We are doing Soi Six Bar Karaoke at Repent Bar like you’ve never seen karaoke done before. Call it portable Karaoke.

Because we’ve got the right girls, the right bar, and the right equipment.
So why am I calling such Soi Six Bar Karaoke Portable Karaoke?
It’s all because practically everything we are doing here is portable. Although I shot these videos at Repent Bar on Soi Six, I can shoot them anywhere. So long as I have an entertaining bar girl with me who is a good dancer, I am not confined to any special place or time. Two years ago, I had Pon with me as my favorite drinking companion. And although her English skills were lacking, Pon was funnier than all get out. Pon loved to be with me and loved being with her. Because our senses of humor intertwined. And hardly anyone could pole dance like Pon could.
But now my drinking companion of choice is Mali, who can do it all. She can sing. She can dance. And like Pon there’s no telling what antics her brain will come up with next.
Nikky was the first to notice how much Mali enjoyed singing. And who must have understood there was a lot of undiscovered talent there. Several times while Mali and I were drinking with Nikky and Mimi at Nikky Bar, Nikky would tell me, “Support her Jack. Get her a microphone an get her singing, wherever you take her.
I tried three of four approaches on how to best dramatize Mali’s singing in bars, and the best that I could do was to make my own condo into a mini-Karaoke bar.
And finally, I came up with the answer. Which was to turn my Nikon camera into my own mini recording studio what I could take anywhere. It was Tom, the owner of Best Camera over at Tuk.com who not only came up with the answer. But who gave me the tools I needed for free. Although I must admit that I paid a small fortune for my latest and greatest Nikon there.