After visiting The Spot, Boofees and Sweet Bar, Mali suddenly tells me the Hot Shots context winner is working at Hotshots.

The Hot Shots Contest winner never worked at Hot Shots as far as we know. But somehow, she had convinced the judges to award her 20000 baht at the Pattaya Dancing Queen IV competition Hot Shots held in July 2024. When Mali learned she was working at Liquid Bar, we had to go find her. But now, we learned that she was working at Hot Shots. Starting tonight.
Unfortunately, we were unable to spend a lot of time with the Hot Shots Contest Winner. Because she soon had to go somewhere else. While Gee, Mali and I had planned on hitting seven Soi Six bars tonight.
Tonight, we would actually visit six Soi Six bars, seven if we count the Spot twice as we had promised Silent Bob we would return later.
When we first visited the Spot, we didn’t get any video there. And we didn’t get any video at Boofies either. Which is the second bar we visited. For one thing Gee was very late meeting us. Which is so typical of her. So, Mali had no ladies to dance with her until Gee finally showed up at the Sweet Bar.
But Mali and Gee did a lot of dancing together at Sweet Bar. Due to the manager’s usually playing good music and allowing us to change the bar’s music just about anytime we wanted to.
This time our visit to Sweet Bar tuned out to be even more fun than it usually is. There were a handful of men from Taiwan there. But whereas Taiwanese men are usually quiet and reserved, these Taiwanese proved to be quite the opposite of such stereotypes. For one thing I think they really enjoyed watching Mali and Gee dancing together. But there was one in particular who was really over the top. He had obviously had more than a little to drink. But he was funnier than all get out.
Links to the nine videos from the six bars we visited September 4, 2024
Hot Shots Contest Winner convinces us to visit her tonight
Great Thai music and awesome dancing Sweet Bar Act 5
Pattaya Sweet Bar Musketeers with Mali, Gee and Ninja
Repent Bar Tequila Madness Pattaya Soi Six Bar Crawl
Pattaya Soi Six Karaoke with Repent Bar Tequila Madness
Related Links
If you want to watch all the videos Mali appeared in, click here.
Click here it you want to see all the videos Gee appeared in.