Driving my Triumph Street Twin three years should make all the difference to those deciding between the 2016 series or its successor.

Although I might be exaggerating a little by claiming I drive my Triumph Street Twin every day. It’s true that I’m driving either my Triumph or my Yamaha 155 Nmax close to 365 days a year. While I give equal time between my two motorbikes, my three years driving my Triumph Street Twin should provide useful information you probably won’t be getting anywhere else.
Such as should I buy a 2016 to 2020 model Street Twin or the latest and greatest model that came out in 2021? Or should I buy either over competing Japanese bikes?
Driving my 2018 Triumph Street Twin three years is why you should be wading through my thirty minute review from start to finish. If you want to get the right answers to such critical questions as to reliability, cost of maintenance, comfort, and riding enjoyment over the long haul.
For example, if you live close to the ocean, humidity can transform a heavily chromed motorcycle into a maintenance nightmare. I live just 200 yards from the Gulf of Thailand

where the humidity kept turning my Yamaha 400 SR into a rust bucket that constantly needed attention. But when I traded it for my Triumph Street Twin I quickly found out that my Triumph needed hardly any attention whatsoever.
My 900 c.c. Triumph Street Twin develops just 54 horsepower while the upgraded 2021 model gained 10 more horsepower when the Triumph engineers gave the new model 500 more rpms. That’s almost 20 percent more horsepower, which should give the new model a very significant edge. But does it really? In the real world?
I can almost guarantee that when you watch my Triumph Street Twin review you will change your mind about how much difference that extra 10 horsepower really makes.
You might have never thought about it, but tires can make a huge difference in a bike’s performance. Or how much faster can you go if you pay $2000 for better brakes. Close to the end of my Triumph Street Twin three years driving experience, I upgraded my tires from the stock Pirelli Phantom tires to Pirelli Scorpion. At the end of this review you can watch how well the new tires perform on a sandy deeply rutted trail. And learn how an investment in high performance Brembo brakes can help you go a lot faster.
But in the end a Triumph is a Triumph. Its styling will never go out of date. While nothing sounds as good as a Triumph.