Category Archives: Mew

Naklua Dancing Contest Winner is contestant number 2 from Soi Six

The Naklua Dancing Queen contest winner steps out of nowhere to win the Naklua Dancing Contest here at Nikky bar at my birthday party.

Naklua Dancing Contest Winner
The two Lust Bar contestants Mew and Mini
Naklua Dancing Contest Winner video of Jack handing out over $1000 prize money
Here I am handing out the prize money to the three winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. 4000-baht, 2000 baht and 1000 baht. Unfortunately, it does not show my giving the award money to Gee. for third place.

I didn’t even know her. Although I had talked to her as I bought her a coke. So I never even thought about talking her into being a contestant. But I certainly knew the other girl working at Lust. Because we had so much fun together at Lust. And I do mean a lot of times.

So the night before the upcoming Naklua Dancing Contest I went to Lust Bar looking for my friend. To tell her, “I will see you tomorrow night. And you can count on me taking you personally on my motorbike and getting you home or back to your bar after this competition’s over. ”

But she was nowhere to be seen. And that’s how I met contestant number 2 for the first time.

Gee and her Manasan, Anna

Nee Nee to the left, Anna Gee’s Mamasan to the right. In the middle Gee.

As soon as I walked into the bar, Mew immediately joined me at the bar. I offered her a drink. But she told me I don’t drink alcohol. So I got her a coke and ordered a bottle of water for myself.

Five minutes later, Mini joins us. But unlike Mew Mini’s quite the drinker. Which is one of the reasons I like her so much.

But I’m drinking water. Because I am on a mission to find the best contestants on Soi Six. And I’ve got just one girl I can count on. Her name is Gee. And Gee’s just about the most flamboyant bar girl on Soi Six. And I should know because I’ve already borrowed her from her bar. And not just once but many times. Taking her to other Soi Six Bars. And each time I took her all eyes were on her.

By now the cat’s out of the bag. Gee is close to being unbeatable. Gee’s the overwhelming favorite as the 2022 Naklua Dancing Contest Winner.

I have three more Soi Six bars to visit. And those bars are the most popular bars on Soi Six. While earlier I was messaging one of the girls, “I hope you will compete at my birthday party Naklua Dancing Queen contest.” But the girl does not reply. And two days before that, I could look at her eyes.–her eyes telling me, “I have no interest in going.”

There’s another girl dancing at her bar. And I had told the bar’s manager I wanted her to compete. Because I felt she had a good chance of winning. But she’s not coming either. My manager friend who’s tells me he asked her to compete the night before. And she had told him she most certainly would not compete.

This brings me to the night of my party, and I’m figuring that aside from Gee, I have only a two thirds chance of getting a second girl to enter the competition from Soi Six.

I’ve taken my friend David with me. Who’s visiting me from Rayong for the weekend. David’s to be one of the five judges. Who will choose the Naklua Dancing Contest winner. I had lent David my Yamaha Nmax while I had taken my Triumph as we drove to Soi Six together. And the first bar we hit was the bar I had hoped to find two contestants

The manager tells me “I have not a single girl who wants to compete. They are only thinking about the money they can get right now from customers.

As David and I watch a stupid tourist throwing twenty baht bills at the bar girls. “That guy doesn’t impress me at all,” David tells me.

“Yes, those girls will remember that guy for the rest of their lives” I tell David. “

We don’t have much time. Nikky’s messaging me that my birthday party has already started. And the band’s already started playing. We have no time to lose so we head straight down to Lust Bar. To collect Mini, and I’m hoping she’s there. Because if she’s not, we are going to wind with only one Soi Six girl who will compete. Gee. And as good as she is, she’s not going to be enough to make this contest what I want it to be.

She’s there. But I’ve already got a terrific idea. I had told David, if the girl I had just met is there, I’m going to bar fine them both. And we are in luck. The other girl is there, who joins us.

It doesn’t take long for Mini to explain what we are all doing. To Mew. Mini knows me well enough to trust me. And the new girl trusts Mini.

Fifteen minutes later David and I have both girls on my two motorbikes. Heading straight to Nikky Bar.

The new girl, the girl I don’t know, has no clue that she will soon become the Naklua Dancing Contest Winner.

