Category Archives: Jack Corbett Books

Bar girl bible Money Number One and Fool in Paradise banned from Thailand’s bookstores

The powers that be have banned not only Money Number One, Thailand’s  bar girl bible, but all of Neil Hutchisons books including  a Fool in Paradise.   Which is a shame because if Money Number One is the Old Testament Fool in Paradise is the New Testament for understanding Thailand bar girls.

You are the Fool in Paradise if you don’t buy Money Number One or Fool in Paradise.  And heed its advice

bar girl bible
Money Number one is the definitive bar girl bible that all men need to buy before they even think of encountering their first Thai bar girl.

Because almost every bar girl you encounter will target you as her next naive victim if you don’t.   But even if you read either of these Neil Hutchison masterpieces predator bar girls will probably still get the upper hand.   Because nothing you have ever learned in your home countries about women  has prepared you for the Thai bar girl.

A Fool in Paradise

So you will probably remain the Fool in Paradise who keeps forgetting that in Thailand Money is Number One.  The second thing you will probably never grasp is that you are not the exception to this Old Testament way of thinking.  Which is Money Number One applies to everyone.  Even you.

Even Neil Hutchison, the guru himself who compiled all this wisdom about bar girls, failed to grasp the messages he preached in his own books.  So in the end a shrewd and heartless Pattaya bar girl got the better of him.

But I need to tell the real story of how Thailand’s bookstores banned the bar girl bible

Today I went to the Central Pattaya Mall to get a copy for a very good friend of mine.  I had just visited him in Japan.  And I thought he’d get a big kick out of the book.   To my dismay I could find no copies of either “Money Number One” or any of Neil’s other books at Asia books. So I asked the bookstore attendant if she had “Money Number One”, and when she told me the bookstore had discontinued all of Neil’s books, I asked her why. She replied: “Because Thais have been complaining about the books because it shows Thais in a bad light.”

I then went to a second bookstore in the mall. Once again I asked where I could find, “Money Number One”? The woman in charge told me, “We don’t have it”.   And when I asked her why, she told me, “We have problems with the publisher (Neil Hutchison).

I then asked her, “Is the reason the same that Asia Books gave me? Which is that certain Thais have complained?”

She said yes.

This required further investigation so I emailed Neil Hutchison for the answer.

A few hours later a close associate of emailed me back.

He wrote:   “Certain do-gooders  complained about the cartoon front cover image for “A Fool in Paradise”.  Because it depicted Thai bar girls in a sexy, provocative light and that this detracted from Thailand’s image. So the authorities the bar girl bible and Fool In Paradise from Thailand’s bookstores.

Well that’s complete rubbish. Truth is when we are talking about the bar scene and most women associated with it, this is the way it is. And money is number one.  Neil exposes a major element of Thai society for what it really is and many Thais simply do not like the truth to be told.

Thankfully one can still occasionally buy one of Neil’s books in the shadows of Thailand’s mainline book stores where the more obscure shops can still be found or get a copy online from Neil’s web site Money Number One. I strongly urge anyone who comes to Thailand to get a copy, and to heed Neil’s advice. And if you are male and contemplate any form of relationship with a Thai woman consider it the Bible.  Just remember that there are no exceptions to Neil’s discouraging words of advice.    This includes you.

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