Prudish YouTube censors gun down two Jack Corbett videos

Prudish YouTube censors gunned down two of my Jack Corbett Productions videos four years ago.   

Prudish YouTube censors would disallow this picture because Gee and Nikky are too beautiful for YouTube
Prudish YouTube censors would disallow this picture because Gee and Nikky are too beautiful for YouTube

So my videos at YouTube were obviously getting too dangerous for general public consumption at nearly 1,300,000 views.  According to the Mothers for A More Boring Nation prudish YouTube censors both videos committed the same heinous crime.  By showing groups of slender attractive Thai women dancing and having a good time in both of these Pattaya beer bars.

This video was getting over 7000 views a day. Until the YouTube chapter of the Mothers for a more Boring nation censored it.

How Prudish YouTube censors can destroy anyone’s video audience in four days.

Now let me show you what Prudish YouTube censors can accomplish. The graph below shows my popular video’s daily views plummeting from over 6000 per day to 500 in four days and  to less than 100 over the next several months.

Prudish YouTube censors

I shot this video at the Skytop Guest House and Internet cafe five years ago. An Australian, owned the place.  After Pete died, his widow, Wan, took Skytop over.  And Wan turned a bar just outside Skytop into a successful beer bar.   Then the greedy landlords  put the whole section of buildings up for sale. Five years later the entire section is still boarded off, and unsold. Everyone had to move, including Dr. Belen who had her medical office in this complex. 

Most of the women in this video will never work together again while my tailor had to move his shop. The video was generating 6000 hits a day until the Prudish YouTube censors struck.

A Mothers for a boring Nation prude must have complained to YouTube which immediately classified it as an adult movie. I have no idea of who complained or why.

Perhaps it was the underage gal in the video. Which would be Wan’s daughter who is not working in the bar or drinking.  Years later Wan’s daughter earned a four year university degree.  And now she’s teaching school.  My Thai girlfriend is in this video and she’s not working at a bar either. One of my favorite waitresses who used to work at the Girl Beer Bar in Naklua is also in this video. This video shows a lot of friends having a great time. There’s no nudity whatsoever. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the cute girl shaking her butt to the music that caused someone to complain to YouTube. Which drove the Prudish YouTube censors to classify this video as an adult movie.

If only Hitler and his Nazi minions had YouTube censorship eighty years ago.  They could have purged all voices of dissent to extinction in one month.

There would be no need for concentration camps or gas chambers, firing squads or torturing the opposition. The mechanism is simple.

Most people are unthinking, lazy automatons who believe what they hear from any seemingly well meaning organization whether it’s the Nazis, the Republicans, Facebook, You Tube or Google.  Which owns You Tube. So if I am able to control Google I am able to control what the entire world sees, hears and believes by restricting my content.

The fact is that when you age restrict a YouTube video most people will not want to have to sign in with their email address to attest  they are over 21. And if you don’t believe that, you had better look at that graph again.

Which now bring up how the Prudish YouTube censors destroyed my audience in the second YouTube video

Two of the girls, Pai and Tri are friends of ours.  My girlfriend and I had called Pai to invite her to a party at the Pen Bar and Pai brought Tri along with her. It’s Tri and Pai who are doing the most dancing in this video. I had known both Pai and Tri for years, and  my girlfriend and I were plying them with alcohol at this party. Neither was working for the Pen bar so I really don’t understand how You Tube could possibly claim this content was adult or improper.

Nevertheless the Mothers for a More Boring Nation misfits flagged the video which brought it to the attention of Prudish YouTube censors.  Who decided to age restrict the video by requiring potential viewers to sign in with their email addresses that they were over 21 .

The bottom line for their doing this is that certain people were jealous of the attractive sexy Thai women dancing in the video.

Some of these might have been women. On the other hand they might be men who are upset  because they will never be able to be with some of the women in the video or other women who look a lot like them due to their having a wife and kids at home or not having enough money to travel to such places as Thailand where sexy attractive women still exist.

