What is the world coming to when those Dollies Playhouse crazy nuns mock religion by introducing Dollies Trendy Toilet Sex?

that’s when Crazy Czech came up with the idea for Dollies Trendy Toilet Sex. And proposed it to Hawk, the Dollies Playhouse
general manager.
The legend of Dollies Trendy Toilet starts off with Sister Margarita bored and lonely at the convent.
She steals a bottle of whisky from Mother Superior and borrows the convent’s car. For awhile things are good for Sister Margarita as she gets totally drunk. While enjoying the sights of crime ridden East Saint Louis.
Just six miles away is the Saint Louis Arch on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River. Illuminating the Saint Louis skyline in majestic splendor.
Unfortunately Sister Margarita has to take a dump (shit).
Driving aimlessly around. Having no clue where she is or where she is going, Sister Margarita finds the Dollies Playhouse strip club. But Sister Margarita is totally clueless what Dollies is all about.
“There’s gotta be a toilet in this place,” Sister Margarita mumbles to herself. And sure enough, she finds the bathroom.
But the strip club’s top manager, Hawk, has to take a piss. He doesn’t notice the nun watching him as he hovers over the urinal.
Drinking her whiskey from the bottle, Sister Margarita watches Hawk relieving himself in the urinal. And then, Hawk looks around.
Finally spotting the errant nun drinking from the bottle, he tells himself. “That poor nun looks lonely. She needs help and I am just the man to do it.
“I like the guy,” Sister Margarita says to herself. “Seems to have that derelict look I like.”
Suddenly Hawk looks up and sees the nun in the bathroom with him. At first surprised to see a lady of the cloth in a men’s room at a strip club, he calms down quickly. After all, the nun is long legged and pretty. Besides, she has a bottle and he wants a little of that.
The two have a great time frolicking in the men’s room when suddenly, another man appears.
Not knowing what to think about Hawk and the nun the newcomer starts to shave himself hoping to make a favorable impression on his favorite dancer. The nun proves to be irresistible.
She’s not had this much fun in years, and the strip club customer succumbs to her charms. And then the others come in, one after another. Men and women hearing the commotion in the bathroom and not wanting to be left out, they join in the festivities.
Somehow Sister Margarita makes it back to the convent. And she vows to return and the sooner the better.
Introducing Sister Cuervo, Dollies Trendy Toilet Sex Act II
Unfortunately for everyone concerned Jack Corbett contracts a mysterious illness and dies at the Dollies Playhouse Strip Club. Hawk and Renee are very upset so they call the convent after hearing about a mysterious nun who can heal the sick and make the dead rise again. This nun has a serious drinking problem but who doesn’t? Her name is Sister Cuervo. She finds Jack’s body at his favorite place, the bar, with a macho mug gripped tightly in his now rigor mortified fingers. And she gets to work. Unfortunately for some, he rises from the dead. “What a handsome devil,” says Sister Cuervo as she kisses him on the lips. Elated that he can be with dancers again Jack asks Sister Cuervo to give him a special “awakening party” in the Dollies women’s bathroom. And the fun Dollies Trendy Toilet sex act 2 begins |