Category Archives: Jack Corbett Books

Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World on Kindle

the Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World is now published on Kindle. Hopefully I can finish a printed version in a month. Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World is my fourth book and the first I’ve published on Kindle after publishing the printed edition.

from Extreme Guns Babes
Of all the things I miss most about the U.S., it’s my Wilson Arms customized .45 automatic. I started shooting my Dad’s World War II .45 automatic when I was 10 years old. My Dad used to wet the tip of his thumb. Then he’d make a mark with the saliva on a board. I could hit it most of the time when I was 10. Dad always said that nothing compared to a good .45 auto. My nephew and I agree. Both of us claim, “Real Men shoot 45’s.”  You will find much of  this in “xtreme Guns Babes for an Adult World”.

The book has a lot of pictures.  And since a book containing full color images is so expensive to produce I felt Kindle represented a far more affordable option.  Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World contains sensational pictures of sexy strippers.  Carrying guns.  And Kindle captures such riveting pictures much better than print ever can.

I think electronic publishing is the future, but I still want to have my own copy.   That I can see, feel and touch of something that’s entirely my own.

That represents a combination of the best that I could do with camera, and Graphics Arts  to design the book. But the pictures will be much smaller and they will be in black and white.   So for most of you who are interested in this book, I recommend getting it on Kindle.

The title Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World says a lot about this book.  I produced the book within the context of the adult world.  That is the adult entertainment world of strippers, topless dancers, feature entertainers and topless clubs. I did some of my photo shoots in topless clubs, And all of my models for Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World without a single exception were strippers or feature entertainers. I wrote over twenty of my articles for Xtreme Magazine, a small adult magazine on the East Coast.  And I shot all the pictures of the models in the articles. Some of the articles never made it into Xtreme for one reason or the other.

Jeremy was the reason I was able to write gun articles for an adult magazine. When I met Jeremy he was Xtreme’s editor.

Now he’s in charge of all four of Xtreme’s franchises and has to concentrate on making money for the magazine. When Jeremy asked me to write an article about my .454 Casul revolver, he was writing a large portion of Xtreme’s articles himself. There was the Horror Scope.  And no, that is not a misspelling. Jeremy’s horoscopes were insanely funny. And when I first started out writing for Xtreme Jeremy was writing his “Adventures of the Backdoor Man in his Search for the Holy Tail” series.  By the time he wrote “The Laundryman Pervert” which he did not dare publish in Xtreme, it was obvious that Jeremy was pretty far out there.

On the left the 460 magnum. To its right the 454 Casull, then the 44 magnum, 45 acp, and finally the 22 rimfire

My article on my .454 Casul, a revolver that’s so powerful that it would often be used to hunt elephants and Alaskan Brown Bear, represented an abrupt departure from anything that could be expected from an adult magazine focusing on Tits and Ass.  “The 454, One handed Buffalo Stopper”didn’t even mention women. There were no pictures or reference to them whatsoever.

Taylor from PT’s posed with the Walther PPK for the Roxy’s Bombshell article of Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World

I didn’t even include  in my second second gun article either.  For “The Israeli Soldier and his Uzi”

I went to a university’s library to find articles covering Israel’s Seven Day War.  Although I actually put a couple hundred rounds through a fully automatic Uzi sub machine gun the article focused on the Historical reasons Israel would arm its troops with such a short ranged weapon.  I did not bring female models into my gun articles until the book’s third chapter.  And then I brought a young shapely PT’s stripper to my apartment for “The Roxy’s Bomb Girl and 007’s Walther PPK.

There are several aspects about the Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World magazine articles that made them unique .

First, I never wrote them for an audience whose concern is only about guns. Since “Xtreme” was a free magazine that was distributed in topless clubs, I  had to design it to appeal to  readers who are less technically inclined than your typical  gun magazines reader.

