’t let you get anywhere near the animals. The United States is not even a shadow of its former greatness as far as I am concerned. You can’t even keep a wolf for a pet there. Whereas in Pattaya just a few years ago half-grown elephants roamed the bars.

I thought they’s be drugging the tigers at the Pattaya Crocodile Farm.

That’s what I told Mali when she told me how much she wanted me to take her pictures with a tiger. Because she was nearly terrified of getting up close and personal with real tigers. And when we were given the choice of Mali getting up close to a Tiger, we could choose between a white Tiger. And a colorful Bengal Tiger. It would cost me 300 baht to get pictures of Mali with the white tiger and just 200 baht with the Bengal Tiger.

Mali chose the Bengal Tiger, and i think she chose wisely. The white tiger didn’t seem all that with it. Perhaps its keepers drugged it. But maybe not. It didn’t look all that healthy to me.

But that Bengal Tiger was something else. There was nothing wrong with it that I could determine.

I had been around Tigers Before. For example, got a small white tiger up on the stage at a topless club in the United States. And had most of the strippers cradling it like a baby while they fed it milk from a baby bottle. But Smokey (that was the white tiger’s name) must have weighed around 40 pounds. Which is ab out the size of a medium sized dog. But even though this Bengal Tiger probably weighed 400 pounds or so, I felt Mali would be perfectly safe around it.

After taking pictures of Mali with the magnificent animal I asked its keeper a few questions. The tiger’s handler told me the zoo never had any problems with its tigers. And Mali’s new friend had been born and raised at the Crocodile Farm.

But I had no such sympathy for the Crocodile Farm’s crocodiles. And I told both Mali and Phang that I wanted to eat crocodile at the zoo’s restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed.
So, I was not able to avenge all those thousands of people who have been killed (and eaten) by Crocodiles over the past century. But I still got the better of them when I fed them a chicken which I hoisted above them with a long bamboo fishing rod. They were ferocious. They were fast. But I was much faster, and I sincerely hope that I totally pissed all those crocodiles off.

Click here if you want to see a lot more of Mali in her videos.

Crocodile Farm’s Website.

Khao Kheow Open Zoo

Pattaya Dancing Queen IV is the winner of 20000 baht.

If I were to write about the four Dancing Queen competitions, I would have to write at least six chapters about Pattaya Dancing Queen IV.

Soem of the contestants for Pattaya Dancing Queen IV
Click on the picture above to watch the second video

Find the voting totals in the spreadsheet below

The way the judging works is each judge has 3 votes. He gives 3 points to his first-choice girl, 2 points to his second-choice girl and 1 point for the girl he thinks finished 3rd in the competition. Note that I am calling judge number 1, Thai. Because he is the only Thai judge, and his real name is actually Thai.

What I fail to understand is Mew, contestant number six only getting six votes. When she won all three of the previous Pattaya Dancing Queen Competitions.

Mew was contestant number six. She finished 1st at Nikky Bar for Pattaya Dancing Queen 1. Then she finished first again in July 2022. Winning the votes from five judges out of five for best dancer. Which earned her 10000 baht. And also winning from all five judges for doing the Best Show for an additional 4000 baht. While on my birthday on April 2, 2023, Mew once again won a unanimous score from all five judges. And by unanimous, I mean all five judges gave her 3 points.

I also fail to understand why Koy and Mali who danced together as number 4 did not win a single vote from any of the five judges. This would mean that according to these judges’ contestants 1, 3, 7, 6, 5 and 9 were all better than Koy and Mali. The spreadsheet places Mali and Koy in 7th place out of 9 contestants. Just keep in mind that in Pattaya Dancing Queen 2, Koy tied Gee for a 2nd place finish, and I used to think that Gee was the best dancer on Soi 6 until I met Mew.

I really felt Koy and Mali would have given Mew a real run for the money, with either Mew or Koy and Mali finishing first for 20000 baht.

I felt this way although both Mali and Koy felt Mew is unbeatable. But oh well, who knows can happen whether the contest is Pattaya Dancing Queen 1, II, III or Pattaya Dancing Queen IV.

