Pattaya Helicopter bar is the largest bar on Soi Six, an international icon visited by millions of tourists

Millions of tourists is no exaggeration. With 3 million visitors coming to Pattaya each year, a large percentage of these come to Soi Six. They come with their telephones catching Soi Six’s lively action. That in many opinions is unrivalled anywhere else in the world.
These two videos is your magic carpet to experiencing the Helicopter Bar as we did at this up-and-coming bar.

But Pattaya Helicopter Bar is the newest and largest bar on the block. That block being Soi Six. Used to be Pattaya Walking Street was the mecca that drew in most of the tourists. But covid took its toll and now Soi Six is the place to go.
So why am I making such a big deal about Pattaya Helicopter bar being the largest and newest bar on Soi Six?

Its large size gives it unlimited potential for one thing. I also know its new owners quite well. And let’s just say I’m pretty impressed.
For the past two weeks I’ve been off of alcohol. Because of the antibiotics I’ve been taking. So, tonight’s my coming out party. While I’ve been bragging to practically everyone. “Look out. There’s a big party we are all having tonight. I just don’t know where.”
I get some of these Pattaya Beaches Eye Candy Calendar girls together. And it’s not going to matter where we are going. We are going to have a great time wherever we go.
A few days pass of no alcohol, and then I find out that Pattaya Helicopter Bar is just opened.
I gotta tell Mew and Pon that we will all have to check Pattaya Helicopter Bar out.
They are my favorite drinking buddies. Mew’s now the best dancer in her go go bar. There’s no doubt about that. Because Mew’s proven it by winning both Pattaya Dancing Queen competitions at Nikky bar here in Naklua.

Everyone loves Mew and Pon. Men and women both. Pon’s the clown in our group. If Pon were a man, I’d say she’s got balls of steel. But she’s all woman with an exceptional figure. She’s fearless and up to anything.
As for Mew, I’ve already said enough. Well almost. I haven’t seen anyone who can outdance Mew. Although Pon can come pretty close. But in many ways, they are very much alike. Both of them being very well-mannered little ladies who look out for the other guy.
But I can’t leave out Koy. Who’s shy until we get enough tequilas in her.
Pon and I arrive on Soi Six on my motorbike. Where we decide to make a bee line to Repent bar where Mew will be meeting us. Where we will start out ending my two weeks existence without alcohol.

For the first time we spot Pattaya Helicopter Bar where one of the owners asks me to take pictures of his girls. While I’m thinking who are these girls anyway? I’m bringing Mew, Koy and Pon here later.
One of the girls is Ammy. And I just happen to know Ammy very well. Who’s a complete knockout. Who loves her alcohol even more than I do.
It takes no more than five minutes to get the pictures of the Pattaya Helicopter bar girls. Before Pon and I hurry over to Repent Bar to join Sam and Koy. And where Mew soon joins us.
Koy’s sitting with one of the bar’s customers, so Mew, Pon and I hit several more Soi Six Bars. Then we head back to Repent bar where I bar fine Koy.

I can only say that wherever we went, we all had a great time. But we all end up at Pattaya Helicopter bar.
At 11, Nikky finally shows up. Bringing her own entourage with her. About seven people including three German customers of hers. And one Canadian. Along with one other lady.
About this time Silent Bob, our DJ friend over at Hot Shots bar shows up with one of his pals. And that’s when all the great parting begins.
Mew wants me to play my music on the bar’s sound system. But I don’t know Thai music nearly as well as Mew does. But Mew doesn’t want to play DJ,

So, we get Nikky to start playing her music on YouTube. And there’s no one on God’s green earth who knows her music better than Nikky.
It takes less than fifteen minutes for over half the people in the bar is dancing.
As I said before, I have a lot of respect for the Pattaya Helicopter bar owners. Who are more than happy to keep Nikky on as DJ. While Ammy who I’ve already said is just about the best-looking woman on Soi Six already knows Koy. Who is also just about the best-looking woman on Soi Six.

And that’s my whole point I made about Helicopter Bar being the largest bar on Soi Six
Its potential is practically unlimited on account of its large size. I’ve been there many times before when it was called Nature Bar. There’s a lot of unused space upstairs where they used to keep two unused dancing poles. And where I once had a pole dancing contest with its ex manager in front of Little Miss Eye. Who was my one and only model for the 2022 Pattaya Eye Candy Calendar. But Helicopter Bar’s got a couple savvy owners now. So, it should get really interesting what they can do with all this great potential.
And here’s the first video of tonight’s nonstop party action
More Soi Six Helicopter Bar Videos
Looking for contestants for upcoming Pattaya Dancing Queen Competition, Mew and I have Helicopter Bar’s Nueng show off her dancing skills.