Since I have a keen interest in History I’d often write about the Historical context that caused each weapon to evolve the way it did. I’m sure the book turned out to be vastly different from what most from what people expected from a series of gun articles called Xtreme Weapons Babes in an Adult World.

For the most part the articles are all about guns just as one might expect out of any other gun article. True enough, I spent a lot of time choosing the models for the photo shoots accompanying the articles. There was also a lot of attention to detail during the photo shoots.

Not only from me, but also from the women posing with the weapons.

These are exotic entertainers after all and what most people don’t realize is the women are very professional when it comes to doing pictures.

Extreme Guns Babes
Professional adult entertainers such as Leah Layne will insist that a photographer shoots at least 100 pictures of them. Leah Layne will play her part in the Tec 9 Shootout at Peter’s Corral episode of Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World

Most women outside the adult industry will pose in front of a camera for two or three pictures tell their husband or boyfriend photographer, “That’s enough. ” But adult entertainers will shoot over two hundred pictures knowing full well that nothing less than perfection will do.  And that the lighting for a picture can change at a moment’s notice.  Or the slightest change of expression will ruin a picture.  The photographer also needs to take the most favorable angles of the model to show her figure off to full advantage. Typically my photo shoots for Extreme Guns Babes for an Adult World would comprise between one and two hundred pictures.

Above all I wasn’t just some guy out to make a buck who’s snap up a couple of women to shoot pictures of them with guns. I was  a gun nut myself who truly looked forward to doing each gun article as an opportunity to fully explore the potential of those weapons I was personally interested in.

Consider that my first gun was a 30-06 Springfield which I worked all summer for when I was just twelve years old. This was no pellet gun or even a .22.

It shot three and a half inch shells and it would penetrate right through a thirty inch tree. So when I’ was contemplating what weapon to cover next for Xtreme I’d start thinking about what gun I wanted to shoot next.  Or which gun I had read a lot about, oftentimes from boyhood on,.  And then I’d set about trying to find that particular gun for my next gun article.

When it came to the M-1 Garand, I went out and spent eight hundred dollars of my own money just so that I could personally experience all the great things about the M-1 that gave the American infantryman such a huge edge over his counterparts during the 2nd World War.

The same thing happened to me with the Springfield M-1 A.  When I first wrote about the rifle for Xtreme I had taken Darien Ross all the way down to Vic Meyers’ farm so that she could model with his M-15.

Which was a fully automatic version of the M1’s successor. But I became so intrigued with my own article that I went out and bought my own Springfield M-1 A.  Which is a commercialized version of the miliary’s M14 and M15’s.

Extreme Guns Babes
Arianna a del would be the cover girl for my first book, “Death on the Wild Side”.

The same would prove true with my M-16 article. Again, I took the model, in this case Arianna a del, to Vic Meyer’s farm where she poses with an M-16. But it wasn’t long after Xtreme Published the article that I bought my own M-16 in the form of an AR-15 which is the civilian version of the military weapon.

I think everyone involved had a terrific time doing those Xtreme Weapons photo shoots that were the heart of the gun articles.

The girls loved posing with the guns, oftentimes getting to shoot automatic weapons in the process. And since I didn’t have any automatic weapons which are illegal to own unless one has a specialized license to have or sell them, I was able to get anything I wanted because I could offer the gun dealers who had them a part in the photo shoots that centered around a very attractive personable adult entertainer.

It took a lot of far sighted fun loving people to get all those photo shoots and magazine articles done.  Starting with an editor who wanted to produce something that was far more interesting than what all the other magazines were printing.  And it took a group of women who’d be willing to spend a lot of their time getting to and from the photo shoots without receiving any direct cash reimbursement. And then there were the gun dealers. It’s not easy to find a 50 caliber tripod mounted machine gun and then one   needs to set it up for the photo shoot. So I owe all of them a lot for all their hard work and time. This is the result of all that went into over two years of all that tremendous effort.

You might also be interested in reading about how Hitler belittled digital photography