One thing’s for sure, though, and that is there’s nothing pornographic about this video. In fact it’s about as far from deserving an R rating as a Mickey Mouse cartoon,

and if you don’t believe me, just check out this video for yourselves and make up your own mind. As for me, I’m thinking of changing this video’s meta tags over at YouTube to include such key words as adult rated, ultra sensuous, too wild for You Tube and so forth. After all, if YouTube says this video is adult and requires people to attest to their not being children by signing in with their email addresses.    Then obviously this video has to be adult.

Here’s the exact email I just got from You Tube. Pay attention though to the bold test which will tell you all you need to know about You Tube’s censorship policies.

Regarding your account:Jack Corbett

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content that may not be suitable for all viewers: As a result, we have age-restricted this content.

What the email says is that whatever Prudish YouTube censors don’t agree with will be age restricted.

Let me emphasize the key words here, “contain certain content that may not be suitable for all viewers.” Well here’s what I got to say about that.

 Returning to my home here in Thailand yesterday afternoon from a two week trip to the U.S., I was appalled.  And horrified to find that Americans had gotten to be fatter than ever.

On one flight alone, from Phoenix to Seattle there was only one woman on the plane who wasn’t fat. Most were what I’d call obese. It is a fact, and you can check this out on the internet if you don’t believe me.    The average weight of Americans has risen twenty-five pounds over what Americans used to weight twenty-five years ago. And on that flight, most of the women  were human sausages.

Now I think all YouTube videos depicting women and men as human sausages should be age restricted.

I would like to appoint a group of my Pattaya based friends  to a YouTube panel of judges. I will empower my judges to age restrict any videos they don’t agree with. That way I can be a paragon of virtue. And to be able to accomplish what is really best for my fellow Americans. I can then get my judges flag all YouTube videos that I dislike.  And have my panel of friends age restrict these videos.

So where shall we start?  Well….first of all I think it is a matter of public interest that all YouTube videos that show fat people should be flagged.

We don’t need to have fat people in the movies posing as role models for young people today.  After all too many of our young men are obese as it is.  And we certainly don’t want to have any more fat kids who are unable to pass our military services’ physical fitness tests.  Now don’t laugh.  This is a matter of our nation’s national security.

These  YouTube judges  must certify only those videos that show physically fit, slender young men and women.   And age restrict all videos that show the unfit, and overweight sad sacks that are poor examples of American might.

The reason for doing this is that we will achieve a real measuring stick for what men and women need to look like.  The way they appeared for thousands of years before television, the internet, three cars in every garage and fast food transformed  them into a bunch of couch potatoes who are barely able to walk across the street.

Only then can we produce the same kind of physically fit cannon fodder that the United States was able to field during World War I and II.

As it is, Americans are the laughing stock of the world.   Just remember that I live in Thailand.  And even though the Thais and practically everyone else in this world are getting fat, the U.S. still leads the pack.

When Thais and other Asians think of Americans they see them as grossly overweight creatures who need golf karts  to get them from one end of the supermarket to the other.

As for me, it’s really starting to get embarrassing.  That’s because whenever someone asks me where I come from, I keep telling him I’m from Canada.  Or from somewhere else where people believe in still getting a little exercise to keep their weight down.

I really dislike Chinese. I find that most Chinese are rude, unscrupulous, arrogant pricks who are among the most uncreative people on earth. When they produce anything it’s usually of such cheap quality that it falls apart in one tenth the time that American and German products disintegrate into worthless junk. They are good at copying and selling products that other countries originated and that’s about it. They are dirty and their morals are truly in the basement. And the Chinese sell children’s toys laden with poison.  Their cars, trucks and coal burning furnaces pollute the earth.  And their waterways and beaches are choked with polluted garbage.

So in my videos that I  allow on YouTube with no age restriction will not have any Chinese in them. Why by the time I get done you will think  that Chinese food is inedible.

We won’t show any fat people either. And no fast food restaurants. And while my chosen group of  Prudish YouTube censors are at it, we will purge all videos of anyone drinking beer or overeating.  Meanwhile we will allow without restriction any videos that show people exercising and eating wholesome and healthy foods can accomplish.

So when me and my friends put ourselves on the You Tube Board of censors

We will be able to restrict the number of viewers that will be able to view fat people or Chinese to less than 2 percent of what they would otherwise be.   

Don’t believe me?  Just remember, most of you are sheep.  Therefore you are hopeless non thinking automatons who are too lazy to actually think for yourselves.

