Sexy Professional Exotic Wrestling was SPEW. For over a year, SPEW was the most entertaining female nude wrestling in the world.

But we could not show it on YouTube because wrestlers were sexy, nude strippers wrestling in hot oil. And YouTube is not about to allow us to show beautiful female bodies in the raw. But now you can view Sexy Professional Exotic Wrestling here at Alpha Productions.
First up is the original SPEW–Sexy Professional Exotic Wrestling video, “Death Match 1”.
And here’s the sequel, the slideshow video that homes in on the girls, the action, of the video that YouTube won’t touch with a ten foot pole.
How can we claim Sexy Professional Exotic Wrestling was the best female nude wrestling ever?

First off, SPEW matches went on for over two years. Second, we held these nude female wrestling matches in four states. Third, Big Daddy, the Godfather of Spew, was much more than just another strip club owner. He was and still is one of the most entertaining announcers alive. Fourth, Spew, could pick from three strip clubs. Big Daddy’s Cabaret in Missouri, the Lumberyard in Des Moines, Iowa, and the Iowa Playhouse in Council Bluffs. Fifth, Big Daddy, Spew’s mastermind is an ex professional wrestler who used to wrestle on television.
Sixth is Big Mike, Big Daddy’s SPEW partner. Big Mike was the general manager of the Lumberyard. Who put the Lumberyard on the map of outstanding U.S. strip clubs. Big Mike literally took the Lumberyard out of the cow pasture into one of this nation’s premiere adult clubs. For example, the Lumberyard ultimately hosted the Miss Nude World Pageant. Which is one of the most prestigious adult club pageants to ever hit the planet.
Becoming Crowned as Miss Nude World amounts to a ticket to stardom and all the big money that comes with it.
Okay, if you aren’t convinced yet, that Sexy Professional Exotic Wrestling, SPEW, exhibited the most entertaining female nude wrestling ever, I’m going to let the videos do the talking.