Category Archives: Motorcycles Suitable for Thailand

This category is all about motorcycles and motors scooters that are suitable for driving in such Southeast Asian countries as Thailand. Due extremely high duties on imported bikes that can nearly double the prices charged in Europe and the U.S. comments about bikes that are prohibitively expensive here, lack parts availability and that are suited chiefly for high speed interstates in Western countries are of no interest here.

Old vs new yamaha Nmax, my videos will show you which is better

Old vs new Yamaha Nmax, which one’s better. You won’t make a mistake buying the new Yamaha Nmax. But is the old model superior? That depends upon you because it’s a tossup. There’s pros and cons to both. So I’ve just put two videos on you tube to provide you with an in depth unbiased analysis of the the good and bad of the old vs new Yamaha Nmax.

In my very biased opinion whichever one you get you will be buying the very best, safest all around motorbike money can buy for driving in urban environments such as we face in Pattaya, Thailand.

I’m going to stick with my old model Nmax, and I’m going to tell you why.

In this video I’m driving my old model Yamaha N-Max through Pattaya to provide my readers with an in depth review of its strengths and weaknesses compared to the new model that replaced it.

Driving the new 2021 Yamaha Nmax. Old vs new Yamaha Nmax. You’d think newer is better than older. And in many ways it is. But if you want to make an in depth choice on which Nmax is best for you, I recommend that you watch both videos.

I love hi performance cars and motorbikes. So for me a bike that offers the utmost in great handling, superior braking, good fuel economy, and great acceleration is the bike I’m going to choose every time. With one caveat and that is the bike must be reliable.

picture of supercharged Mazda Miata
My 1993 supercharged Mazda Miata performed like a V-8 until I blew three engines and took the supercharger off. So if I had to choose between the Old vs new yamaha Nmax? Take my souping up my Mazda Miata as a hint.

Let me give you a good example. I once owned a 1993 Mazda Miata sports car. It had a 1600 c.c. engine that produced just 116 horsepower. Which was good because the Miata handled great while offering the open air feeling of old English roadsters such as the MGB and Triumph 2000. But I wanted a lot more performance so I totally changed the basic Miata platform to being a Porsche or Corvette killer in disguise.

What I created came from writing my first novel, Death on the Wild Side. In Death on the Wild Side my protagonist totally transformed an MGA into a very high performance machine that hosted aV-8 engine among other things.

So I followed my own guidance and loaded my 1993 Mazda Miata with a lot of very high performance extras that would enable me to more than hold my own with much more powerful sports cars. Since I was going to supercharge my Miata I would have to increase the handling capabilities of the car to keep up with all that extra horsepower. So I had the car lowered, had the mechanics put on much larger wheels with low profile tires just for starters.

Then I installed a Sebring supercharger. Exchanged the exhaust with a high performance setup. Then I added an air intake and high performance header. All that increased my horsepower from 116 to 180. Which is a lot considering the car only weighed 2300 pounds.

I could get the jump on the Porsche’s and Corvettes I’d encounter although I didn’t think I’d eventually win if their drivers would decide to make a real race out of such encounters.

The Mechanics and service manager at the Mazda dealer loved me to death due to all the money I was spending with them and my coming up with the likes of what they had never encountered before.

The service manager and I were about to install a nitrous oxide kit, which would have given me well over 250 horsepower. But by then I had already blown three engines so we called it off. And not wanting to blow any more engines I had the supercharger removed.

So what does supercharging a Mazda Miata have to do with is it better to buy the old vs new Yamaha Nmax?

My point is I’m a different kind of animal than your typical guy faced with making a choice between the old vs new Yamaha Nmax.

I choose the wire tight superior handling of the old vs new Yamaha Nmax even though most guys would choose the superior refinement of the new Nmax over the old model.

But can I do even better than having to choose between the Old vs New Yamaha Nmax?

I can exchange my Nmax’s variator setup with a higher performance setup or do even more things to my bike to dramatically increase its horsepower output. But I learned my lesson all too well. After souping up my Mazda Miata sports car. I’m nearly certain that if I change the variator, I’m sacrificing reliability. As well as fuel economy.

I view my Yamaha Nmax much like sports car enthusiasts viewed Porsche’s in the 1950’s. They weren’t the fastest sports cars. But they handled better than practically everything else. My Nmax has exceptionally good brakes. It offers terrific handling. And good power in an urban environment. So as a total package it’s great fun to drive. And very quick getting around in city traffic.

Jack Corbett books: You can find all six of my books here in all editions, hardback, paper back and Kindle (which also works very well with your smart phone.