In the meantime Jack Corbett Productions no longer has to put up with Prudish YouTube censors.  Fortunately I did not cut any corners with my Alpha Productions web site.  Which has the power to stream video the same way YouTube does.   Here’s too examples the Prudish YouTube censors banned which you can now view from Alpha Productions whether you have a smart phone or computer.

And my non cruelty cockfighting video YouTube purged because of complaints from Non thinking human rights activists.

Shangrila Pattaya brings the fountain of youth to old men

I’m in Seattle now thinking about how Shangrila Pattaya brings the fountain of youth to old men.  As I  look out from the Days Inn parking lot at the nearby hotels all of them close to the airport and onto the street. It’s night time and I see all around me an emptiness in sterile surroundings compared to where I’ve just come from, and thankfully where I’ve been living for the past eight years.

Pattaya is in Thailand.  But the guys who are fortunate enough to live here should be calling it Shangrila Pattaya

Pullman Hotel is just 400 meters from my condo. But only 200 meters away is the Long Beach Surf and Turf Restaurant where I can have dinner and drinks just 15 meters from the water’s edge.

In contrast, the streets in Shangrila Pattaya are alive.  Being full of people from all over the world.  Here in Shangrila Pattaya there are restaurants everywhere. Thai restaurants, German restaurants, Russian restaurants, Swiss, French. You name it and Pattaya’s got it. And so many so closely packed together, and this is not to even mention as the bars, and all the street vendors peddling their goods up and down the street and into the bars, from women’s clothing, shoes, watches, street food, friend grasshoppers and other insects, street food, and gadgets of all kinds.

Some of the vendors carry their goods on foot while others carry their small shops side car style mounted on small motorbikes. There’s Atms everywhere, and Family Marts and Seven Elevens, sometimes up to half a dozen of them all within two blocks of each other. I will enjoy renting a car here in Seattle and being able to drive in Washington and Oregon’s beautiful mountains, but I can’t wait to get back, and I’ve only been away for twenty-four hours. Who wouldn’t want to get back if they were already living in Shangrila?

 The 1937 movie “Lost Horizon” compels me to call my new home Shangrila Pattaya

Shangrila Pattaya
Frank Capra filmed “Lost Horizon” in 1937. The movie went so far over budget that it took over 5 years to recoup its production costs.

Two nights ago I watched the movie “Lost Horizon” for the first time. Shot in 1937 this classic was about a small group of Westerners who are barely able to escape from a mob of Chinese bandits in Shanghai. Luckily the group is able to barely escape with their lives by getting on the only available passenger plane at the airport.

Unknown to the small group of passengers, the plane’s new pilot overpowers the pilot.  Who then hijacks the plane and kidnaps its passengers who he flies to a mysterious valley in the Himalayas. But he doesn’t quite make it. The plane crash lands in the mountains and the kidnapper is killed during the crash landing. Facing starvation with no hope of escaping the small group of passengers are rescued by an expedition of Tibetan porters who escort them through the hazardous narrow mountain passes to a beautiful city where the sun always seems to shine called Shangrila.

At Shangrila the passengers find there’s more than enough gold for everyone living there.

In the movie, Shangrila has a mild climate, there’s no war, crime or envy there. There’s more than enough of everything because its inhabitants can trade an endless supply of gold trade for whatever they need to the outside world.

The passengers soon learn that the residents of Shangrila live to be hundreds of years old, so long as they remain in Shangrila. One of the group is a terminally ill prostitute who’s been given less than a year to live. She will recover, however due to the miraculous life extending capacity of Shangrila.

Meanwhile, two brothers fall in love with two of Shangrila’s female residents. Unfortunately, the younger brother falls for a woman who is possibly Shangrila’s only disgruntled resident, a beautiful Russian woman who appears to be still in her twenties but who is actually well up in her sixties. The Russian woman is able to convince first the younger brother, and then the older brother, that the leaders of the Shangrila community have lied to everyone, and that Shangrila’s ability to extend the human lifetime is a complete sham.

But the other passengers become so content with Shangrila that the two brothers are unable to convince them to leave.

