Category Archives: Motorcycles Suitable for Thailand

This category is all about motorcycles and motors scooters that are suitable for driving in such Southeast Asian countries as Thailand. Due extremely high duties on imported bikes that can nearly double the prices charged in Europe and the U.S. comments about bikes that are prohibitively expensive here, lack parts availability and that are suited chiefly for high speed interstates in Western countries are of no interest here.

The Honda Click off road on Koh Samet

Don’t you ever tell me that your small 125 c.c. motorbike can’t make it up the hills.   Because if you do I’ll tell you a tall tale about taking the Honda Click  off road on Koh Samet.

Honda Click off road
You won’t believe how steep these trails are.  Or how easily a Honda Click can manage them if this small automatic rides on off road tires

The tall rutted trail on the right hand side of the picture is a lot steeper than it appears here.  The rocks and the ruts are a lot larger and deeper too.  But the little Honda Click I rented handled it and a few others just about like it with aplomb.

It might be too much for you to believe that in many ways that little Honda Click off road Honda Click automatic was a better dirt bike than the 185 c.c. Honda XL’s I had down at the farm.

The secret’s all in the special cleated dirt bike tires the Honda Click had been outfitted with.  This makes a 1000 percent difference between a small automatic motorbike with street tires and one wearing dirt bike styled rubber.

Now don’t get me wrong.  Those 185 c.c. Honda XL’s were very good on the farm.  They could do things the Honda Click couldn’t dream of doing.

First off my 185 Honda XL’s had loads of ground clearance.  So it could jump into an eight foot deep drainage ditch and propel me up its 90 degree far side.  I’d be going so fast that the bike’s momentum alone would gyrate me right over the other side.  The bike would leave the ground and when I landed the motorcycle’s excellent shocks would keep both me and the bike from falling apart.  With equal aplomb I could survive tile holes over a foot deep on a Honda 185 XL.   Whereas I would have torn apart the off road Honda Click due to its lack of clearance and shocks of a true dirt bike.

BUT–those dirt bike tires enabled the small automatic to cling tenaciously to the rocks, ruts and small streams I crossed on Koh Samet’s so called dirt roads.   Call those dirt roads, and I’ll tell you my name is Abullah Egypt.  And that I’m a practicing Moslem who believes in witchcraft.  Those are no ordinary dirt roads.  But never mind, Koh Samet’s a blast to be driving a motorbike on.  Just make sure you rent a bike that has the kind of tires that will make the grade.

Honda Click off road ing on Koh Samet is something you just gotta try.


For my full review on dirt bike driving on Koh Samet Click here


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