Meanwhile Gee’s mamasan is taking Gee to Nikky Bar. So while David and I were looking for other Soi Six girls to compete, Anna is helping Gee with her makeup. With her hair and her clothes. And helping Gee pick out the music she will dance to.

Gee’s best friend, Phan, who used to work at the bar with her, is telling me on line that Gee will win for sure. The cashier at Gee’s bar and Anna Gee’s mamasan think Gee can’t lose either. And I’m sure some of the girls at Repent bar which my pal Sam is managing feel Gee won’t lose.

Because Gee’s the real professional in this group of bar girls. She asked me the night before “what’s your favorite color, Jack?” So when I reply, “Blue” Gee messages me back. “I have a blue outfit.” While I already know that Gee expects to play her own music. In all the Soi Six bar I take her to. So I already know that’ Gee is going to tell the band exactly what she wants to dance to.

I figure this is going to be a five way contest. Between Nee Nee from Nikky Bar, Pon from Nikky Bar and the three Soi Six girls. With Gee becoming the Naklua Dancing Contest Winner. I’ve been involved in too many dancing contests before in the United States. More than I can count. And comparing Gee to the other girls is like comparing a feature entertainer to a house dancer. Which is like comparing a professional show girl to an amateur stripper.

I’ve done enough video of Nee Nee to know what she can do. And recently I’ve shot a couple videos of Pon to know she’s very good.

But Nee Nee tells me the next day that she was very nervous. While Pon, she doesn’t dance at all. Instead she performs a comedy show. Which gets a lot of the Thai bar girls laughing. But she’s not performing for the bar girls. She’s being judged by five falang who understand very little Thai. While I have instructed all five judges, “Vote for the sexiest, most provocative, exciting girls.” Pan has obviously taken a lot of time preparing her outfit and practicing her show. Unfortunately she’s either lost the plot or was never informed what the plot’s all about.

But neither Nee Nee or Pon are able to finish in top three. While I am equally surprised that Mini, contestant number five doesn’t place in the top five either.

And the more I look at the first video in which all seven contestants compete, I see Mini as one sensuous beautiful babe.

But it’s going to be contestant number 2, Mew from Lust bar who becomes the Naklua Dancing Contest Winner. And while Mew is very beautiful and dances extremely well, I think it’s her charm and ladylike manners that gets her over the top.

Two nights later I take Gee into Lust Bar. Where the bar’s owner tells me, “Mew is the best dancer I’ve got.” She’s always dancing in front of the bar in the middle of Soi Six.

When you are behind the camera at a dancing contest in a bar. You notice everything. Or at least I do. Especially when I’m using a professional lightning fast camera like my Nikon 780.

I notice everything. Mew-is so cordial and graceful. She’s beautiful and friendly to everyone,. And she gets along so well with Gee and all the Nikky Bar girls.

And so does Anna, Gee’s mamasan. Later the Nikky bar girls and Nikky tell me how much they liked Anna. And Gee.

And Gee’s the epitome of good sportsmanship. She’s the front runner. Fully expecting to win first place.

But as I’m shooting one of the other contestants on stage with my Nikon, I spot Gee tipping the girl 100 baht. And while I’m not sure, I think it’s contestant number 6 who wins second prize of 2000 baht.

Two nights later, Gee and I go to Lust Bar. Where I was hoping we’d find Mew —who walked out of Nikky bar with 4000 baht as the Naklua Dancing Contest winner plus at least 1000 baht in tips. Unfortunately –Mew’s not there. In these kinds of dancing contests what happens far too often is there’s a lot of jealously among the girls . With the girl(s) who felt they have been robbed, getting angry with the winner(s). But Gee was looking forward to getting to know the Naklua Dancing Contest Winner a lot better. While Mini who felt she deserved to finish at least third wound up having a great time with Gee.

As for Nikky, she once again proves to me, and I think my three Soi Six friends agree, that she’s the number one bar owner in Pattaya. She’s provided a great night of entertainment for all. And she’s everywhere the entire night. She’s a dynamo of energy greeting all her guests and the contestants from Soi Six. While she’s shooting a lot of pictures and video with her smart phone including this one where the winners are being announced.

Cameras used

I’m using my Nikon 780 digital SLR. But since I’m in the video, Nikki’s using her smart phone. Without getting into the details I cannot edit this video as I normally do so I am unable to do the title page credits, etc the way I’d like.

Missing, Gee accepting her award due to this video finishing too early.