The Russian woman and the two brothers set out through the hazardous passes in the mountains with a group of sherpas they’ve hired to take them back to civilization. But the sherpas are all killed in an avalanche, and the Russian woman reverts to her true age. Without the strength to climb the high passes of the Himilayans she dies of exposure, and the younger brother commits suicide now that he’s learned the real truth about Shangrila.

The older brother is barely able to get out of the mountains alive after being rescued by a group of Chinese, and eventually he is repatriated in England. For weeks he is unable to remember anything about what has happened.   Eventually when his memory returns he disappears. At the end of the movie there’s a lot of speculation that he went on a quest to once again find his Shangrila, and that eventually after a couple of years he finally found his way back again through the mountains.

The men discussing his disappearance ask the man who’s just returned from a two year search looking for him, “Do you really believe in such a place as Shangrila?” to which the storyteller replies, “I believe it because I really want such a place to really exist. And for all of us, we must all forever hope that for each of us that such a place really exists.”

So what does this movie have to do with Shangrila Pattaya and my having lived there for eight years?

At 7:00 a.m I’m sitting at a hotel near the Seattle airport about ready to get on my next flight.  And I’m thinking how much I’d rather be living in Pattaya than anywhere else.

I also cannot think of many Westerners who’s lived in Shangrila Pattaya for very long who would trade it for anything. All those American, English, German, and other European expats dread the thought of ever having to move back to their home countries. I will admit, however to having one American friend who’d much rather be in the Philippines rather than in Thailand where he owns a condo. And I know of one Swiss, one Spaniard, and one Englishman who have either moved to Malaysia or who are hoping to go there in search of greener pastures. All of them, I think, are deluded.

The fountain of youth really exists in Shangrila Pattaya.   Although in a different way than most of us think of the fountain of youth.  Or the way it exists in the Shangila movie, “Lost Horizon”.

Last week while swimming in our condo swimming pool I encountered a  29 year old Russian man who  married a Russian woman last month.   Who then brought his wife to Thailand for their honeymoon. The man told me, “We Russians have thought it so strange to be seeing all these old European and other Western men all walking down the street holding hands with these very young Thai women and how the Thai woman oftentimes wind up living with all those old men.

And then the more I thought about it, I thought, “Those old men back in their own countries are only just old men. They sit there doing practically nothing only being old men.

Is it foolish to be an old man who surrounds himself with beautiful young women? Think about it.

And then they come here and suddenly all these young beautiful Thai women keep telling them they are attractive.  So what happens is all those old men actually start behaving a lot younger than they are.  And they have fun, and enjoy themselves.”

And of course, I’ve had many men in their fifties, sixties and even seventies tell me, “Look, back home you can’t get such women to even look at you, and if you try to have anything to do with them, they see you only as being dirty old men.”

But what happens is all of those incurably old men come to Shangrila Pattaya and suddenly they start to feel as if they are twenty again.

Have sex with twenty year olds? No problem. Have a twenty or thirty year old girlfriend stay with you for years, again, no problem. Want to have another child only this time with a woman who’s twenty, thirty or even forty years younger than you? No problem at all. The woman’s all for it.

What happens is the young Thai women make the older man feel attractive and virile again.  His mind tells him he’s a young man again.  And then he becomes what his mind is telling him.

His mind  operates a lot quicker.  He regains his sex drive.   His step  becomes more youthful.   While his confidence jumps from rock bottom to what he had when he was just 18.   Before other men snatched up the best looking women.

If I were to say that for every attractive Western woman there’s a hundred good looking Thai women, I’d be lying. I’d be lying because the ratio is more like 200 or even 500 to one.

And it’s not only that. Most of them, or at least the ones we are likely to meet in such places as Pattaya are available to all of those “Old Men”. There’s massage places everywhere, and it only costs six bucks for a one hour full body massage. And trust me, there’s nothing like a one hour or two hour Thai massage or oil massage where one gets a woman’s full 100 percent attention.

next to the ocean
About one hour from Pattaya close to Rayong, I rented this motorbike in order to perform one of my motorcycle road tests.

