These three Nikon Z8 bar videos show why I traded my Nikon Z7ii camera body in for Nikon’s latest and greatest Z8

Nearly as important as the Nikon Z8’s superior focusing in low light bar situations are how well the camera’s twin microphones reproduce sound that puts this camera on top.
It’s one thing shooting video of subjects who stay in the same place and the videographer remains stationary. But here on Pattaya Soi Six, busy bars require the videographer to keep moving. Due to bar girls and customers going to the toilet or moving from table to table. While the girl (girls) one is videoing are in constant motion. Thus, constantly changing the distance between the videographer and his subject(s).
I really put my camera to the test when I shot these three Nikon Z8 bar videos. Mali likes it when I use my external microphone set up. Because she enjoys singing while she’s dancing. Because she places the small microphone transmitter on her clothing, the microphone keys in on her voice. Whereas if i rely on Nikon’s twin microphones within the camera body, the microphones do a great job of picking up the sound throughout a room. But Mali’s voice being some distance from the camera microphones is greatly subdued.
To amplify Mali’s voice I would often deliberately point my camera close to her face so her singing voice could be more readily heard.
It didn’t matter how often I got up close and personal to Mali, my Nikon Z8 hardly ever lost focus. When you watch the two Sweet bar videos you will notice how well the camera adapted to my constantly changing the distance Mali was from the camera. You won’t see it in these Nikon Z8 bar videos. Because I deleted the first second or two of the videos. After that first second or two the Nikon focused like a train.
When we finally got to Nymphoz we found the bar to be extremely crowded. There was hardly any room for me to stand in the way of all those people shooting video. Which kept me confined to my table reclining in a chair. While all these people were surrounding Mali while I was videoing her. And sometimes someone would stand up between Mali and my camera. In such situations my Nikon Z7ii would lose its focus. But the Nikon Z8 kept right on its target, separating Mali out from such interruptions.
Click here to watch all of Mali’s videos (there’s over 100 of them.)
To watch all the videos I’ve shot at Nymphoz click here.
Click here to watch all the videos I’ve taken at Sweet Bar.