Everything came together shooting these videos at the Soi Six Nymphoz Bar. The lighting, the camera, the dancing pole, the music.

Soi SIx Nymphoz bar is a great looking place. With all those mirrors adorning an entire wall. And a dancing pole that can really show off a girl’s dancing moves. And it there’s one thing I know about mirrors; it’s their ability to make any room appear a lot larger than it actually is.
While Silent Bob is playing great music tonight. And Mali is showing off her moves better than she’s ever done before. And that’s saying a lot. Bobs also got a couple of fun sidekicks with him. One of the men is oftentimes in whatever bar Bob’s DJing in. Wherever that bar happens to be. Whether it’s on Soi Six or Soi Chaiyapoon. I figure the man is a music lover, and that’s why he likes hanging around with Bob. The second man is from New Castle, England. Right off the guy starts buying me drinks. And that’s a good thing. He’s also very up for trying out the dancing pole.
And there’s nothing like using a professional Nikon Camea.
Unless it’s a professional Canon camera, Leica camera, Sony or other top of the line camera from other renowned manufacturers. But I’ve been using Nikon professional cameras for over 20 years now. Ever since I bought my Nikon D-1 X. So, I am used to the Nikon’s menus and controls and have a sizeable investment in Nikon lenses.
There’s a lot more to like in a top camera than just taking great pictures and video, however. My Nikon Z8 has two microphones in the camera for example. With volume setting that can easily be adjusted in the camera’s menu. It also has a jack that I can use to plug in an external microphone. This external microphone consists of two units, a receiver that fits on the camera’s Hotshoe. And a transmitting unit that Mali will typically attach to her clothing. This arrangement allows me to enhance the recordings of voice. Such as when Mali or one of the other girls sings or cracks jokes.
Having great handling qualities is another quality that my Nikon’s have had in spades. Because of the grip design I can easily one hand my Nikon Z8. While most of the cameras external controls are sensibly placed. But the real icing on the cake is that 17-28 2.8 z lens. Because it’s a wide-angle camera operating at 2.8 it can let in a lot of light which is vitally important shooting videos in bars. But this lens is compact and very light weight for a wide-angle zoom. Which makes it quite manageable in bar situations .
Listing of all 8 videos from 11/16/2034
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