One can drive a motorbike everyday of the year here. Even if it rains and one gets wet on a motorbike one usually dries out in a hurry. And if a man wants to stay dry he can always carry along a light weight rain suit. Although many of us have cars as well, nearly all of us expats drive small motorbikes, and believe me, there’s nothing like driving small motorbikes to make a man feel like a little kid again.

Pattaya’s got great infrastructure. There’s an eight line highway all the way to the main Bangkok airport, a drive which usually take just an hour and fifteen minutes or so. There’s a lot of great shopping here and the place even has some excellent bookstores. It’s got great hospitals and in general health are that’s just a fraction of what it costs in the U.S. and it’s so much more efficient.

In the U.S. and in most of Europe if you go to a bar about all you have to look forward to is getting a DWI which involves spending a lot of money and probably having to spend at least one night in jail.

Who needs that? Last week I put away god knows how many beers, and when I looked at my watch it was three minutes until 2 which his my curfew. After all, I do have a girlfriend and she expects me back at 2, so believe it or not I got home on my motorbike in just two minutes driving perhaps 4 kilometers. At that late hour the traffic was nearly non existent.

The last thing I  worry about is cops because I have never seen a Thai policeman ever pull anyone over because he was drinking and driving. Now don’t get me wrong, I never drink and drive my car here because I feel it’s too risky.  I drive my motorbike instead.  So the only person I think I’m going to kill is myself.  And with the late hours traffic so non-existent,  I can drive that bike of mine  with both of my eyes closed.

I’ve got a beach 150 yards from me and a great health club to exercise in.

The infrastructure here in Pattaya Shangrila is terrific. This is the Fitness Center at the five star Centara Grand Mirage Hotel. I go here five days a week.

If the climate ever seemed too hot for me, I think I’ve pretty well acclimized myself by now. I’m flying to St. Louis in a few hours and I can practically guarantee you that St. Louis on August 1st is going to be hot and a lot more uncomfortable than it is for me in Pattaya. I’d say that if the year round climate where I live averaged just 3 degrees cooler that it would be just about perfect.

As it was for the people of Shangrila money really is no real object for me here. It simply goes a lot further than it does in the United States which enables me to have an even more comfortable lifestyle with access to infinitely more women, with far more night life and bars around me, and I’m still able to save a lot more money than I ever was before.

Is Shangrila Pattaya perfect? No way. There’s hardly any sidewalks here.  The place is awfully corrupt, and the ocean is a bit too polluted. But the corruption hardly ever affects me, and it’s still a beautiful ocean. If I want to swim in it all I have to do is take a 40 minute ferry ride to Koh Larn. As for the lack of sidewalks and all those amenities. Well…one could say it just makes life more interesting.

100 percent exercise focus at the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort

.While doing one hour on the elliptical machine here at the five star Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort  I exercise focus. This is because there’s only one way to do certain things–the right way.

exercise focus at Centara Grand Mirage Resort
The Centara Grand Mirage Resort is where I exercise focus. The surroundings here are beautiful. There’s an old saying. “No Pain, no gain.” Enjoying the terrific ambiance here is my reward for going through all the pain in this resort’s fitness center.

Exercise focus are the keywords to exercising the right way

That’s why I will continue to use these two key words from now on.  This is because if you forget “exercise focus” you might as well forget about going to the gym.

I have my own USB device in the slot.  Which means I’m listening to my own music instead of the hotel’s.  Which is pretty awful. I’m not learning Thai.  I have another USB device with thirty half hour Pimsleur Thai lessons.  Which I used to listen to while doing my workout.

The reason I’m not is I concentrate too much on the Thai lessons.   When I really need to have exercise focus on my mind.  So when I finish my hour on the machine I use up only 600 calories.  If that much.  It’s also a letdown so trying to learn Thai on the machine makes me less motivated.

Exercise focus requires paying close attention to what you wish to achieve

If I play the right kind of music, I’ll get 700 calories out of the machine. That means in five sessions, if I don’t eat or drink too much,  I’ll lose 3500 calories.  And it takes 3600 calories to lose just one pound.  So if  I’m doing 5.5 exercise sessions per week,  I can lose 1 pound a week or four pounds a month.  And I’m probably hitting the machine harder than anyone else in the room unless it’s Lutz the East German who sometimes works out on the machine next to me. What this place really needs, and what every similarly equipped exercise in the world needs are specially engineered machines that operate a lot like slot machines.