Mali is a newcomer on this scene. It is her first competition, but before the last competition at Nikky Bar last April 2, 2023, I was shooting video of her in my condo analyzing which dancers she felt were the best. Mali thought Koy would beat Mew. But I disagreed with her, telling her Mew will always win, even if it means paying off the judges. Which I meant as a joke because I knew Mew too well to think she would ever take unfair advantage of anyone.

Example in point. Whenever Mew would met me in Soi Six when we would go to various bars together, she always made it a point to endear herself with the bars’ managers and owners. Oftentimes she would buy a manager drinks. Once she even bought Andy six tequilas at Helicopter bar and challenged him to drink all six. While in general she would always say goodbye to the owner, manager or mamasan before we ventured on to another Soi Six Bar.

But Mew outdid herself at Nikky Bar on April 2nd 2023 by convincing not only all five judges but practically everyone in the bar that she was the best of the best.

And if you watch Mew’s 2023 Nikky Bar performance you can watch practically everyone rooting for her. While at the end of the performance she has Gee, Koy and several of the contestants dancing with her before she could even complete her performance. Just keep in mind that Mew was beating her fellow contestants out of the money they would have won if she hadn’t showed up.

In spite of her never competing in a single dancing queen competition I knew Mali was ready for Pattaya Dancing Queen IV. I’ve taken her to many bars and shot lots of video of her. In a lot of ways, she’s a lot like Mew. Having terrific coordination from her hands and arms all the way down to her legs. All moving in synchrony with the music. Very few people have this kind of natural talent. Moreover, just a few days before Pattaya Dancing Queen IV, Gee paid Mali the highest compliment by telling her, “You are one of the four monkeys.” Meaning, you are one of us four. Mew, Koy, and myself.

Kudos to contestant number 5, however. She was sexy. She has a great figure. She danced very well.

But she also made herself very noticeable. Posing in front of my camera from start to finish. She also cozied up a lot to Mali. Even though the pair never met. She missed a first-place finish by a single point.

I can go on and on, but I will let you be the judges. Just go to my Facebook page and tell us what you thought of the contest. And who you would have voted for had you been one of the judges.

Click here to watch Mew winning Dancing Queen III at Nikky Bar last April 2, 2023

Click here to watch Koy taking a second-place tie with Gee at Pattaya Dancing Queen II in June, 2022.

The Nine performances for Pattaya Dancing Queen IV.

Contestants 1 and 2

Contestants 3 and 4

Contestants 5 and 6

Contestants 7-9

Video of the dancing that preceded the competition starting at 6:30 July 7, 2024

Hot Shots Dancing Queen contestant number 5 mystery girl

Contestant number 5 was a total mystery to my crowd at the Hot Shots Dancing Queen Competition we held on Pattaya Soi Six

picture of contestant number 5 during the Hot Shots Dancing Queen competition
To the right is number 5 the Hot Shots Dancing Queen mystery girl.

I’m calling contestant number 5 the Hot Shots Dancing Queen mystery girl because I really don’t know where she came from. Mali, if I am not being forgetful told me she’s not a bar girl so she’s certainly not a Soi Six girl. Aside from my never having met her, she danced quite well. While she made herself very conspicuous. For example, posing before my camera every chance she could get. Or making a point of cutting up right in front of me. I didn’t know most of the other girls either, but that’s not the point.

The point I’m making is if you are going to try to win a contest, make sure you get the photographer’s attention.

And the manager’s, and the mamasan’s. But since I’m not only the photographer, I’m also the guy who will be giving 20000 baht to the winners from my own hand. So, contestant number 5’s a smart girl.

to the winners from my own hand. So contestant number 5’s a smart gi

The subject of this next section along with her video is Mew. Who is a totally different story than contestant number 5. I’ve taken hundreds of pictures of Mew. And drunk untold shots of Tequila with Mew. I have watched her win Pattaya Dancing Queen 1. And I’ve watched her win the votes of all five judges at Pattaya Dancing Queen II at Nikky Bar. And Mew made me very happy when she won Pattaya Dancing Queen III at Nikky Bar. And I was even more happy when I gave her 20000 baht after she got first place votes out of five out of five judges.

mystery dancer number 5 at the Hot Shots Dancing Queen competition
In the center wearing white is Mali. With Mew standing right behind her.

