I found the Honda CBR 150 old model to be an extremely attractive smallish motorcycle when I reviewed it at Ao Nang Beach in 2010.

Since then Honda’s introduced a larger CBR 150.
I took one for a short spin in the Big C parking lot in South Pattaya. Other than that, I’ve had no experience with this new model. Later, I’d come close to buying the new model’s bigger brother the CBR 250 after renting one and severely breaking my clavicle in the process.
You can see how small the Honda CBR 150 old model actually was from the picture above. Compared to Honda’s new model 150 or Yamaha SR400 I bought later, the old Honda 150 looks like a toy. So, I’m sure I look like an overgrown puppy driving one.
The Honda CBR 150 old model had a lot going for it in 2010. Despite its engine displacement of only 150 ccs, it was perfect for touring Krabi. Being surrounded by some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, driving the CBR was idyllic.
Click here to read this 2010 road test of the Honda CBR 150 old model