The principal behind such machines is the same whether the exercise machine is an elliptical machine, which is my favorite in the whole place, a treadmill, bicycling machine or stair climber.

Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort focus exercise
Notice the electronic control panel on this stair climber exercise machine. As with so many other exercise machines here at the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort I can exercise  focus by keeping track of the calories I burn off. I can also plug in my music Usb into these control panels. Listening to the right music pumps me up so that I work much harder. Listening to the right music burns off 750 calories instead of say only 600.

The Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort has USB slots in most of these types, most of which retail for at least $10,000.  But the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort is a five star hotel where the equipment alone here costs a fortune to buy and maintain.

I pay a lot of money to be a member of the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort physical fitness center where I get what I pay for. And I get a body that weighs just 75 kilograms which is the same I weighed in College.  Which is not bad considering that was over forty years ago when I was on the college cross country running team. I have a pretty good idea of what I’m doing.

But most people don’t focus exercise which is perhaps the main reason why Americans weigh twenty-five pounds more than they did when I was back in college.

Focus exercise is the whole idea behind the slot machine like exercise machines I have in mind.  I’d like to stick all that overindulgence in fattening foods right in the faces of anyone exercising on my machines.

When I think of that article Newsweek printed several years ago suggesting that exercising did not help Americans burn off calories because it tended to create an excuse for snacking afterwards, I keep thinking of all the dumb people I’ve met in the gym over the years including the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort .

The gist of the Newsweek article went like this. A person goes through his/her exercise routine, and after completing it, feels good about himself/herself which becomes reason enough for having a couple of drinks or having a piece of cheesecake or other desert. So whatever calories one’s consumed by exercising is now more than made up by the extra food intake, beer, coca colas or other soft drinks. When I read that article I felt Newsweek was being extremely irresponsible because the message I was getting was, “Why exercise. It really doesn’t do any good.”

exercise focus at Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort
It isn’t easier to exercise focus at the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort. But if you live less than half a mile from such a state of the art facility, why not?

I’m still going to get to my idea for a new line of exercise machines that will indelibly impress exercise focus upon the minds of their users

It’s just going to take a little longer to explain.

Keep in mind that when I go out at night, I might drink as many as 14 beers.  After all, I live in Pattaya which is the most fun city on the planet. I really enjoy the comradely of my friends who come from all over the world.  From countries such as Germany, Norway, England, Austria, and even in my home country, the U.S.  Pattaya hardly never closes, and the women are the most beautiful in the world. The problem is it’s so much fun here that men have major problems keeping out of the bars.

Realizing this, I will go out and try to have a great time, but I will also limit such fun times to a manageable level. Say 14 beers.

What that means is I must exercise like hell the next day for an entire hour, and I do mean hard. Weight lifting, leg lifts, chin ups and all that doesn’t even count.  Even if you do it at the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort fitness center

I need to be going flat out without let up as hard as I can for one whole hour straight.  And all that intermittent activity is simply not going to do the job. As for strength and muscle tone, doing the elliptical or rowing machine is going to give me all the muscle I’m going to need.  Especially when I am also doing the 45 minute swimming sessions.

Even at that, I’m still deceiving myself.  If I do not exercise focus.  I must remember that I drank 14 beers so exercising flat out for an hour the next day is only going to get rid of seven beers.  So I will still have to come out to do another hour’s exercise the next day to get rid of the remaining 700 calories.  And that’s only if I”m drinking San Miguel Lights which according to San Miguel contain only 100 calories a bottle. If I had been drinking Heinekens or Singhas at 160 calories a bottle I’d would have only exercised away 8.75 bottles of Heineken after two nights of pummeling my body on the elliptical machine.

This is what I mean by exercise focus.  In order to keep the pounds off, one has to pay very close attention to how one is exercising.

What I have in mind for those who cannot figure all this out are slot machine like displays. The way it works is this: Say it takes a person fifteen minutes to do 160 calories. That’s one beer whereas a light beer runs around 100-110 calories. So whenever someone’s exercising does 160 calories an icon of a beer bottle comes up. Suppose then that the same person does 320 calories and it takes him half an hour to do it. A new icon comes up with two bottles of beer on it.

