No Walking Street go go bar can even come close to the Nymphoz Pattaya magic i keep encountering in this bar.

The Nymphoz Pattaya Magic is all in the mirrors and the small platform with its dancing pole.
Over twenty years ago I used to shoot a lot of pictures of American topless dancers and feature entertainers. I those days I was writing for Xtreme Magazine and other adult magazines. So, I met a lof of other adult photographers in my American adventures into the adult entertainment world. While some of these adult photographers were excellent photographers, I never saw them have their subjects pose in front of mirrors. I did, and a lot of the girls loved the results I got from taking pictures of them in this manner.
But I’ve been living in Thailand for the past twenty years. And after buying my condo, one of the first things I did to it was to hang two large mirrors in the small bedroom. I installed the mirrors because I planned on taking pictures of Thai women just like I had done with the American entertainers.
However, over twenty years ago, the internet used slow telephone connections for the most part. So, shooting high quality video was not really an option for me. But here in Pattaya I have high speed cable internet in my condo. While even most of the bars that I frequent have excellent internet connections.
I have always loved taking pictures of beautiful women posing in front of mirrors.
For me it’s an almost dissociative identity thing. Which is the latest medical terminology for describing split personality syndrome. The mirrors give me the opportunity to see and show two sides of the same model. Both physically and psychiatrically.
Nymphoz is quite possibly Pattaya Soi Six’s newest bar. Even though it existed several years ago. But the powers that be shut it down. I can’t remember why they shut Nymphoz down. Perhaps it was for employing underaged women. But whatever reason the powers that be close it down, it’s been reopened just a couple of weeks ago. And there’s a lot of Nymphoz Pattaya magic going on here that simply doesn’t even exist elsewhere.
There’s a new go-go bar on Soi Six now. Actually, it was already here several years ago but after Covid, its owners shut it down. One of the girls must have known me from before it had been shut down. Because she came up to my table and said to me, “Hello Jack.” I had completed my new 2025 Pattaya Beaches Eye Candy calendar only the day before. So I had three calendars with me that I wanted to show off to several of my models or bar managers whose bars I had in the calendar. I took a quick picture with my smart phone. I didn’t have my Nikon with me. Only calendars. And I took the picture only to show Mali on Line. Just to show her, “Hey, Soi Six now even has a go-go bar again. We will probably want to visit it together soon.”
Only seconds later all hell broke loose.
One of the male employees immediately came up to my table and asked me to delete the picture I had just taken. While a female employee, who was likely to be the mamasan, informed me that no pictures were allowed to be taken there. Then she took my phone out of my hand and deleted the picture.
The place is once again called Dolls. And it has an awful lot of mirrors in the place. But they have the wrong attitude going on there. But I really didn’t mind. Because I went straight back to Nymphoz with a big smile on my face. Green, the girl I shot pictures of in Nymphoz for my calendar was still there. And so was Silent Bob and a man I just met a couple of days ago, who once owned a bar across Soi Six from Nymphoz. So, I was in good company. While the music Bob was playing was far superior to what they were playing at the Dolls go-go bar.
Here’s four links to the other videos in this series
Click here to go to Nymphoz Pattaya Magic puts this bar in first place.
To go to Nikon Z8 Big Sound is hardly ever talked about click here
Click here to go to Dexter Meets Nymphoz Disco while showing Mali how to dexterize
Click here to go to Twin Sister magic at Soi Six Nymphoz Bar
I will soon be shooting more video in the mirrors here at Nymphoz. Where I will be creating even more Nymphoz Pattaya Magic.
Links you might want to visit.
To view over 100 videos of Mali click here.
The number of videos I’m shooting at Nymphoz is rapidly growing. To watch them click here.