Phang was present also although she did not compete. And I’ve known her for over seven years now. As for Koy, I’ve now known her for over two years now. And watched her compete twice for Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions at Nikky Bar. I’ve drunk lots of Tequila with Koy also. And with the exception of Mew, Koy’s bought me more tequilas than any other bar girl ever has. And as for Mali, she’s simply been my number one drinking buddy over the past six months.

As for this threesome of Koy, Mali and Mew, I’ve danced many times with each girl.

It’s no secret that an incredible bond has developed between these three. And with Nikky every bit as much, who Mew calls Mom. And who I call sister while Nikky calls me her brother.

picture of several of the judges at the Hot Shots Dancing Queen competition
Hot Shots Dancing Queen competitor number 5 showed off her presence to everyone

The judging

As we did in the three previous Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions at Nikky Bar, we had five judges. In the picture below of the judge’s table you will notice an open notebook. I gave a ball point pen and a small notebook to each judge so each judge could take notes of his impressions of each dancer as she danced. Because I knew that the girl who danced last would be most likely to win provided, she danced pretty well. After all last impressions of a performer if they are good Impressions usually win the day for the last competitor.

My pal Marc gave each judge a voting sheet on which he would list his top three choices. He would write down the number 3 for his first choice, 2 for his second favorite girl, and 1 for his third favorite. Then I had Marc count the votes from the five voting sheets and insert the number of points each girl earned from each judge on a spreadsheet I had created. The spreadsheet made the counting of the votes take less than five minutes.

A little after 8 p.m. I got on the microphone so that I could explain the contest rules and how we would judge the winners.

But hardly anyone listened to me. I wanted to tell the judges that this contest had to operate according to my rules since I would be the one paying the winners 25000 baht. I had paid $200 for a very high- quality microphone but for some reason it was not nearly loud enough. My voice through the bar’s sound system would have carried well enough except for the fact that hardly any of the girls present could keep their mouths shut. Bottom line was unless the microphone was overpowering enough, fifty mouths all a flapping at the same time was overpowering any words I had to say.

I had told the DJ and other key people at the bar that my absolutely number one requirement was that

no contestant should be allowed to play da da music, which is that electronic noise that consists of two beats, da and DA.

With those two beats running at varying speeds and varying degrees of loudness. Unfortunately, my voice did not carry loudly enough throughout the room. As hardly anyone was paying attention to anything that I was saying. I never had this problem during the competitions at Nikky bar since most people present knew that if someone got in front of everyone and picked up a microphone that they had better stop their mouths from wagging.

And so, it turned out that no matter how hard I tried, most of the competitors chose to play electro shit to dance to.

As for Silent Bob the DJ, he tried to announce that the girls who would compete had to come up to him and tell him what songs they wanted him to play that they could dance to.

Prince again most of the girls who would compete were either not paying attention or for some reason felt they could dance to even a dog barking if they wanted that for their song. As it would later turn out I would have immensely preferred having many of them dancing to a dog barking. Either that or an elephant taking a shit.

There as now four of the nine competitions up here for all of you to choose out of. I will put up the videos of the last five contestants over the next two days.

So now once again, I’m inviting all of you to tell me on my Facebook page which girls you would have voted for had you been judges. But do keep in mind that I tried every which way to stop all the competitors from dancing to that electro noise I call da da.

The Hot Shots Facebook page

The partying before the Hot Shots Dancing Queen competition started.

Shows of competititors 1 and 2.

Shows of competitors 3 and 4

There were three Pattaya Beaches Eye Candy Calendar Girls competing in the Hot Shots Dancing Queen competition. There’s a lot of videos of this threesome, Mali, Mew and Koy.

Mali’s videos

Mew’s videos

Koy’s videos.