But there’s got to be a lot more to it than that.  Even though the exercise machine is getting the right message across. But think about what’s happening so far. Whoever’s exercising on this machine has worked out pretty hard and it’s taken him half an hour just to balance out two beers he’s consumed the night before or the six beers he’s thinking about drinking tonight. After forty-five minutes have passed, chances are he’s starting to feel the strain of so much exercise, and yet, an icon for just three beers pops up. So far, the machine has shown him just where he stands by

introducing the Jack’s Corbett’s Theory of Relativity. Which is: it’s easy to down three bottles of beer but it takes considerable effort to eliminate their fattening effect on the human body.

The machines need to be programmed to do more than just showing how many beers a user’s burned off.  I suggest showing light beers as well. Because one never knows ahead of time if his progress will be measured in light beers or regular beers. So when the icons come up, for the number of light beers a person’s removed from his growing beer belly, two light beers will equal 220 calories. But…to make the program even more informative and effective we need to throw in Coca Colas and other soft drinks such as Sprites, Orange Fantas and so on. What most Americans don’t realize or want to conveniently forget is that a single one of these soft drinks will be roughly the same as a bottle of regular beer—160 calories.

Getting back to that old Newsweek article, whoever wrote it, suggests that most Americans who exercise use whatever exercise they do at the health club as an excuse to get an ice cream, a piece of pie or something else that’s full of empty calories.

So the exercise machines need to also be programmed to pop up icons of pieces of pie, ice cream sundaes, etc.

Things are now starting to get very interesting for whoever’s using the machines. Still, we haven’t gone far enough. What we really need is a computer program for exercise machines that can compete with video games and Facebook.  So I suggest that all exercise machines employ a feedback system  similar to what the  Pattaya Centara to the Grand Mirage Beach Resort exercise machines.  When they ask users to key in their weight, age, and exercise goals.

Suppose for example that a man takes fifty minutes to do just 320 calories on the machine.

When he finishes his exercise a message can pop up that reads, “You Lazy Sloth.  My grandmother can do better than that.”

Or a 16 year old male gets off an exercise machine after exercising for just fifteen minutes.  A message pops up that reads, “For a 16 year old you are very soft. We doubt that the Army would ever accept you.  And if it did, you’d be sure to fail basic training.”

For a young woman who gets off an exercise machine after just ten minutes a message might pop up that reads, “You will soon become a fat cow if you keep such a lazy performance up.”

Or say a man who’s keyed in his weight at 95 kilos puts in a bad performance on the machine will be prompted with a message that reads, “You really are a sad tub of lard. Be content with remaining fat for the rest of your life.”

I know all of this sounds harsh, but people need to know the truth. And the truth is the world as we once knew it is rapidly becoming a world of fat.

Even the Chinese are getting fat due to their becoming more affluent.  And being able to adopt an American diet of Kentucky Fried Chicken and fries, McDonald’s, Pizza, and Burger King Whoppers.

Believe me, I’m not just picking on Americans. As

a German doctor once told me, “I don’t care what country the young people are coming from but when you look at World War II and what we Germans, you Americans, the Russians, English, etc went through none of us would be able to endure what all those soldiers survived.

People today have gotten so soft.” Americans are still among the hardest working people on earth. Their problem is they’ve just gotten way too fat.

But Americans, I noticed a long time ago, have adopted an exercise system of their own. It goes like this. An American man or woman age 16 to 50 goes to the health club. He/she now runs around the track for a couple of minutes or uses a weight machine and then this individual heads to the drinking fountain. It’s now time to take in everyone who’s nearby who’s also going through the motions of exercising. Our busy walker now begins to talk with whoever else is around that he or she knows.

After a few minutes it’s time to do another set of weights or whatever the person is doing. Perhaps even a minute or two of running around the track. But two minutes will be pretty extreme for such a person. The key after all is to check out who else is there, to engage in a little idle chit chat and then to run off to the sauna or Jacuzzi in order to find even more people to gossip with. The presence of a sauna, steam room or a Jacuzzi is very critical in a decent exercise facility because our stalwart exercise afficionado cannot manage all this self deception forever. Only by spending at least ten minutes in the hot tub/Jacuzzi, Sauna, Steam Room can the self-deluder have the slightest excuse for believing that any meaningful time was spent at any of the health club’s facilities.

