In these two videos from Sweet and Repent Bars Mali plays Dexter, the serial killer featured in eight Netflix seasons.

In the picture above Dester is about to kill one of his victims. Shown is his “table” surrounded with plastic. In the Netflix series the purpose of the plastic is to confine the blood to a small area. After Dexter kills his victim, he cuts the body into pieces which he puts into garbage bags. He then takes the garbage bags to his boat and throws the garbage bags out into the ocean near Maimi, Florida.
I am claiming that I’m launching Sweet and Repent Bars in high gear for two reasons.
First off, I am incorporating a few brief scenes from Dexter into these videos. I’m doing this to show off just how whacky and how much fun Mali can be once she’s had several tequilas. The second reason I’m doing this is to hopefully build up a little interest in Dexter here on these pages.
Dexter is a serial killer for the best of reasons. He lives by his father’s code which is not to kill anyone who doesn’t deserve being killed. And although he has a blood lust that must be satiated, if he didn’t kill his victims, they would keep on killing innocent people. His victims are horrible people who for one reason or another are able to escape punishment for their horrific crimes.
Mali is so much into certain shows she sees on Netflix that she starts pantomiming certain scene in the bars we drink in. Her favorite Netflix television series are “The Vikings, Dexter, and the Starz television Spartacus series.
I also claim to be kicking off Sweet and Repent Bars in high gear because it all comes together in this series of videos.
My camera is doing a great job. While the microphones I am using are adjusted the way they should be. I feel that the voices of Mali and her accomplices sound great. While the girls are feeding off each other like there’s no tomorrow. Mali in particular is giving her all no matter how much tequila she’s drinking. While Koy and her friends at Repent Bar are really getting into the music and their dancing.