Category Archives: American strip club video

These are videos and slide shows I produced in American strip clubs although some of the “strippers” are no longer strippers. Example, Renee from Stimmelators and Angel from the Saint Louis Metro East

Outdoor nude beauty pageant Nudes a Poppin is the world’s largest

Our Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions should study Nudes a Poppin the world’s largest outdoor nude beauty pageant judged its contestants.

picture of Big Daddy and naked female wrestlers at the largest Outdoor Nude beauty pageant

For the first time ever, Nudes-A-Poppin allowed nude wrestling to be performed on stage. At least to my knowledge. And that’s for two reasons. First, my pal Big Daddy had already been successfully producing SPEW, Sexy Professional Exotic Wrestling in a variety of locations. Such as his own club, Big Daddy’s Cabaret, the Lumberyard and Iowa Playhouse. Secondly, I had developed a great relationship with the good people who owned and ran Nudes-A-Poppin. Such as sharing an exhibitor’s booth at the Exotic Dancer Expo in Las Vegas.

Although there’s a lot to see in my video slide show below of Nudes-A-Poppins outstanding outdoor nude beauty contest. Notice what I have circled in the picture above. There are five judges in this picture. These five judges will decide which contestants out of 100 will receive trophies. Which are very important to the contestants who plan on becoming feature entertainers. Nudes-A-Poppin is nothing to sneeze or laugh about. Although nudity is a requirement, no sex is allowed during the two days this event is being held at the Ponderosa Sun Club which was and still is a nudist resort.

While the highest standards are being adhered to on just about every level I can think of.

For example, each contestant upon entering the signup shed must produce not just one ID but two ID’s. Each contestant must also sign a written release drawn up by the Nudes-A-Poppin owners. And although It’s most likely not a strict requirement every photographer in that sign up shed is expected to have every contestant sign still another release for whatever magazine or other entity he represents. For example, in the years I was covering Nudes-A-Poppin shot pictures of all contestants in the signup shed. And then I had them sign my releases for Exotic Dancer and Xtreme Magazines I was writing for. And later on, for my own online magazine The Looking Glass.

And since this was after all the biggest outdoor nude beauty pageant in the world Nudes-A-Poppin required all contestants to wear their numbers of registration. While we photographers were expected to take pictures of all contestants wearing or showing their numbers while holding out our releases.

Nudes-A-Poppin as covered here in the Jack Corbett Video Channel

Five Years of Nudes-A-Poppin as covered in Jack Corbett’s looking Glass Magazine.

Nudes-A-Poppin and Jack Corbett share an Exhibitor’s booth for the Exotic Dancer Expo in Las Vegas.