Okay…it that’s the American style of exercise, what’s the Asian way?

Thankfully I’m in a very good position to answer that one.  Because when I’m over exercising at the Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Fitness Center I’ve got a lot more Asians exercising around me than Americans. I’ll have to say roughly half the Asians who come here on a regular basis actually do spend a little time at it. All of these would be Thais, however.  Because if they exercise week in and week out, they must be Pattaya residents. I’ve heard from the employees here that twenty of them are doctors.

But there’s a lot of Asians who exercise who are  Pattaya Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort guests paying  at least $150 to $200 a night to stay here. These are the least committed of all. They are also the fattest because they do not exercise focus.

Most of the young ones will get on the elliptical machine for about five minutes and that’s about it. And very few of them will do the rowing machine on account of its being too difficult for them. If they were Americans I’d really be embarrassed for them, but they aren’t. Then there are the older ones.  And they are from all over Asia be it from Thailand, Korea, China or wherever.  Oftentimes I’ve seen them answering calls on their cell phones while going through the motions of exercising on the elliptical machine or treadmill. The Koreans in particular have a particular affinity for completely ruining an exercise session because their cell phones are more important to them than staying trim and fit. But the High So’s from Bangkok also appear to be pretty competent with their cell phones.

And then there are the Iphone worshipers. These might be the most pathetic of the entire lot. I keep wanting to ask them. “How can you do any kind of a job exercising while you are playing around on your iphone?”  How can you exercise focus doing that?

Then there are the swimmers. Now don’t get me wrong, there are actually Thais who take their swimming seriously. On the other hand, this hotel gets extremely crowded with rich people staying here who are from Bangkok. I wind up oftentimes seeing a young guy bring his girlfriend or wife to the lap pool which is right in front of the elliptical machines. So I am able to observe their exercise methods thoroughly.

In most cases the women do a lot more swimming than their soft bellied men.  The woman might actually swim two or three laps in the twenty-five meter lap pool.  While her boyfriend or husband meanders around for a few feet.  Then walks halfway down the length of the pool before ascending the ladder so that he can get his rest.  Or immediately retires to one of the recliners so that he can watch his woman swim a couple of times around the pool.

Once in awhile a young man might bring his woman to the middle of the lap pool where he starts making out with her while being completely unaware of the other swimmers trying to get around them. This in a 25 meter lap pool where swimmers should exercise focus.

The Norwegians and the Swedes, the English, and the Germans, Dutch etc are usually health club members.  Who  pay a princely sum for a year’s membership.   On the whole being a frugal people such Europeans are pretty serious about their exercise. And then there are the Russians, some of whom undoubtedly stay here full time like myself. But a large portion of the Russians are hotel guests who do not have annual health club memberships. Most Russians are pretty serious about their exercise programs. However, most of the Russian men seem to go out for the weight lifting and the hotel’s ample lineup of strength building machines.

Having huge muscular bodies seems to be a pretty macho thing with such Russians.  I’ve seen a lot of the Russian women about as dedicated as the men.

There’s more Russian women than men, however, who go for the aerobics machines such as the elliptical, stair climbers, treadmills and so on. Some of these Russian women are very dedicated and they have the bodies to prove it. I remember one attractive Russian woman in her middle twenties to early thirties who’d exercise nearly every day for three hours straight. But I think I’ll call her, “Icy Eyes” because not once over a two month period did she ever smile at either me or any of my friends.  Nor did she so much as say hello even after she was spoken to first. I heard she had taken a room for two months for herself and one of her children. So figuring $200 for the room over sixty nights that would come to $12,000.

But once again, as I’ve said before, the entire world is turning to fat.  Someone should pay me a lot for writing this article.  For showing how important the keywords exercise focus is to keeping a slender attractive body.  And divulging the concept for a lot of future profits. No matter what company produces the software for the  new Jack Corbett exercise machines.  Potential profits can easily run into the millions.   Perhaps billions of dollars.  While saving the entire planet from its present course of Irreversible obesity.

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